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09-14 投稿



imperturbable 发音

英:[ˌɪmpərˈtɜːrbəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌɪmpəˈtɜːbəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

imperturbable 中文意思翻译



imperturbable 反义词


imperturbable 同义词

forward | discourteous | immaterial | rude | or |impudent | cheeky | pert | fresh | overbold | brash | impolite | smart | extraneous | orthogonal | irreverent | brazen | insolent | saucy | disrespectful | forwards | sassy | contemptuous | wise

imperturbable 词性/词形变化,imperturbable变形

名词: imperturbability |副词: imperturbably |

imperturbable 相似词语短语

1、perturbably ─── 可扰动的

2、imperturbability ─── n.冷静;沉着

3、impartable ─── 公正的

4、imperforable ─── adj.无孔的,闭锁的;无齿孔的(imperforate的变形)

5、perturbable ─── 易被扰动的

6、imperturbation ─── n.沉着;冷静

7、imperturbably ─── adv.平静地;泰然地;冷静地;沉着地

8、imperturbableness ─── 沉着

9、unperturbable ─── 不可干扰的

imperturbable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hitherto imperturbable,he now showed signs of alarm. ─── 到现在为止都很沉着,但现在他表现出了惊慌的迹象。

2、One single man in the town, in the arrondissement, absolutely escaped this contagion, and, whatever Father Madeleine did, remained his opponent as though a sort of incorruptible and imperturbable instinct kept him on the alert and uneasy. ─── 在那个城和那个县里,只有一个人绝对不受传染,无论马德兰伯伯做什么,他总是桀骜不驯的,仿佛有一种无可软化、无可撼动的本能使他警惕,使他不安似的。

3、The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces. ─── 街上其他的房子,知道自己容纳着体面的住户,彼此呈现出沉静的棕色面孔。

4、In this kind of situation Vezzali always had a strong chance of winning because of her experience and imperturbable mental strength. ─── 在这种情况下维萨里一直有一个强烈的机会取胜,因为她的经验和沉着的精神力量。

5、Aunt Gillenormand surveyed all this with her imperturbable placidity . ─── 吉诺曼姨妈平静而沉着地望着这一切。

6、Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface ─── 只有从字里行间体会言外之意,读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下隐藏着的毫不留情的分析。

7、He implores the expanse, the waves, the seaweed, the reef; they are deaf. He beseeches the tempest; the imperturbable tempest obeys only the infinite. ─── 他向空际、波涛、海藻、礁石哀求;它们都充耳不闻。他向暴风央求;坚强的暴风只服从太空的号令。

8、Edward was a model of good temper and his equanimity imperturbable ─── 爱德华是个典型的好性子,他总是沉着镇定。

9、Imperturbable equanimity ─── 泰然自若

10、Brief style shows your imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. It is much suitable and comfortable for body. ─── 简洁的款式,显得沉着、内敛,但不失个性。版型合体,穿着舒适。

11、Wu Sun-fu listened attentively, while his eyes scanned Tu Weiyueh's imperturbable face. ─── 吴荪甫很注意地听着,眼光在屠维岳那冷静的脸上打圈子。

12、Before elaborately thinking, facing to the overflowed information, we may lose our imperturbable analysis and choose the unsuitable alternative. ─── 个人认为从文章的内容来看,更恰当的是:随着时间、社会的变化,是否“缺乏选择”这种情况也在变化。

13、His imperturbable face has been as inexpressive as his rusty clothes ─── 他脸上那种泰然自若的神色,就跟他身上那套褪了色的衣服一样,什么表情都没有。

14、Her hands suddenly came together? Her right and left hands each doing their own imperturbable thing? Just like that. ─── 她的双手突然能够在一起弹奏了- - -左手和右手各自泰然自若的弹着- - -就是那样。

15、Brief style shows your imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. ─── 简洁的款式,显得沉着、内敛,但不失个性。

16、He remained imperturbable in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him. ─── 尽管他周围的人歇斯底里地惊慌失措, 但他仍保持冷静。

17、(Their behavior consequence often hurts 6) reach others, jeopardize a society, and themselves is imperturbable however. ─── (6)他们的行为后果常伤及别人,危害社会,而他们自己却泰然自若。

18、And yet they had left him there, where he was imperturbable now, wretched, feeding his blood with the mud of earthworms. ─── 可是他们把他留在了这里,留在了他现在待的地方,镇静的,肮脏的,用泥土里的蚯蚓来填饱他的血。

19、Brief style and contrast color application show imperturbable, introverted and young quality. ─── 简洁的款式,稍撞色的缉线,使款式看起来既显得沉着、内敛,又不失年轻活力。

20、face of the current state of China's top economists, Chen Kuo-wah imperturbable calm to begin his lecture on Fan Gang is not excessive development profits issues eloquent : "I development are rolling. ─── 面对这位当前中国顶尖的经济学家,陈国骅镇定自若地开始就樊纲讲演中开发利润究竟是不是暴利的问题侃侃而谈:“我的开发都是滚动的。

21、Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable. ─── 当然,托马斯冷静、超脱且遇事沉着。

22、The doctor's indignation was wholly lost on his imperturbable rival. ─── 医生的愤慨对于他的泰然自若的敌手也是毫无作用。

