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inaugurated 发音

英:[ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪtɪd]  美:[ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪtɪd]

英:  美:

inaugurated 中文意思翻译



inaugurated 词性/词形变化,inaugurated变形

名词: inaugurator |动词第三人称单数: inaugurates |动词现在分词: inaugurating |动词过去式: inaugurated |动词过去分词: inaugurated |

inaugurated 同义词

initiatory | original | inauguration | preliminary | first | inaugural address | introductory | initial | opening |maiden | primary | initiative | germinal

inaugurated 反义词


inaugurated 相似词语短语

1、inaugurator ─── n.开创者;举行就职典礼者

2、inaugurate ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

3、inaugurating ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

4、reinaugurate ─── vt.给…...重新办就职典礼

5、inaugurates ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

6、inaurated ─── 不真实的

7、inauguration ─── n.就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式

8、uninaugurated ─── 未预言的

9、inauguratory ─── adj.开始的;就职的(等于inaugural)

inaugurated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But she plans to keep her promise to fly to Washington in January, to see her boy inaugurated. ─── 不过她还是打算遵守承诺,1月份飞去华盛顿参加她孙子的就职典礼。

2、New center for mobile cranes in Houston (USA) inaugurated ─── 位于美国休斯顿的移动式起重机服务中心落成

3、Here he inaugurated the spectral theory of bilinear symmetric forms ─── 在这里他开创了双线性对称形式的光谱理论。

4、The Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) was inaugurated on 13 September 1984. ─── 商业性林业研究所 (ICFR) 是创办于1984年9 月13日。

5、In this way the altar will be atoned for and will be purified and inaugurated. ─── 七天之久为祭坛赎罪取洁,予以祝圣。

6、1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the UAS in New York's Federal Hall with John Adams as vice-President. ─── 乔治·华盛顿在纽约联邦大厅宣誓就任美国第一任总统,约翰·亚当斯为副总统。

7、18 Thus not even the first covenant was inaugurated without blood. ─── 因此,连先前的盟约也得用血开创。

8、Hamid Karzai is inaugurated as president of Afghanistan. ─── 2004年,哈米德·卡尔扎伊举行就任典礼成为阿富汗的总统。

9、The establishment of AID inaugurated a long period of turmoil and frustration. ─── 国际开发署的成立,开始了一个充满混乱和挫折的长期过程。

10、In January Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, France, has officially inaugurated a new production hall measuring 61 metres long and 33 metres wide in its plant in Campsas. ─── 一月利勃海尔航空集团在法国图鲁滋Campsas的新生产厂房正式揭幕,此厂房长61米宽33米。

11、Sputnik: Any of a series of Earth-orbiting spacecraft whose launching by the Soviet Union inaugurated the space age. ─── 史波尼克:苏联发射的一系列人造地球卫星,标志着太空时代的开始。

12、Outsourcing is inaugurated to overcome this problem. ─── 外包创刊,以解决这个问题。

13、For human’s greatness, a new geological period has been inaugurated: human period. ─── 人类的伟大之处,在于他开创了一个新的地质年代:人类纪。

14、Inaugurated in A.D. 80 by the emperor Titus, the Roman Colosseum is the earliest prototype of the modern superdome. ─── 公元前80年由提多书大帝宣布落成的罗马竞技场,可谓是超级穹顶的最早原型。

15、Bhutan’s first school was also inaugurated in Haa in 1914 with teachers from the Church of Scotland mission. ─── 不丹的第一所学校也成立于1914年,学校老师都来自苏格兰教会,地点在哈阿。

16、The custom of Open House was inaugurated by George Washington during his first term as President. On January 1, 1789, President Washington first opened the doors of his official residence to all who wished to come. ─── “开放门户”的风俗是由乔治·华盛顿在其第一届总统期间开创的,1789年的1月1日,华盛顿总统首次打开了他的官邸大门,任何想进去的人都可以进。

