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09-14 投稿



inaudible 发音

英:[ɪnˈɔːdəbl]  美:[ɪnˈɔːdəbl]

英:  美:

inaudible 中文意思翻译



inaudible 网络释义

adj. 听不见的;不可闻的

inaudible 短语词组

1、inaudible code ─── 听不见的代码

2、inaudible whispering ─── 听不见的耳语

3、inaudible melodies ─── 听不见的旋律

4、inaudible lab ─── 听不见的实验室

5、inaudible release ─── 听不见的释放

6、inaudible sound ─── 听不见的声音

7、inaudible whisper ─── 听不见的耳语

inaudible 词性/词形变化,inaudible变形

名词: inaudibility |副词: inaudibly |

inaudible 同义词

out of earshot | soft | silent | unhearable | imperceptible | still |quiet | noiseless | faint | low | soundless

inaudible 反义词


inaudible 相似词语短语

1、inedible ─── adj.不能吃的

2、infusible ─── adj.不熔化的;不熔化性的

3、ineludible ─── adj.逃脱不了的;无法避免的

4、inducible ─── adj.可诱导的;可导致的

5、includible ─── adj.可包括在内的

6、inaidable ─── 不可否认的

7、incredible ─── adj.不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

8、audible ─── adj.听得见的

9、inaudibly ─── adv.听不见似地

inaudible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The upper-middle-classes communicate with each other in inaudible squeaks, like bats. ─── 那些上中层社会的人交谈起来象是蚊子在哼哼,你根本听不见。

2、"Everything is possible," said Monte Cristo, rising from the bench on which he had been sitting; "even," he added in an inaudible voice, "even that the procureur be not dead. ─── “的确,一切事情都是可能的,”基督山离开了他所坐的长凳,站起身来,“甚至”,他低声接着说道,“或许那位检察官并没有死。

3、Yes, wind is my favorite, in which even breathing becomes inaudible, yet the voice of heart is loud. ─── 我一直喜欢风。在风里听不见自己的呼吸,却能听见心灵。

4、His voice was almost inaudible. ─── 他的声音几乎听不见。

5、Student: INAUDIBLE Hazel Prof: no. Thats easy. You can try with Hazel, she might be able to tell you. But I doubt it. ─── 学生:,教授:不,这很简单,你可以看看,她可能能告诉你,但是我不确定。

6、Her voice, softened by the wine, was less steely and almost inaudible beneath the booming of the fireworks; ─── 戴教授说,她的声音因为刚喝了酒而变得很柔和,在焰火的声响中几乎听不见。

7、His voice had fallen to an almost inaudible whisper, yet it thundered in Feng Yun-ching's ears. ─── 何慎庵满脸正经地回答,嗓子低到几乎叫人听不明白。

8、"That what inaudible also, " Thompson says, "And whats were lost sight of. ─── “那将什么也听不见了,”汤普森说,“并且什么也看不见了。”

9、His voice was so faint as to be almost inaudible. ─── 他的声音是如此模糊以至于几乎听不到。

10、The siren of the cars was still inaudible and the routine life of city would be in another hour to start. ─── 远方的汽笛声还没有响起,一切城市里的喧嚣还要再等一个多小时重新演绎。

11、There was such a creaking and groaning and rattling, and such an ominous shaking throughout the crazy edifice, that the loudest rap would have been inaudible to those within. ─── 凭借老太婆手里的灯,布朗看到这箱子用道道铁箍封得严严实实,又用许多铁皮铁钉加固,成为一只固若金汤的容器,好储藏百年财富,以备不时之需。

12、These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world. ─── 真知灼见总是陷入孤独(所谓曲高寡和),人入尘世,音归于无形。

13、Ashen and abstract, I suppose, are two very difficult qualities to reproduce on stage, because they'd be inaudible. ─── 苍白的,概念化的,我想这是两种在舞台上很难表现的特征,因为会听不到。

14、Experimental results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is inaudible and robust against various signal processing such as noising adding, lossy compression, low pass filtering, re-sampling, and re-quantifying. ─── 实验结果表明,该自适应数字音频水印嵌入算法不仅具有较好的透明性,而且对诸如叠加噪声、有损压缩、低通滤波、重新采样、重新量化等攻击均具有较好的鲁棒性。