23、Aunt Gillenormand surveyed all this with her imperturbable placidity. ─── 吉诺曼姨妈平静而沉着地望着这一切。

24、an imperturbable self-possession; ─── 冷静的自制;

25、The Platonic notion is that mathematics is the imperturbable structure that underlies the very architecture of the universe. ─── 柏拉图主义认为,数学所表现出的泰然自若之境界乃宇宙之根本。

26、Imperturbable Charm Description: With this charm a barrier is created that allows nothing to cross. This includes people, objects and sounds. ─── 使用此咒语可以隔绝一切,包括人类,物品以及声音。

27、And if one masters the formless meditations, these "imperturbable" sankharas will propel consciousness toward rebirth in the formless realms. ─── 假若他掌握了无色界禅定,这些“不可扰动”的诸行将推动他的意识流重生于无色界。

28、His imperturbable face has been as inexpressive as his rusty clothes. ─── 他脸上那种泰然自若的神色,就跟他身上那套褪了色的衣服一样,什么表情都没有。

29、and turning around Archer saw Lawrence Lefferts at his elbow, pulling an imperturbable moustache and affecting not to glance at the message. ─── 阿切尔回过头去,只见劳伦斯·莱弗茨正站在他身旁,捋着齐整的髭须,装出不瞥电文的样子。

30、However, the recent response from the Dongpu property market shows that while lost six big "backers" Dongpu property market remains imperturbable calm, good scenery independence. ─── 但是,近日来自东圃楼市的反应显示,虽然失去了亚运村的大“靠山”,东圃楼市依旧镇定自若,风景独好。

31、Imperturbable She was one of those imperturbablepeople who never get angry or upset. ─── 她是那种从不生气也不烦恼的人。

32、imperturbable egoism; ─── 沉默的自负;

33、The Chinese, from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity, which is usually not destroyed even by a European education. ─── 中国人不论地位尊卑都有一种泰然自若的品性,这种品性即使欧式教育也无法泯灭。

34、But, still imperturbable, she answered--He is not dead, because to die for one's country is to live forever ─── 但她仍然不为所动,她回答说:“他没有死,因为为祖国而死的人永垂不朽。”

35、And yet they had left him there, where he was imperturbable now, wretched, feeding his blood with the mud of earthworms. ─── 可是他们把他留在了这里,留在了他现在待的地方,镇静的,肮脏的,用泥土里的蚯蚓来填饱他的血。

36、The Doctor's indignation was wholly lost on his imperturbable rival. ─── 医生的愤慨对于他的泰然自若的敌手也是毫无作用。

37、The count's anxiety was manifested by a bright color which seldom appeared on the face of that imperturbable man ─── 无法知道他在房间里干什么,伯爵脸都红了,象伯爵这样一个有铁石一般心肠的人是不容易动情的。

38、There it stands silent and imperturbable; ─── 它静默的、恬然自得的站在那里;

39、She was imperturbable, inscrutable, impenetrable ─── 她是不可动摇的,不可理解的,不可捉摸的。

40、We appreciate what has been done by the research team, which is mainly composed by imperturbable, unfickle, hard-working and silently devoting young scholars. ─── 我们感谢这一批以年轻学者为主体的研究团队,他们沉得下去、静得下心、不浮不燥、辛勤工作、默默奉献。

41、She was almost renowned in the congregation for this imperturbable veracity ─── 她因那种无可动摇的诚信,在教会里几乎是有口皆碑的。

42、Edward was a model of good temper and his equanimity imperturbable . ─── 爱德华是个典型的好性子,他总是沉着镇定。

43、imperturbable egoism ─── 沉默的自负

44、1.hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm; an imperturbable self-possession; unflappable in a crisis. ─── 到现在为止都很沉着,但现在他表现出了惊慌的迹象;冷静的自制;在危机中保持镇定。

45、The Chinese ,from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity,which is usually not destroyed even by a European education . ─── 有高层到底层所有的中国人都拥有一种不易被任何一种欧洲文化所破坏的沉着冷静的尊严。

46、Nobody can imperturbable acceptance of the inevitable. ─── 没有人能够泰然的接受不可避免的事.

47、2.always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable. ─── 总是表现出十分坚定和沉着。

48、hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm; ─── 到现在为止都很沉着,但现在他表现出了惊慌的迹象;

49、As though for reassurance he looked up at the imperturbable face in the portrait ─── 好像是为了取得支持,他抬头看一眼画像上的那张不动声色的脸。

50、the imperturbable tempest obeys only the infinite. ─── 坚强的暴风只服从太空的号令。

51、1. She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset. ─── 她是那种从不生气也不烦恼的人.

52、"Not exactly, Fred," replied the imperturbable Richard, continuing to write with a business-like air. ─── “不完全是那么回事,福来德,”沉住气的理查边说边一本正经地继续写着。

53、The Chinese ,from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity,which is usually not destroyed even by a European education. ─── 无论高低贵贱,中国人骨子里那种沉着宁静的尊严,即便是是欧洲教育也难以摧毁。

54、s reappeared , paler than before , but with that imperturbable expression of countenance which she sometimes wore. ─── 这时,美塞苔丝重新出现,她的脸色比以前更苍白了,但神色很镇定。

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