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09-18 投稿


immobilize 发音

英:[ɪ'məʊbɪlaɪz]  美:[ɪ'mobə'laɪz]

英:  美:

immobilize 中文意思翻译



immobilize 词性/词形变化,immobilize变形

动词过去式: immobilized |动词第三人称单数: immobilizes |动词过去分词: immobilized |名词: immobilization |动词现在分词: immobilizing |

immobilize 相似词语短语

1、immobilizer ─── n.防盗控制系统;牲畜宰前麻昏器;二氧化碳麻醉槽

2、immobilized ─── adj.固定化的;v.使固定(immobilize的过去分词)

3、demobilize ─── vt.遣散;使复员;使退伍(demobilise)

4、immobilised ─── v.使……不动,使……固定;使停止运转(immobilise的过去式和过去分词)

5、immobilise ─── vt.使…不动,使…固定;使…不能调动;使…无机动性

6、immobiliser ─── 停机装置

7、immobilizes ─── vt.使固定;使不动;使停止流通

8、immobilises ─── vt.使…不动,使…固定;使…不能调动;使…无机动性

9、immobilizers ─── n.防盗控制系统;牲畜宰前麻昏器;二氧化碳麻醉槽

immobilize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To restrain or immobilize(a person) by binding the arms. ─── 绑住(人的)双臂绑住人的手臂使不能活动

2、To contend by grappling and attempting to throw or immobilize one's opponent, especially under contest rules. ─── 角力通过格斗和把对手扔出去或摔倒而进行比赛,尤指按比赛规则进行的

3、A wrestling hold in which an opponent's wrist is gripped and twisted to immobilize the opponent. ─── 扣腕一方对手的手腕被另一方抓住并扭着使不动的角力

4、A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. ─── 敷料,石膏模一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位

5、Keywords red yeast;hollow globular chitosan;immobilize; ─── 红酵母;中空球形壳聚糖;固定化;

6、The challenge, says Sayler, is trying to figure out how to immobilize the microbes in such a way that they survive as long as possible. ─── Sayler说,如何做到既能用这种方式固定微生物,又尽可能地让它们活得长,这的确是一个挑战。

7、a strip of material such as gauze used to protect,immobilize,compress,or support a wound or injured body part ─── 由纱布等材料做成的条带,用来保护、固定、压迫或支撑伤口或受伤的肢体

8、Beton activates a man-sized gin to catch his target. Four hemicyclic iron ring will jut from the ground and immobilize the target. ─── 比顿启动一个对人用的捕兽夹抓住他的目标。四个半圆形铁环将从地面突出,使目标无法移动。

9、"Specialized instruments used in surgery include scalpels to cut tissue, forceps to hold Blood vessels closed or grasp and manipulate structures, clamps to immobilize or crush tissues, gauze sponges to absorb fluids and keep an area dry," ─── 用于外科手术的特殊器具还有:切割体内组织的手术刀、挤压血管使之关闭的止血钳和掌控各类组织器官的镊子、固定或挤压组织的夹具、用来吸液以保持手术区域干燥的纱布绵拭、

10、Immobilize the dog and take them to a vet immediately. ─── 狗狗固定住并立即去见兽医。

11、At the same time, sales will immobilize prices rise, the higher cost near motivation difficult to survive. ─── 同时, 大盘 也会钳制价格攀升,令附近成本较高的小盘难以生存。

12、The fire ants attack animals, snake into homes of small towns in South Texas, inflict toxic stings that deliver painful bites and even immobilize humans. ─── 可恶的红火蚁军团不但攻击动物,更潜入美国德州平民家中,利用毒针刺伤人类。

13、an orthopedic device used to immobilize and protect a part of the body (as a broken leg) ─── 固定并保护身体的一部分的整形外科装置(象断腿)

14、Thus there is a greater calcium need to immobilize the oxalate. ─── 因而需要较大量钙去固定草酸。