17、’ This was the stone upon which Scottish kings had been inaugurated since pre-Christian times. ─── 从前基督时代起这块石头就成为苏格兰国王任冕的贵冠。

18、On Dec,19th,2001,Taishan Fiberglass Inc,was inaugurated and the Third E glass furnace of CTG was ignited. ─── 2001年12月19日,公司举行泰山玻璃纤维股份有限公司揭牌仪式暨第三条无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线点火仪式。

19、This was the stone upon which Scottish kings had been inaugurated since pre-Christian times. ─── 从前基督时代起这块石头就成为苏格兰国王任冕的贵冠。

20、The launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite half a century ago inaugurated the Space Age. What comes next? ─── 半世纪前,苏联史波尼克号卫星升空,揭开太空时代的序幕,下一步我们该做什麽呢?

21、The above pictured VLA, inaugurated in 1980 is situated in New Mexico, USA. ─── 上图中的甚大阵于1980年在美国 新墨西哥州建造。

22、On Oct 27th,2002,CTG Postdoctoral Research & Development Center was Inaugurated and the Joint Fostering of Postdoctoral between CTG and Shandong Uniwersity was Initiated. ─── 2002年10月27日,公司举行泰山玻纤博士后科研工作站挂牌暨与山大联合培养博士后签字仪式。

23、It was here that the Union Pacific Railroad was inaugurated on the 23rd of October, 1867, by the chief engineer, General Dodge. ─── 1867年10月23日,联合太平洋铁路公司在此地举行了通车典礼。

24、BDC 2005 Ceremoniously Inaugurated in Qingdao ─── BDC2005借啤酒节之光 造博览会之势

25、His crucifixion accomplished full redemption for man, His resurrection vindicated His redemptive work, and His exaltation inaugurated Him to be the ruling Leader that He might be the Savior. ─── 2祂的钉十字架,为人成就了完全的救赎;祂的复活,称义了祂救赎的工作;祂的高举,使祂就职为管治的元首,能以作救主。

26、Our inaugurated holistic aromatherapy diploma course was launched in October 2002. This internationally accredited diploma course in Holistic Aromatherapy is aimed to advance aromatherapy as a healing art and science. ─── 于2002年10月开办第一期国际认可的专业整全香熏治疗文凭课程 ,旨在推广香熏治疗。

27、Pacific Asia public security, intelligent building management and international electricity exhibitions inaugurated ─── 亚太区保安、楼宇管理及国际电气展开幕

28、The center will be part of IBM's fourth delivery center for application services and consulting in Pune, inaugurated Monday. ─── 在本周一的成立仪式上,IBM表示,该中心将成为IBM在普那的应用和咨询服务的第四个配送中心。

29、The Export Commodities Fair was inaugurated yesterday. ─── 出口商品交易会昨天开幕了。

30、1958 - Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) is inaugurated in the UK by Queen Elizabeth II when she speaks to the Lord Provost in a call from Bristol to Edinburgh. ─── 1958年用户长途直拨(STD)系统由英国由女王伊丽莎白二世举行开机典礼,她在一个从布里斯托尔到爱丁堡的长途拨叫中与对方城市的市长通话。

31、Transatlantic service to the United States was inaugurated here in1847.Population,135, 095. ─── 1847年该市开通了横渡大西洋直达美国的航线。

32、What inaugurated a new age of bloody dictatorship was the step by step progress of government interference with business. ─── 而血腥的独裁专制政体则是由于政府一步步地加深对商业干预的结果。

33、The “Black Monday” of February 27th 2007 inaugurated the interaction between China and the global financial market. ─── 2007年2月27日的黑色星期一开创了中国和全球金融市场的互动。

34、Political Consultative Conference so eagerlyawaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated. ─── 全国人民所渴望的协商会议现在开幕了。

35、The Political Consultative Conference so eagerlyawaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated. ─── 全国人民所进展的政治协商会议如今揭幕了。

