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majolica 发音

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majolica 中文意思翻译



majolica 网络释义

n. 马略尔卡陶器(意大利产锡釉陶器);意大利产花饰陶器及仿制品

majolica 短语词组

1、majolica majorca ─── 恋爱魔镜

majolica 相似词语短语

1、-aholic ─── 狂人

2、basilica ─── n.(古罗马)长方形会堂;长方形基督教堂;长方形廊柱大厅;n.(Basilica)人名;(西)巴西利卡

3、Salonica ─── n.(Salonica)人名;(希)萨洛尼卡

4、cajoling ─── v.以甜言蜜语哄骗;说服(cajole的现在分词)

5、majolicaware ─── 主要陶器

6、gallica ─── (Gallica)伽利卡;n.法国蔷薇

7、maiolica ─── n.马约利卡陶器

8、japonica ─── n.(日本)贴梗海棠;木瓜属,蔷薇科;山茶

9、majlis ─── n.(穆斯林国家的)委员会,集会;(伊朗的)议会

majolica 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"When I was in Samarkand in 1969, this mosque was open to the public. The majolica tiles of the iwan were among the most glorious I've seen anywhere." ─── 1969年我在撒玛尔罕时,这个清真寺对公众开放,拱门上的花饰陶瓦是我见过的瓦中最绚丽的。

2、gold reflet of majolica ware ─── 金色光泽的意大利原产的陶器

3、The perpendicular type stripe that uses majolica or plain coloured curtain, litre fall shade and wall form contrast. ─── 用图案来掩饰,即用同一醒目的图案掩饰所有的表面;使用具有吸光质地的材料。

4、If building space gives a person to feel in order to oppress, the sets upright a design curtain that can choose majolica undertakes got-up, and do not become shade head as far as possible. ─── 假如房屋空间给人以压迫感,就可以选择色彩强烈的竖条图案的窗帘进行修饰,而且尽量不做帘头。

5、majolica glaze ─── 锡釉彩陶釉

6、Tin-glazed earthenware made in France, Germany, Spain, and Scandinavia, similar to Faenza majolica, for which it was named. ─── 法国、德国、西班牙和斯堪的那维亚国家生产的锡釉陶器,类似法恩札陶器(Faenza majolica),此词就是源自Faenza。

7、pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures. Faience,delft,and majolica are examples of earthenware ─── 陶器总称,用有孔的黏土在较低火温下烧制成的器皿。一般包括上彩釉的陶器、荷兰白釉蓝彩陶器和文艺复兴时期意大利出产的花饰陶器

8、But ethical characteristic is bright, majolica is thunder-and-lightning, but the hand paint furniture that compares Chinese style style, prefer to hold drawing furniture all areas. ─── 落叶色、黄棕色、金蜜色以及白色系居多。

9、The majolica tiles of the iwan were among the most glorious I've seen anywhere. ─── 书页空白处,作者和读者在辩论,书在做调停。她父亲的书似乎都承载着巨大的责任。

10、We offer genuine affordable items such as: cyrstal chandeliers and sconces, French and English Majolica, ormolus, old French enamelware, clocks, religious and many one-of-a-king objects. ─── 粗体字价格表示至少已经有一位买家出价。

11、Victorian majolica, too, is enjoying a following after long neglect ─── 维多利亚时代的花饰上釉陶器在被人遗忘多年之后,如今有了大批追随者。

12、Caption :4. Majolica House; Vienna, Austria:Whimsical, singular, and down-right amazing, Otto Wagner's masterpiece is one of the greatest products of the Art Nouveau movement. ─── 描述:4.马略尔卡住宅;维也纳,奥地利:怪诞,奇异,惊人,奥托瓦格纳的作品是新艺术运动中最伟大的作品。

13、majolica colour ─── 锡釉彩陶用色料

14、Caption: 4. Majolica House; Vienna, Austria: Whimsical, singular, and down-right amazing, Otto Wagner's masterpiece is one of the greatest products of the Art Nouveau movement. ─── 描述:4。马略尔卡住宅;维也纳,奥地利:怪诞,奇异,惊人,奥托·瓦格纳的作品是新艺术运动中最伟大的作品。

15、The metope setting of majolica and the furniture that same quality fastens, look modern and will mature and chic; ─── 色彩强烈的墙面背景和相同色系的家具,看起来将时髦成熟而别致;

16、"Faience: Tin-glazed earthenware made in France, Germany, Spain, and Scandinavia, similar to Faenza majolica, for which it was named." ─── 彩陶:法国、德国、西班牙和斯堪的那维亚国家生产的锡釉陶器,类似法恩札陶器,此词就是源自Faenza。

17、Pottery made from a porous clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures. Faience, delft, and majolica are examples of earthenware. ─── 陶器总称用有孔的黏土在较低火温下烧制成的器皿。一般包括上彩釉的陶器、荷兰白釉蓝彩陶器和文艺复兴时期意大利出产的花饰陶器

18、Artistic ceramic tableware, majolica and terracotta, tableware, ovenware, decorative items for home... ─── 分类标题:工艺瓷器陶瓷餐具...

19、Leather bookbindings, pigments for paints and majolica (white-glazed pottery) all came from the East, although the Venetians never succeeded in imitating the perfect ruby glaze of Iznik pottery. ─── 皮面图书装订,绘画颜料和珐琅陶器(上釉的白瓷)都是来自于东方,虽然威尼斯人未能成功模仿依兹尼克瓷(Iznikpottery)的完美宝石红釉(rubyglaze)。

20、"Faience: Tin-glazed earthenware made in France, Germany, Spain, and Scandinavia, similar to Faenza majolica, for which it was named." ─── 彩陶:法国、德国、西班牙和斯堪的那维亚国家生产的锡釉陶器,类似法恩札陶器,此词就是源自Faenza。

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