15、one monoclonal antibody could sigmficanntly agglutinate and immobilize the human sperm. ─── 其中一个抗体具有明显的精子凝集和制动作用。

16、A method to immobilize heparin (Hep) covalently on the surface of PU by amplifying surface reactive sites was reported. ─── 本文研究了通过表面活化点放大来增加聚氨酯(PU)表面共价结合的肝素量的方法。

17、CdS nanoparticles cast on the glassy carbon (GC) electrode was used to immobilize redox protein. ─── 结果表明:硫化镉纳米粒子为蛋白质和电极之间的直接电子转移提供了有利的微环境。

18、"In severe cases, adhesions immobilize and deform the joints, and adjacent skin, Bones, and muscles atrophy." ─── 严重病例中,黏连带造成关节移位和畸形,附近的皮肤、骨骼和肌肉萎缩。

19、A strip of material such as gauze used to protect, immobilize, compress, or support a wound or injured body part. ─── 绷带由纱布等材料做成的条带,用来保护、固定、压迫或支撑伤口或受伤的肢体。

20、Cast n. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. Also called plaster cast ─── 敷料,石膏模:通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位也作

21、Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery is performed using heart-stabilizing devices which allow the surgeon to immobilize the parts of the heart that need repair , eliminating the heart-lung machine . ─── 侵害性最少的心脏手术利用稳定心脏的仪器进行,使外科医生能够让需要修补的心脏部位静止,而不需要使用人工心肺机。

22、The critical parent role is how we find weak spots and can immobilize and demoralize others. ─── 批评家使我们能够找出弱点,打压别人。

23、Keywords algae-lysing bacterium;Rhodococcus;identify;immobilize;algae removal; ─── 溶藻细菌;红球菌属;鉴定;固定化;除藻;

24、The results showed that the leaching of Hg is very low in CBPC, CBPC matrix can effectively immobilize Hg-contaminated waste in a dense matrix of the ceramic by physical encapculation and chemical stabilization. ─── 研究表明,CBPC固化体对含废物能有效束缚,适量的硫化钠或硫化钾能促进汞废物的稳定化,添加物S微粉能提高CBPC固化体的固化稳定化性能。

25、Why let fear immobilize me? ─── 为什么畏惧使我无法移动?

26、sol-gel immobilize ─── 溶胶-凝胶固定化

27、Thus the collector’s passion tries to circumscribe and immobilize seduction before transforming it into a death energy. ─── 因而收藏家的激情设法包围和固定诱惑在变换它之前成为死亡能量。

28、any of numerous venomous aquatic viviparous snakes having a fin-like tail; of warm littoral seas; feed on fish which they immobilize with quick-acting venom. ─── 多种有鳍形尾巴的水栖胎生毒蛇;产于温暖的海滨;它们以鱼为食,靠迅速见效的毒液致使猎物固定不动。

29、She explains that the concept is similar in principle to the Denver boot, a type of wheel clamp used by some police departments to immobilize illegally parked vehicles. ─── 。她解释道,这个想法类似于“丹佛夹板”的原理。“丹佛夹板”是一种夹子,有些警察部门用它来夹固住非法的泊车。

30、Keywords Endocellular inulinase;adsorb crosslinking;immobil ization;properties.; ─── 胞内菊粉酶;吸附交联;固定化;

31、I mean +20% dmg is good, but 20% chance to immobilize, get out of range and spam shots are a must for a hunter. ─── 加20%的伤害虽好,但是20%的几率固定,回到射程内射击对一个猎人更为重要。

32、Efficiency and Mechanics of Compound Barrier with Calcite and Zeolite to Immobilize Phosphorus and Nitrogen Release from Sediments ─── 沸石和方解石复合覆盖层控制底泥氮磷释放的效果及机理分析

33、I shall have to immobilize you. ─── 她不会点穴,这几下自然是乱戳一气。

34、Bash immobilize is now a random duration between. ─── 打坏了随机固定期限现感染率秒之间。

35、Keywords sialic acid;N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid;aldolase;immobilize; ─── 唾液酸;N-乙酰-D-神经氨酸;醛缩酶;固定化;

36、It has been a metaphor for me in my adult years. Why wait to dance? Why let fear immobilize me? Why not act on intention, on desire? ─── 在我成人以后,这一直都是我的一个隐喻。为什么跳舞前要等呢?为什么畏惧使我无法移动?为什么不依照意愿和愿望而行动?