15、"For any one but yourself," Madame Merle mentally observed; but the reflection was perfectly inaudible ─── “除了你自己,”梅尔夫人在心里说,但这样的话,别人当然是听不到的。

16、not necessarily inaudible but not heard. ─── 不一定听不见但没有被听见。

17、And it doesn't seem to me that there is grass-roots, broad support for the behavior of diplomats, say, stealing [inaudible] DNA. ─── 而且这不会在我看来,有基层,广泛支持的外交官的行为,例如偷窃[无声]的DNA。

18、The little girl dropped her aunt a clumsy curtsey, murmuring an inaudible greeting ─── 小姑娘向她的姑妈笨拙地行了一个礼,喃喃地说了几句听不见的问候话。

19、Before this lens wall she jumped 9 years, her teacher and classmates forgot her almost is inaudible any sound.. ─── 在这面镜壁前她跳了9年,她的老师和同学们几乎忘了她是位听不见任何声音...

20、If the operating frequency is supersonic, the valve operation should be inaudible to humans. ─── 如果操作的频率是超声波的,那么人们是听不到阀门运转的。

21、The support that (inaudible) describes included Iraq offering chemical or biological weapons training for two Al Qaida associates beginning in December 2000. ─── 伊拉克提供的支持包括从2000年月12月起向基地组织的两个合作者提供生化武器的训练。

22、The inaudible and noiseless foot of Time. ─── 时间的不可听见的无声脚步。

23、The man fell down, and let out an almost inaudible moan. ─── 这个男的摔倒了,发出了一声极其微弱的呻吟。

24、Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes ─── 它们是小小的有声的链子,把巨大的无声的感情和意图连在一起。

25、Before, had man of wealth, his to have young wife, her to be a little also inaudible deaf person. ─── 畴前,有个富翁,他有个年青的老婆,她是个一点儿也听不见的石聋子。

26、A prenatal ultrasound test uses high-frequency sound waves, inaudible to the human ear..... ─── 这段话的意思是对胎儿的超声波运用高频声波,人类是听不到的......

27、The powertrain including the propulsion ram is inaudible inside the car giving a smooth and quiet ride. ─── 动力装置包括驱动臂在客卡内是听不到的,令搭乘显得畅顺及宁静。

28、Many frogs' are in the treble range, but some animal calls are so bass that at least part of the sound is inaudible to humans. ─── 大部分蛙的声音都是颤音,但有些动物的叫声非常低沉,有些声音人耳根本听不到。

29、Put up your hands if you think you see what I mean. Okay Student: Inaudible No, that's actually not what I mean there. ─── 如果明白就举手,好,学生:,教授:不,这不是我的意思,Prof。:,Um…

30、And so to clarify matters we often need to work with a very [word inaudible] model, that has no particular connection with any particular country. ─── 为了阐明这些我们经常要用到非常(听不清的一个词语)的模型,在任何特别的国家没有特别的联系。

31、According to this theory short waves would be inaudible at about 100 kilometers, which is exactly what happened. ─── 根据这一理论,大约100公里之外,就收听不到短波。当时发生的情况恰恰如此。

32、Soon, the cast members were inaudible and the entire program was cancelled. ─── 很快,由于台下听不到台上的演员的声音,其它的节目也不得不连着一起取消了。

33、th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time ─── 时间的不可听见的无声脚步

34、Under normal circumstances, such waves are utterly inaudible, even though astronomers think they reverberate through our bodies all the time. ─── 在一般的情况下,即便天文学家认为重力波无时无刻都在穿透我们的身体,我们却完全听不到。

35、Additional visual alarms must be provided where noisy equipment might make emergency alarms inaudible. ─── 在设备噪音可能淹没紧急警报声之处,必须额外提供可视报警。

36、50) to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet. ─── 这种声波可以在三英尺的范围内驱赶蚊虫,而人耳却听不见。

37、Being inaudible and with a mechanism of bio-resonance, infrasound has a brilliant perspective when applied to biomedicine. ─── 次声的作用机理是生物共振,次声应用于生物医学,前景将会十分广阔。

38、After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose.The man fell down, and let out an almost inaudible moan. ─── 他迅速站起来,但明显是费了很大的劲,然后又开始一声不吭地用伞打我的头。

