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in a minute中文翻译,in a minute是什么意思,in a minute发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

in a minute中文翻译,in a minute是什么意思,in a minute发音、用法及例句

in a minute

in a minute发音

英:  美:

in a minute中文意思翻译




in a minute双语使用场景

1、It will stop in a minute —it's only spitting.───雨很快就会停的——这只不过是毛毛雨。

2、I'll ring up in a minute.───我马上就打电话。

3、It'll be ready in a minute.───一会儿就得.

4、You go first. I'll come on in a minute.───你先走, 我随后就来.

5、Finally — and I really ought to stop in a minute — I wish to make the following recommendations.───最后——我确实应该停一下——我想作以下推荐。

6、minute , Jo.───一会儿见,乔。

7、Yes , I'll come in a minute.───欸, 我这就来!

8、I'll join you in a minute.───我立刻就来和你们相会.

9、I can hot the hamburger up in a minute.───我马上就能把汉堡包热好.

10、Herry came in a minute later.───一分钟后,亨利进来了.

11、Right, I'll be back in a minute.───好,我马上回来。

12、Bye Mum, see you in a minute.───妈妈,一会儿见。

13、We'll broaden the discussion out in a minute.───我们马上要扩大讨论的范围。

14、I'll come downstairs in a minute.───我马上下楼.

15、I'll be back in a minute.───我一会儿就回来.

16、His imagination - mill was hard at work in a minute, now.───顷刻之间, 他的想象机器就使劲转了起来.

17、In a minute he'll be hollering at me for coming in late.───不消一会儿他就会因为我迟到对我大喊大叫。

18、Right, I'll be back in a minute.───好的,我一会儿就回来。

in a minute相似词语短语


2、in a sense───在某种意义上

3、last minute───最后一刻;紧急关头

4、in nomine───n.以……的名义

5、in limine───开头;正要

6、in a pinch───必要时;在紧要关头

7、in a state───标明,规定;状况;精神不大正常

8、wait a minute───等一下;等一会

9、in a measure───一部分

for a minute与in a minute 有什么区别

for a minute 意思等我一分钟~eg :Please wait me for a minute 请等我一分钟 一会儿in a minuteeg you must finish the work in a minute你必须在一分钟内完成这项工作

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