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形同虚设的意思(dead letter中文翻译,dead letter是什么意思,dead letter发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

形同虚设的意思(dead letter中文翻译,dead letter是什么意思,dead letter发音、用法及例句)

1、dead letter

dead letter发音

英:  美:

dead letter中文意思翻译




dead letter双语使用场景

1、The will itself is made a dead letter.───遗嘱本身成了一纸空文了.

2、Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning and operation.───法律如果没有法院来详细说明和解释其真正意义和作用,就是一纸空文.

3、No one does anything about it and the law becomes a dead letter.───没人执行,该法律即成一纸空文。

4、This is a dead letter, so I can not deliver it.───这是一封盲信, 我没有办法投递.

5、Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.───很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄花.

6、For the computer queues instance, this represents the dead letter queue.───对于计算机队列实例, 这代表着死信队列.

7、It is regrettable that our appeal a dead letter.───遗憾的是,我们当时的呼吁石沉大海.

8、It is considered a best practice for each queue manager to have a dead letter queue.───我们认为最佳实践是每个队列管理器拥有一个死信队列。

9、Always assign a dead letter queue (DLQ) to the queue manager.───始终为队列管理器分配死信队列(dead letter queue, DLQ)。

10、Greek was a dead letter to him.───希腊文他可是一个字也不识.

11、This law has a dead letter.───此法已成为一纸空文.

12、Rules and regulations, once set up, should not be turned into a dead letter.───规章制度一经订立, 不应成为一纸虚文.

13、In our department, this rule has become a dead letter.───在我们这个部门, 这条制度已成为一纸空文.

14、It is regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter.───很遗憾,我们的呼吁竟如同泥牛入海.

15、No one does anything about it and the law becomes a dead letter.───没有人执行它,该法律变成了一纸空文。

dead letter相似词语短语

1、dead letters───死信(无法投寄的信);形同虚设的规定

2、day letter───日信

3、a dead letter───官样文章

4、dead center───[机]死点;静点

5、dead centers───[机]死点;静点

6、dead matters───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版

7、sea letter───海信

8、dead nettles───野芝麻

9、dead matter───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版

2、dead letter是什么信?

dead-letter office生词本['ded'letə](邮局的)死信组(或科),死信处理处双语例句1. Roman Catholic Church: vespers of the office for the dead.罗马天主教堂; 为死者的祭礼做晚祷.来自互联网2. Five dead men stumbled from their bunks and followed them , shuffling, from the office.五个僵尸从他们的床铺上立起,蹒跚地跟在他们身后, 一起走出了办公室.来自互联网3. The post office generally will send the dead letters back to the senders.邮局一般会将挂号的瞎信退给寄信人.来自互联网

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