39、He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible. ─── 他走过来同在场的人一一握手,嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

40、Atmospheric acoustics is the study of propagation of sound waves in the atmosphere. Listed in it is the study of infra-sonics, which focuses on inaudible, low-frequency sounds. ─── 研究声音在大气中传播特性的科学称为大气声学,当中的次声学便是专注于人耳无法听到的低频声音。

41、Here, to know where this [inaudible] is, you need to know you transform the descriptions to find, finally, the position of your end factor. ─── 这里没有关节位置的计算,我们只是简单的把这些“吸引力”应用到目标上。

42、The inaudible and noiseless foot of Time. --- Shakespeare ─── 时间的不可听见的无声脚步。---莎士比亚

43、Even a “Good Morning Willar” received only an inaudible grunt.I could see that his classmates fared no better. ─── 甚至你跟他说声“早上好,威拉德”,他的回答也只是一声几乎听不见的咕哝声。

44、When you are controlling your hand to move to a goal position, essentially, you are visually [inaudible] your hand to the goal. ─── 但是你知道有多少个部分在运动吗?当我在讲台上走动的时候,我身体的多少个部分在移动呢?

45、The whistle was inaudible to the human ear. ─── 这种啸声人耳听不到。

46、In the second study, researchers approached 160 clubbers and mumbled an inaudible, meaningless utterance and waited for the subjects to turn their head and offer either their left or their right ear. ─── 在第二份研究中,研究人员走向160名夜店族,在他们身边发出听不到,没有意义的声音,等待研究样本转过头来,用左耳或右耳聆听。

47、The air above the city is rent apart with the sounds of honking horns, ringing bells, and the nearly inaudible babbling of human voices. ─── 城市的空气中弥漫着汽车喇叭声,自行车铃声,以及几乎听不见的喋喋不休的交谈声。

48、Its low approach speed, combined with steep climbs and descents, would make it inaudible outside the airport. ─── 凭借低缓的进场速度以及急剧升降的性能,飞机的声响不会传到机场之外。

49、The eye looks at someone else to open an umbrella, bird however a person drops quickly, also say a word with the bird without the person, the bird wants to say them, but they are inaudible also..... ─── 9看笑话:鸟并不是天生害怕坐飞机,而是一次在北京上空,飞机降落时对错跑道,导致突然拉起、盘旋数周才降落下来,让鸟有了后遗症。

50、My father yells something inaudible before I hear our pickup sputter out of the driveway. ─── 父亲嚷了句什么,然后我就听见家里的敞篷小货车猛地开出了院中的车道。

51、Little audible links,they are,chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. ─── 它们只是一些可以让人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。

52、The man fell down,let out an almost inaudible moan. ─── 男的摔倒了,发出了一声极其微弱的呻吟。

53、Students in NYC Use High-Frequency Ring Tone Inaudible to Adults to Evade Cell-Phone Rules. ─── 学生们使用成人们听不到的高频铃声,逃避手机管理条例。

54、7.Dr. Blix has quipped that, quote, ``Mustard gas is not (inaudible) You are supposed to know what you did with it. ' ─── 布利克斯博士曾一语双关地说“芥子气是闻不到的,你只有用它才会知道它。”

55、" tear climbs windingly full cheek, but the dreariness that the world all round is a dead appearance, again a bit more inaudible also echo. ─── ”泪水蜿蜒地爬满了脸颊,但四周的世界是一片死样的沉寂,再也听不见一点回音。

56、The original files are basically inaudible hiss. After increasing the volume substantially, ─── 最初的文件基本上是听不嘘嘘声。在充分调高音量后

57、An inaudible conversation. ─── 听不到的谈话

58、The HDCD "code" is transmitted in "inaudible" portions of the standard 16bit redbook stream. EAC + FLAC should capture everything. ─── 简单翻译就是,HDCD编码藏在标准16位数据流(红皮书定义)中的无法听到的部分。eac抓轨加flac无损压缩,可以获取一切数据。

59、Ear drinks water, what why can you have for a long time is inaudible? I what within an inch of frightens go entering a hospital! ─── 耳朵进水了,为什么会有很长时间的听不见呢?差点吓的我去进医院!