37、Keywords 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde;Klebsiella penumonia;immobilize;sol-gel;biological engineering; ─── 羟基丙醛;克雷伯杆菌;固定化;溶胶-凝胶;生物工程;

38、Shaman: Earthbind Totem will now immobilize all Rogues in the same zone. ─── 萨满:地缚图腾将对所有该地图内的盗贼起定身作用.

39、s: Sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol were separately used as carriers to entrap and immobilize the high efficiency degradating bacterium of succinonitrile. ─── 分别用海藻酸钠与聚乙烯醇为载体,对前期研究中获得的丁二腈高效降解菌进行包埋固定。

40、The beast can release a bizarre hydrosonic shriek that stuns its prey.Its bite delivers a powerful poison to further immobilize its victim. ─── 牠可以发出不寻常的尖锐水中声波来震昏猎物,咬住猎物时会释出强烈的毒液来进一步将其瘫痪。

41、We know that when the metallic nanoparticles immobilize on the metal surface, the SPR angle will changing with the type, number, and distribution of the nanoparticles. ─── 我们知道当金属奈米粒子被布植在金膜表面上时,SPR共振角会随著奈米粒子的种类,数量,以及分布情况而改变。

42、- *Having speed and stealth may confuse and immobilize the enemy. ─── + *拥有迅速和秘密行动可能会使敌人迷惑和停止行动。

43、A new method of using photoactivable ester with azido group was described to immobilize urease on polyether sulfone(PES) film surface. ─── 我们利用含芳香叠氮基的光活性酯将脲酶光固定在聚醚砜 (Polyether sulfone,pes)膜的表面。

44、A new amperometric sensor using glassy carbon electrode for based electrode, ferrocene as mediator and gluturaldehyde as a crosslink regent to immobilize laccase has been developped. ─── 本文报道二茂铁修饰电极为基底的漆酶电极的研制及应用,讨论了电极性能及响应机理,找出了实验最佳条件。

45、A sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling. ─── 摔跤一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔出去或摔倒对方

46、And as in natural immunity, should the disease-causing agent ever invade, the immune system is fully primed, ready to pump out antibodies to immobilize it. ─── 当下回再有同样的病原入侵时,已经整装待发的免疫系统就可迅速释出大量抗体,制伏入侵病原,一如自然免疫的反应。

47、If it is necessary, the service center can immobilize a taxi remotely by 'cutting off the oil or electric supply, ' the company adds. ─── 在必要的时候,服务中心可以远距离切断油路或是供电,使出租车停下来。

48、Sling:Use to immobilize broken bones, or use as an ordinary bandage. ─── 三角巾:可以固定骨折部位,也可以当做绷带使用。

49、Diethylaminoethyl hydroethylate (DEAE-E/H), a kind of macroporous weakly basic anion exchanger, was used as carrier to immobilize aminoacylase. ─── 以弱碱性大孔阴离子树脂DEAE-E/H为载体固定化氨基酰化酶。

50、The purpose of this new technology is to immobilize chromium, which can avoid the secondary pollution so as to make tannery sludge innocent and use it as a resource. ─── 其目的是稳定污泥中的重金属铬离子,使其不再产生二次污染,从而达到真正的无害化、资源化。

51、Second Wind - Reduced to 2 ranks, now "Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect you will generate 10/20 rage and 5/10% of your total health over 10 sec." ─── 二风(第二春?)---减少为2点技能,现在当你被打晕或受到类似限制移动的技能影响了时候,你会产生10/20怒气和回复5/10%的生命总量

