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10-01 投稿


montero 发音

英:[mɑːnˈteroʊ]  美:[mɒnˈteərəʊ]

英:  美:

montero 中文意思翻译




montero 短语词组

1、montero call me by your name ─── 蒙特罗叫我你的名字

2、montero lil nas x montero lil nas x ─── 公司

3、montero sport ─── 蒙特罗运动

4、montero mv ─── 蒙特罗mv

5、angelic montero ─── 天使蒙特罗

montero 词性/词形变化,montero变形


montero 相似词语短语

1、monger ─── n.商人,小贩;(不好事物或思想的)散播者,宣扬者;v.(挨家挨户)兜售;贩卖;散播(观点);n.(Monger)(美、英)蒙格(人名)

2、monsters ─── n.怪物;怪兽;妖怪(monster的复数形式)

3、monstera ─── n.蓬莱蕉

4、monkery ─── n.修道院生活;修道院;僧侣

5、monster ─── n.怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人;adj.巨大的,庞大的

6、moner ─── n.无核原生物

7、monteros ─── n.(西班牙猎人戴的)有帽缘的圆形猎人帽(montero的变形)

8、monte ─── n.三猜一牌戏(起源于墨西哥,用三张牌,类似三牌猜皇后);n.(Monte)(美)蒙特(人名)

9、mongers ─── n.商人,小贩;(不好事物或思想的)散播者,宣扬者;v.(挨家挨户)兜售;贩卖;散播(观点);n.(Monger)(美、英)蒙格(人名)

montero 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meanwhile, Elena, the daughter of Don Diego who was raised by Montero, has grown up and thought Montero was her father. ─── 此时,迭戈的女儿埃琳娜已经由蒙特罗抚养长大,并以蒙特罗为父。

2、Antonio Marin Montero is one such friend, he acknowledges, who has given him valuable advice. ─── 安东尼奥 马林 蒙特罗对他来说就是这样一位朋友,曾经给了他许多有益的建议。

3、Don Diego decided to fight with Montero in order to take his daughter back. ─── 迭戈决心与蒙特罗斗争到底,夺回自己的女儿。

4、Montero is in love with Don Diego's wife, who is accidentally killed. ─── 蒙特罗也爱着迭戈的妻子,但他的手下失手杀死了她。

5、My friend Montero, who worked for the Arts Council, had found me a stint teaching a writing workshop in that town, with its hideous name. ─── 我的朋友蒙特罗在文艺理事会工作,他为我隐姓埋名在那座城市里的一个写作研习班找到一份定期指导写作的工作。

6、He may be one of Sir Alex Ferguson's favourite former players, but former Juventus defender Paolo Montero rates Premiership rivals Chelsea ahead of Manchester United this season. ─── 保罗-蒙特罗以前可能是弗格森最喜欢的球员之一,不过他觉得本赛季切尔西比曼联更强大。

7、Asked his favourite current player and Montero makes it a Chelsea double: "There are some great defenders playing at the moment and the one that appeals to me most is John Terry of Chelsea. ─── 当被问到自己目前最喜欢的球员是谁时,蒙特罗同样选择了切尔西球员:“现在有很多优秀后卫,最让我欣赏的是切尔西的约翰-特里。”

8、Antonio Marin Montero is the one of the leading guitar makers in Spain. ─── 安东尼奥。马林。蒙代罗是西班牙最顶级的吉他制作家之一。

9、Juventus hero Paolo Montero regards the club's new signing Domenico Criscito as a future great. ─── 尤文图斯的英雄蒙特罗称:俱乐部新签下克里斯希托是一笔长远而伟大的收购。

10、Meanwhile, Elena, the daughter of Don Diego who was raised by Montero, has grown up and thought Montero was her father. ─── 此时,迭戈的女儿埃琳娜已经由蒙特罗抚养长大,并以蒙特罗为父。

11、1993 Mitsubishi Montero: Availability of antilock braking expanded this year, now standard on the SR as well as the LS, and optional on the RS. ─── 1993年三菱蒙特罗:可用性防抱死制动扩大,今年的标准,现在的简以及对LS ,和可选的自动仓储系统。

12、DE POSADAS MONTERO, Luis M. ─── 路易斯·德波萨达斯·蒙特罗

13、Paolo Montero ─── 蒙特罗,乌拉圭足球运动员

14、Former Juventus defender Paolo Montero has signed a one-year deal with Argentina's San Lorenzo. ─── 前尤文后卫蒙特罗已经与阿根廷的圣罗伦素队签订了一年的合同。

15、The Spanish version ended up as "Montero", but still many spanish-speaking customer do have a wanker. ─── 西班牙文本的上涨是“蒙特罗” ,但仍有许多讲西班牙语的客户确实有wanker 。

16、Montero kidnaps Elena and tells Don Diego who is on his way to the dungeon that he will raise the baby as his own child. ─── 蒙特罗抢走了埃琳娜并告诉迭戈,他将让她认自己为父亲。

17、Mitsubishi Montero ─── 三菱蒙特罗,简称蒙特罗

18、Mrs. Montero cried when we talked about the people she hasn't seen in years. ─── 我们谈到蒙特罗太太多年没见面的那些人的时候,她流泪了,

19、The 19-year-old is seen by some as the new Paolo Montero, a former Bianconeri stopper, and his agent is ex-Juventus player Daniel Fonseca. ─── 19岁的他被人们认为是前斑马军团后卫蒙特罗的接班人,而他的经纪人正是以前尤文图斯的球员丰塞卡。