60、They are inaudible from the ground and can identify targets five miles away. ─── 在地面里听不到它们的任何声音,它们能够辨认5英里以外的目标。

61、MR. WOOD: We can take one last question (inaudible). One last quick question, please. ─── 伍德先生:我们还可以回答最后一个提问(声音不清)。请抓紧提最后一个短问题。

62、and mumbling a few words that were inaudible. ─── 嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

63、She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper. ─── 她悄声说话,令人几乎听不见。

64、inaudible sound ─── 听不见音

65、Student: Inaudible Prof: Cocaine is addictive or cocaine is Student: Inaudible Prof: You could say the same sort of thing, yep. ─── 学生:,教授:可卡因很容易上瘾,学生:,教授,你也可以说些类似的事情。

66、Ultrasonic sounds are such as are inaudible to the human ear. ─── 超声的声音是人类的耳朵听不到的那种声音。

67、th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time- Shakespeare. ─── 时间悄无声息的脚步-莎士比亚。

68、Inaudible watermarking technique for audio signal ─── 无感知音频信号数字水印技术

69、Annoying sounds and inaudible vibrations have caused problems with some experimental wind machines ─── 某些实验风力发电机确实存在着噪声和无声振动问题。

70、A remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to others nearby. ─── 窃窃私语小声说出以不让旁边其他人听到的话。

71、O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible;and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands. ─── 微乎微乎,至于无形,神乎神乎,至于无声,故能为敌之司命。

72、speak in an almost inaudible voice ─── 用低得难以听到的声音说话.

73、There are more subtle and higher Sounds which are inaudible to the mortal sense, because they vibrate in the higher dimensions. ─── 还有一些更微妙,更高等的声音,肉耳无法到,因为它们属于高等境。

74、Though it seems invisible, inaudible and evasive to the touch, it is still perceptible. ─── 尽管似乎不可见,不可闻,触碰不到,但它仍然是可以感知的。

75、He described Britain's eight-minute performance at the ceremony to invite the world to London as "virtually inaudible". ─── 他将闭幕式上伦敦邀请世界的伦敦八分钟描述为“根本听不见”。

76、We also are continuing to build very heavy, beyond the (inaudible). ─── 此外,我们也会继续为下一世纪的发展大兴土木。

77、His weak voice was almost inaudible. ─── 他声音微弱得几乎听不到。

78、and what little true co-operation there is, is as if it were not, being a harmony inaudible to men. ─── 要有点儿真正的合作心意,表面上反而看不出来,却有着一种听不见的谐和。

79、He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible ─── 他走过来同在场的人一一握手,嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

80、Leta, almost asleep, murmured something inaudible. ─── 莉塔睡意朦胧,咕咕哝哝地说了些模糊不清的话。

81、th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time(Shakespeare; ─── 时间的不可听见的无声脚步(莎士比亚);

82、He will whisper inaudible words into her ear. ─── 他将言词变为耳语听不到她耳边。

83、Unfortunately both he and Leona were virtually inaudible and all the palaver about toning down the song's famously filthy lyrics was unnecessary because you couldn't hear them anyway. ─── 不幸的是他俩事实上都难以被听见,并且所有关于这首歌著名的脏段子的八卦最终都变得无聊因为你几乎听不到他们。

84、The experiment results show that the embedded watermark is inaudible, and has good robustness against kinds of attacks such as white noise, low-pass filtering and resampling. ─── 实验结果证明所嵌入的水印具有很好的不可感知性,对加白噪声、低通滤波和重采样等各种攻击具有良好的鲁棒性。

85、His voice was almost inaudible. ─── 他的声音几乎听不到。

86、Due to the quality of the recording, certain sections of the interview were inaudible. ─── 由于录音质量问题,部分采访声音听不清。

87、inaudible sounds ─── 听不见的声音

88、Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. ─── 它们只是一些可以为人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。

ring tone是什么意思?





strong (强壮的),反义词weak(虚弱的,弱小的)。

strong造句:He is a strong man。


weak造句:And even stumbling speech may strengthen a weak tongue.即使是磕绊的话语也会强壮无力的舌头。


1.I was too weak to move or think or speak



2.Until the beating, Cantanco's eyesight had been weak, but adequate



3.He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn't going to stick his neck out



4.His weak voice was almost inaudible



5.The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary


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