52、A whole tank regiment is completely immobilize by enemy air attack ─── 敌军的空袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了

53、This plog, I should have known, would not long immobilize the steamroller. ─── 我应当懂得,这样的调皮话,是不会使他们长时间撒手不去干他们硬要干的事的。

54、Purpose The optimum conditions to immobilize glutamate decarboxylase(GAD) by sodium alginate were studied. ─── 目的研究海藻酸钠法固定化谷氨酸脱羧酶的最适条件。

55、OBJECTIVE To discuss and establish a highly effective method to immobilize antibody(Ab) on the surface of immunosensor microarray. ─── 目的探讨并建立一种高效免疫微阵列传感器抗体固定的方法。

56、A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. ─── 敷料,石膏模一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位

57、An alternate trademark used for Chemical Mace, an aerosol used to immobilize an attacker temporarily. ─── 梅斯催泪毒气和化学梅斯催泪毒气交替使用的商标,一种使进攻者暂时丧失战斗力的烟雾剂

58、CS is usually used as a matrix to immobilize biomolecules to construct biosensors such as enzyme electrodes. ─── 壳聚糖也常用于固定生物分子,研制酶电极等生物传感器。

59、A new solidification process using AASC (alkali-activated slag cement) to immobilize HLW (high level waste) is introduced in the article. ─── 介绍了用碱矿渣水泥固化高放废液新工艺。

60、, crustaceans) that they catch in their tentacles, whose stinging cells immobilize the prey; ─── 立方水母纲的水母约有50种。

61、Glyph of Hamstring - Gives your Hamstring ability a chance to immobilize the target. ─── 断筋铭文-断筋后有一定几率让目标无法移动.

62、Yes, the meaning of the idiom is to immobilize the army for now, but keep it mobilized for a more opportune moment. ─── 卫国与晋国是邻国,由于曾经受到狄人的侵略,人口锐减,土地大量丧失,逐渐沦为一个弱小的国家;

63、an orthopedic device used to immobilize and protect a part of the body (as a broken leg). ─── 固定并保护身体的一部分的整形外科装置。

64、By using to immobilize the moving front by front-fixing transformation, we can get an ordinary differential equations by Chebyshev polynomials. ─── 利用坐标变换,将自由边界的移动前沿固定,然后通过多项式展开将自由边界问题转化成常微分方程组求解(前沿固定方法);

65、The shock (up to 650 volts discharged at will) is used mainly to immobilize fish and other prey. ─── 尾部具发电器官,能随意发出电压高达650伏特的电流,所发电流主要用以麻痹鱼类等猎物。

66、If it is necessary, the service center can immobilize a taxi remotely by 'cutting off the oil or electric supply,' the company adds. ─── 在必要的时候,服务中心可以远距离切断油路或是供电,使出租车停下来。

67、Utilizing their environment, the spore walkers are able to derive toxins from the spores and fungi of the marsh, which they in turn use to stun or immobilize their prey. ─── 它们能充分的利用环境,从沼泽里的真菌以及孢子获得毒素,在捕猎的时候能让它们的猎物失去行动能力甚至晕厥。

68、In severe cases, adhesions immobilize and deform the joints, and adjacent skin, bones, and muscles atrophy. ─── 严重病例中,黏连带造成关节移位和畸形,附近的皮肤、骨骼和肌肉萎缩。

69、The feasibility of using protein A to immobilize antibody on the silicon surface of the imaging ellipsometry biosensor was investigated in this study. ─── 研究了在硅片表面上通过A蛋白定向固定抗体分子用于椭偏光学生物传感器免疫检测的可能性。

70、Always immobilize a broken leg immediately. ─── 腿断了应立即避免挪动。

71、The condition for enzyme immobilization was studied by using polypropene loaded titanium dioxide membrane to immobilize pesticide degradable enzyme EC3. ─── 利用聚丙烯负载二氧化钛膜固定农药降解酶(EC3.1.8.2),研究了酶固定化的条件,选择农药甲基对硫磷进行了降解试验。