20、Jorge and Rita Montero, ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. ─── 曼特罗一家,乔治和丽塔,在这种特别境况下搭上了阿拉巴玛号的普通人;

21、Antonio marin montero is one such friend, he acknowledges, who has given him valuable advice. ─── 安东尼奥·马林·蒙特罗对他来说就是这样一位朋友,曾经给了他许多有益的建议。

22、LegendaryJuventus hard man Paolo Montero stands up for Steven Gerrard.“I usedto get in fights with Fiorentina fans all the time!” ─── 尤文传奇硬汉保罗蒙特罗站出来为杰拉德说话:“我曾一段时间和佛罗伦萨球迷打架。”

23、1999 Mitsubishi Montero: Other than declining sales, nothing was new for the Montero. ─── 1999年三菱蒙特罗:除了销售下降外,蒙特罗没有任何新的变化。呵呵。。。。

24、Juventus hero Paolo Montero regards the club's new signing Domenico Criscito as a future great. ─── 尤文图斯的英雄蒙特罗将球队的新人克里斯西托视为球队的未来巨星。

25、Juventus hero Paolo Montero regards the club's new signing Domenico Criscito as a future great. ─── 尤文图斯的英雄蒙特罗将球队的新人克里斯·西托视为球队的未来巨星。

26、LegendaryJuventus hard man Paolo Montero stands up for Steven Gerrard. ─── 乌拉圭人还保持这个在意甲9年13张红牌的历史纪录。

27、1997 Mitsubishi Montero: All '97s got a single-cam, 200-horsepower 3.5-liter V6. The LS lost its 5-speed manual transmission. ─── 1997年三菱蒙特罗:所有'97版均配置了单凸轮,200马力的3.5升V6引擎。LS款则不再有5速手动版。

28、1996 Mitsubishi Montero: Dual airbags came in 1996 on both the base LS and upscale SR Monteros. The folding 3-place middle bench seat added a split backrest for greater hauling versatility. ─── 1996年三菱蒙特罗:双安全气囊在1996年成为了基本版LS和高端版SR的标配。3位的中排座可以5:5分折叠。靠背可单独折叠,增加了更大灵活性。

29、" Montero is currently studying for his FIFA agent's licence. ─── 蒙特罗现在正在考FIFA的经纪人执照。

30、CASTRO,Jorge Arturo Montero ─── 豪尔赫·阿图罗·蒙特罗· 卡斯特罗

31、Schmalensee, Joskow, Ellerman, Montero, and Bailey. ─── "二氧化硫排放交易的临时评估.

32、When I coached Juventus, at times, I used to ask Ferrara and Montero to train the defence and everybody listened to them with all respect, while I trained the midfielders and the attackers. ─── 我当尤文主教练时,有时候会自己训练中场和前锋,而让费拉拉和蒙特罗训练后防球员,大家都恭恭敬敬的听从他们的指挥。

33、Paolo Montero’s contract has expired, Ciro Ferrara has quit, while Nicola Legrottaglie has again been loaned out with Siena his new destination. ─── 蒙特罗合同到期离开了,费拉拉退役了,而莱罗塔列在新赛季被租借到了西耶纳。

34、Heater wiring diagram of Mitsubishi Montero 1994 are shown in the following figure. ─── 三菱蒙特罗加热器1994年所示如下图。

35、2000 Mitsubishi Montero: An upscale Endeavor edition joined this year, featuring wood interior trim, heated leather seats, a power driver's seat, heated mirrors, and power sunroof. ─── 2000年三菱蒙特罗:一个高档奋进版今年加入,包括木内饰,可加热真皮座椅,一个电源驾驶员座椅,可加热后视镜,以及电动天窗。

36、In order to foil Montero's schemes, Alejandro went to Montero's manor to stole the map.He met Elena who knew nothing about these things.They had a duel and fell in love with each other. ─── 为了粉碎蒙特罗的阴谋,阿利亚多去蒙特罗的庄园窃取地图,却与不知情的埃琳娜相遇,两人展开了一场激战,并在激战中爱上了对方。

37、"I was present and saw some great players of the past years like Antonio Conte and Paolo Montero who left without receiving even a flower from the club. ─── “过去几年,我可是亲眼看到一些伟大的球员,譬如说孔蒂和蒙特罗,他们离开时甚至俱乐部都不会送他们一束花。”

38、"Chelsea's game appeals to me most in Europe," said Montero, "because they have players of personality like Terry, Lampard and Drogba. ─── “在欧洲,切尔西的比赛最吸引我,“蒙特罗说,”因为他们有像特里、兰帕德、德罗巴那样个人能力出色的球员。

39、1998 Mitsubishi Montero: Just one regular Montero model remained for '98, wearing a "safari-style" facelift. Also, antilock brakes are now standard. ─── 1998年三菱蒙特罗:98年的蒙特罗只有一款,依然“狩猎风格”和外观进行改款(即凸腰版)。同时防抱死制动系统开始成为标配。

40、Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Itzhak Perlman, pianist Gabriela Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill will play a work written by composer John Williams for the event.Mister Williams will also conduct. ─── 大提琴家马友友,小提琴家Itzhak Perlman和钢琴家拉蒙特罗和木萧演奏家安东尼将演奏约翰威廉姆斯的庆祝节日的作品。

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