36、The 28th Plenary Session of the International Scientific Council inaugurated in Suzhou ─── 国际科学理事会第28次全体大会在苏州召开

37、One of the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be inaugurated as President in 1913. ─── 妇女选举权运动最大的抗议活动之一就发生在1913年伍德罗·威尔森总统就职典礼的前一天。

38、First, it inaugurated the Chinese league legislation and offered the limited space for the development of folk societal forces of modern times of China. ─── 商会法律制度的创立,开创了中国近代社团立法的先河,为中国近代民间社会力量的发展提供了有限的空间。

39、"The day that you're inaugurated," the wife replied. ─── “在你宣誓就职的那天。”妻子回答道。

40、During his tour of the hospital, Bush inaugurated 200,000 US dollars medical laboratory equipment donated by the US government. ─── 在参加这间医院期间的典礼上,布什代表美国政府向医院捐赠了价值200.000美元的医疗实验设备。

41、10 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated its first nuclear fuel manufacturing plant on Thursday (April 9) near the city of Isfahan, in central Iran. ─── 2009年04月10日伊朗总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德9号在伊朗中部城市伊斯法罕附近,出席了伊朗第一座核燃料工厂的落成仪式。

42、The IRB RWC Sevens tournament, which was inaugurated in 1993 and is governed by the International Rugby Board (IRB), is one of the world‘s largest sporting events. ─── 七人制橄榄球赛是成立于1993年,是由国际橄榄球理事会(橄榄球)组织的也是世界上最大的体育赛事之一。

43、Mao Zedong's Marxism in China inaugurated new horizon of Marxism in China, and formed the initially innovative theory achievements of Marxism in China. ─── 他的马克思主义中国化理论开创了马克思主义中国化的新境界,形成了马克思主义中国化的创造性的最初理论成果。

44、The Day that You're Inaugurated ─── 在你宣誓就职的那天

45、Most of the benefits of the programs become capitalized into the price of the land at the time when the programs are inaugurated. ─── 在保护方案开始施行时,其大部分收益都在其地价格中资本化了。

46、A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Weser River near the North Sea. It has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center. Transatlantic service to the United States was inaugurated here in1847. Population,135, 095. ─── 不来梅港德国西北部一城市,位于北海附近的威悉河河口。该市有一个天然深港,是重要的航运中心。1847年该市开通了横渡大西洋直达美国的航线。人口135,095

47、Capovilla was born in Guayaquil in western Ecuador on September 14, 1889, the same year that Adolf Hitler was born and the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated. ─── 卡波比亚1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多尔西部的瓜亚基尔市,与希特勒出生和埃菲尔铁塔竣工同年。

48、She was proudly by her husband's side when Barack Obama was inaugurated as President of the United States exactly one year ago. ─── 在巴拉克•奥巴马于一年前的今天宣誓就任美国总统时,她自豪地站在丈夫身边。

49、Liu Xiao teaches at CCOM. As a soloist he collaborated with leading orchestras from China. He is the winner of the newly inaugurated CCTV Piano &Violin Music Competition in 2008. ─── 刘霄,中央音乐学院青年教师,作为独奏家曾和国内一流乐团合作。2008年首届中央电视台钢琴小提琴大赛小提琴冠军。

50、The NSEP in 2002 inaugurated the National Flagship Language Initiative, a pilot program in Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Russian -- languages deemed critical to U.S. security. ─── 凯普顿还称:“我们原先预计只有几百所中学会对加设汉语课程感兴趣,但结果如此出乎意料,真让我们大开眼界。”

51、Located in the Carrousel du Louvre, Apple's first store in Paris was inaugurated after much anticipation. ─── 在卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔,苹果公司在巴黎的第一家店铺位于上台后,备受期待。

52、Mr. Clinton was inaugurated as the President of the U.S.A. ─── 克林顿就职美国总统。

53、For the following paragraph, which should have inaugurated the narrative, is too wildly extravagant and preposterous to be flaunted in the face of the reader without preparation. ─── 在接下来本该展开叙述的段落里,因为太过放肆和荒谬,不能毫无准备就面对读者炫耀。

54、He will be inaugurated as president in January. ─── 他将在一月就任总裁.