72、To immobilize, as with fear or shock. ─── 吓呆如由于恐惧或震惊使不能动

73、The third, the gold nanoparticles have large specific surface area and produced a three-dimensional assembly of GOx, which can immobilize more enzymes as compared to the two-dimensional substrate. ─── 再次,金纳米粒子具有大的比表面积,能够在三维方向上对酶进行固载,较二维平面组装能固载更多的GOx,有拓展电极面积的作用;

74、Keywords immobilize;Aspergillus fumigatus;biosorption;reactive dye; ─── 固定化;烟曲霉;生物吸附;活性染料;

75、any of numerous venomous aquatic viviparous snakes having a fin-like tail; of warm littoral seas; feed on fish which they immobilize with quick-acting venom ─── 多种有鳍形尾巴的水栖胎生毒蛇;产于温暖的海滨;它们以鱼为食,靠迅速见效的毒液致使猎物固定不动

76、Immobilize the team ─── 稳定队伍

77、Do not attempt to pull out the object, rather immobilize the dogs muzzle using a strip of cloth or a muzzle. ─── 不要试图把东西拉出来,而是用一条布或口罩将狗狗的口鼻固定住。

78、In this paper, coating and covalent bonding methods had been developed to immobilize liposomes on silica gel particles as ILC stationary phases for liquid chromatography. ─── 本文以硅胶作为色谱基质,发展了涂敷法和共价键合法两种固定化脂质体的方法,并以此作为生物膜色谱固定相用于液相色谱研究。

79、Keywords chitoanase;kinetic property;immobilize;interspace diffuse resistance;electrical property; ─── 壳聚糖酶;动力学性质;固定化;空间阻力;电荷极性;

80、To immobilize and keep splints in place. ─── 固定骨折夹板。

81、OBJECTIVE To discuss a highly effective method to immobilize probe on the surfaces of piezoelectric DNA sensors. ─── 目的探讨一种高效的压电石英晶体DNA传感器固定的方法。

82、Keywords immobilize;dominant bacteria;CEH bleaching;effluent; ─── 固定化;优势菌;CEH漂白;废水;

83、In order for the bone to heal properly, Yao will need to immobilize the foot by wearing a walking boot. ─── 为了使骨愈合正常,姚明将需要通过穿着专门的鞋子来固定足部。

84、The effect of different content of starch of the samples was studied on the mesopore structure, macropore appearance, hydrothermal stability and enzyme activity to immobilize gluczyme. ─── 因此较大孔径载体材料可能有利于提高酶活性,但这方面的工作很少,值得深入研究。

85、Ganoderma lucidum vinegar beverage was fermented by adding proper alcohol into Ganoderma lucidum liquid to immobilize Acetobacter spp. ─── 以灵芝培养液为主要基质,添加适量酒精以固定化醋酸菌发酵灵芝醋酸饮料。

86、Improved Hamstring: The delay on the immobilize effect has been reduced. ─── 强化断筋:无法移动效果的延迟减少了。(觉是不是本来定身效果触发和中断筋时之间有延迟?现在延迟短了?

87、The Fangblade has an attack power that is devastating against immobilized creatures, so you'll want to make sure you build encounters with creatures that can immobilize. ─── 刃牙有一个攻击能力针对被锢足(immobilized)的生物有极大的伤害力。所以你在安排遭遇战时记得要加入有锢足能力的生物。

88、Wrestling is a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling. ─── 摔跤是一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔出去或摔倒对方。

89、Abstract: A novel approach by means of self-assembled technique and opposite-charged adsorption to immobilize horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to fabricate amperometric biosensor. ─── 文章快照: 近年来,基于阴、阳离子静电吸引固定生物分子的方法用于生物传感器的设计与制造已被广泛接受。

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