55、new theatre was inaugurated by the mayor. ─── 新落成的剧院由市长主持了开幕典礼。

56、In 1968 the sultanate was abolished and a republic inaugurated with Nasir as president. ─── 1968年,苏丹之位被废除,开创了以纳西尔为总统的共和政体。

57、The Germans had inaugurated gas warfare in the trenches of World War I, a criminally stupid mistake because the prevailing winds in Europe blow west to east. ─── 一次大战堑壕战中,德国人开启了毒气战,一个犯罪性愚蠢错误:因为欧洲盛行风自西吹东。

58、a city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Weser River near the North Sea. It has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center. Transatlantic service to the United States was inaugurated here in 1847. Population,135,095 ─── 不来梅港,德国西北部一城市,位于北海附近的威悉河河口。该市有一个天然深港,是重要的航运中心。1847年该市开通了横渡大西洋直达美国的航线。人口135,095

59、A classic case occured recently in Poland.Stanislaw Wielgus, whom Pope Benedict nominated archbishop of Warsaw in December 2006, was originally scheduled to be inaugurated on January 1, 2007. ─── 三、波兰最近一个典型的案例,2006年12月才被教宗本笃十六世提名升任枢机主教的维尔古斯,原本于今年1月7日就任华沙大主教。

60、At Novi Ligure, Italy, the Campari group has inaugurated a new plant which comprises eight bottling lines. ─── 不久前,意大利Novi Ligure的Campari集团新建了一个共有八条生产线的车间。

61、He told me something of the history of the school, which in a small way was the history of the whole educational movement which the Congress Party had inaugurated through the medium of the village schools. ─── 他对我说了说学校的历史,这也是国大党始创的通过乡村学校来实现的整个教育运动的历史的缩影。

62、He was inaugurated as President. ─── 他正式就任总统。

63、A Desert Park was inaugurated at Avdat in May 1978. ─── 1978年5月,在阿夫达特开辟了一个沙漠公园。

64、Smith was inaugurated as President. He appealed international to take the nuclear weapon issue. ─── 史密斯正式就任总统。他呼吁国际重视核武议题。

65、Shanghai aims to have the world's largest subway system by 2012 and a chunk of the expansion is being inaugurated this month. ─── 上海的目标是到2012年前建成全球最大的地铁系统,一项大型地铁扩建工程将于本月破土动工。

66、new president will be inaugurated on January 20th. ─── 新总统将在1月20日正式就任。

67、On January 14, 1916: The famous Orient Express was inaugurated, an express train service connecting Berlin with Constantinople (now Istanbul). ─── 1916年1月14日,著名东方快车启用,该快车连接柏林到君士坦丁堡(现为伊斯坦堡)。

68、Johnson Lee, the current CCBA English Secretary, was inaugurated as one of the co-chairs of the association. ─── 中华公所现任英文秘书李瑞生就任该会新一届共同理事长之一。

69、The finishing touches to a cross before the first ice church built in Romania is inaugurated. ─── 冰雕艺术家正在建造罗马尼亚首座冰教堂,图为即将完成的十字架。

70、A Mafia Museum was inaugurated in Corleone. ─── 一座黑手党博物馆在科莱奥内举行落成典礼。

71、Not only because the first public exercise site was inaugurated as early as 1811, but also because many sporting highlights are staged here year by year. ─── 不仅因为早在1811年就开辟了第一个公共运动场所,还因为每年都在此举行许多重要的体育活动。

72、Two container piers at the port of Taipei will be formally inaugurated Monday. ─── 台北港的两个货柜码头将于周一正式启用。

73、"The stockholding company will be inaugurated soon and it will be launched before the Olympic Games this summer," Chen told reporters. ─── “股权公司将正式成立,并尽快将推出之前,奥运会的这个夏天, ”陈告诉记者。

74、The information age inaugurated a new world distinguished from all previous ages for us. ─── 信息时代为人们开创了一个不同于以往任何时代的新世界。

75、"He was inaugurated on March 4th, 1933, back when we inaugurated presidents in March instead of January, and it was a whirlwind of activity. ─── 他是1933年3月4号宣誓就任的。那时候,总统是在3月份宣誓就职,而不是1月。那时候,罗斯福总统迅速地采取了一系列行动。

76、eg:The worlds first "emission free" coalfired power station was inaugurated in Germany Tuesday. ─── 世界首座“零排放”火力发电站落成仪式9日在德国举行。

77、When then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew inaugurated the Campaign on 7 September 1979 at the Conference Hall,he delivered his launching speech entitled ─── 1979年9月,当时的总理李光耀在大会堂首次为这项运动主持开幕仪式,以华语、福建话与英语发表题为《华语还是方言》的演说(那之后他就很少以福建话公开演说)。

78、He will be inaugurated (as) President in January. ─── 他将于一月份就任总统。

79、The reign of Constantine the Great inaugurated a new age in a much fuller sense than the reign of Augustus, the founder of the Empire. ─── 与帝国的建立者奥古斯都相比,君士坦丁大帝的统治在更完全的意义上开启了一个全新时代。

80、1970 The Choueifat factory is inaugurated in Lebanon. ─── “苏菲亚特工厂”在黎巴嫩成立。

81、It is a stadium that was inaugurated with a Milan win in the summer of 1988, when Arrigo Sacchi’s team defeated the home side 2-0, thanks to goals from Marco Van Basten and Daniele Massaro. ─── 1988年的夏天球场刚刚竣工,米兰曾经在那里2-0战胜过主队,当时米兰的主教练是阿里戈.萨基,进球的则是马尔科.范.巴斯滕和丹尼耶利.马萨罗。

82、In the 1950s the U.S. interstate highway system was inaugurated to link the country's major cities. ─── 20世纪50年代,美国连接各州的道路系统也在全国各主要城市间修建起来。

83、"The day I'm inaugurated, not only will the country look at itself differently, but the world will look at America differently," he told an audience in Audubon, Iowa, last month. ─── “我宣布就职的那一天,不但这个国家会另眼相看,世界也会以不同眼光而看待美国。”上个月他在爱荷华州的奥特朋对一位观众这样说道。

84、When I was inaugurated governor in 1979, I invited all the former governors to attend, including Faubus. ─── 1979年,我宣誓就任州长时,曾邀请所有的前任来参加,其中包括福伯斯。

85、Capovilla were born in Guayaquil in western Ecuador on September 14, 1889, the alike age those Adolf Hitler were born and the Eiffel Tower were inaugurated. ─── 卡波比亚1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多尔西部的瓜亚基尔市,与希特勒出生和埃菲尔铁塔竣工同年。

86、The resurrection of Christ, and our co-resurrection with him, is the inaugurated form of the final Sabbath in eternity. ─── 基督的复活,以及我们与祂一同复活,是永恒中最后安息之确立的形式(inauguratedform)。

87、In Egypt, the Suez Canal, linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea, is inaugurated in an elaborate ceremony. ─── 1869年的今天,连通地中海与红海的埃及苏伊士运河举行隆重的开通仪式。

88、It inaugurated an effort to modernize Chinese culture and society ─── 人们开始致力于中国文化和社会现代化的事业。

89、Inaugurated in 80 AD by the Emperor Titus, the Roman Colosseum is the earliest prototype of the modern super dome. ─── 公元前80年由提图斯大帝宣布落成的罗马角斗场,可谓是超级穹顶的最早原型。

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