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08-09 投稿


aversion 发音

英:[əˈvɜːrʒn]  美:[əˈvɜːʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

aversion 中文意思翻译



aversion 词性/词形变化,aversion变形


aversion 常用词组

risk aversion ─── 风险规避;厌恶风险

aversion therapy ─── [心理]厌恶疗法

aversion 短语词组

take an aversion to

1. 讨厌

He took an aversion to me.


1、aversion to chill ─── 厌恶寒冷

2、aversion to doing ─── 厌恶做

3、relative risk aversion ─── 相对风险规避

4、aversion to food ─── 厌恶食物

5、one's pet aversion ─── 某人最讨厌的东西

6、myopic loss aversion ─── 短视损失厌恶

7、take an aversion for ─── 对...反感

8、loss aversion ─── 损失厌恶 ─── 损失规避

9、aversion therapy ─── 厌恶疗法(医生利用引起病人感官上不愉快的事物来治疗某种不良习惯和嗜好, 如酗酒)

10、aversion to heat ─── 对热的厌恶

11、Hype Aversion

12、aversion to cold ─── 恶寒

13、aversion of ─── 厌恶

14、aversion depression ─── [医] 嫌恶性抑郁 ─── [症]

15、aversion to wind ─── 厌恶风

16、conditioned aversion ─── 条件性厌恶

17、aversion to ─── 对……的反感 ─── 对……的厌恶

18、risk-aversion ─── 风险预防

19、Ambiguity aversion ─── 模糊厌恶

aversion 习惯用语

1、pet aversion ─── 最厌恶的东西[人]

2、have an aversion from ─── 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢

3、have an aversion to ─── 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢

4、take an aversion to ─── 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢

5、take an aversion from ─── 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢

aversion 相似词语短语

1、obversion ─── n.转向;形成对立;换质法

2、diversion ─── n.转移;消遣;分散注意力

3、Haversian ─── adj.哈弗斯的;哈弗斯发现的

4、eversions ─── n.翻转,外翻

5、eversion ─── n.翻转,外翻

6、version ─── n.版本;译文;倒转术

7、aversions ─── n.厌恶;讨厌的人

8、aspersion ─── n.中伤,诽谤;洒水

9、inversion ─── n.倒置;反向;倒转

aversion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And yet, Dudley avers, “you are more likely to be killed here by a European honeybee than by any native animal. ─── 一年之中至少有一段时间,公园里同时栖息了280种鸟类,这也对46种淡水鱼类的生活造成威胁。

2、Anyone who would take the trouble to peruse books would have revealed a sad history of gratified passion, coldness, and finally, of aversion. ─── 只要谁肯花费功夫去阅读,就会看到一部(女人被玩弄遗弃的)伤心史,开始是海誓山盟,接着变得冷淡,最后终于遭到厌弃。

3、There are two corollaries of operant conditioning" Aversion therapy and desensitization. ─── 使事情发生动作的条件有2种推论,厌恶疗法及减敏。

4、They have the same risk aversion and the same system. ─── 他们的风险厌恶是一样,系统是一样的。

5、Branstorm the selfhood,Aver of selves. ─── (译文:个性灵动,自我主张。)

6、Will is nothing but the last appetite or aversion remaining in deliberation. ─── 意志无非是深思熟虑中最后余留的欲求或厌恶。

7、He had an aversion to getting up early. ─── 他十分讨厌早起。

8、Some traditions also aver that the mountain is Shiva's linga and Lake Manasarowar below is the yoni of His consort. ─── 佛教、印度教、耆那教和苯教四大教派均将冈仁波齐尊为神山,世界中心。

9、"For me it's a more cerebral and certainly more lucrative form of jogging," he avers. ─── 他这样说:“对我来说,这是一种更主要是脑力方面的,更有经济效益的慢跑锻炼。

10、The general had an aversion to occupying buildings and usually kept a command post in tents out in open. ─── 将军对占用的楼房很反感,一般都把战地指挥所设在户外的帐篷里。

11、Gasol is limited by his frame, which looks like an aversion to contact on the big-screen. ─── 加索尔被他的体型限制着,他看上去只像一块一碰就碎的大屏幕。

12、During his adventures, the Prince discovers that, like all the Empress' sandy minions, the Dahaka has an intense aversion to water. ─── 在冒险中,王子发现,像所有的女皇的女皇的沙怪手下一样,达哈卡也对水非常憎恶。

13、She has an aversion to animals. ─── 她对动物感到厌恶。

14、He took an immediate aversion to his new boss. ─── 他对新老板一见就反感.

15、During the days we'd had to spend cooped up together in Phoenix, I'd thought he'd gotten over his aversion to me. ─── 在凤凰城的那段时间,白日里我们都必须一起待在房间里,我以为他已经习惯了我的气味。

16、Does not His great holiness, and the natural aversion of our hearts from God demand it? ─── 他至高的圣洁以及我们心中厌弃神的天性,岂不更要求我们该摆上全心吗?

17、He shrugged his shoulders: shook himself, indeed, as if his flesh crept with aversion. ─── 他耸耸肩:他自己真的哆嗦了一下,好象他憎恶得不寒而栗。

18、E dopo aver traversato quelle parti, e averli con molte parole esortati, venne in Grecia. ─── 他走遍那一带地方,用许多话劝勉众人,然后来到希腊。

19、She looked at Pen with glances from which beamed pride, defiance, aversion. ─── 她望着潘,目光流露出高傲、蔑视和反感。

20、Quiero q me apapaches!!Aver q pasa. ─── *Voy a mi* 心情: con frio 昨天。

21、"Dogs show a strong aversion to inequity," she said. ─── 她说,“面对不公正狗会表示强烈的厌恶。”

22、Wenzhou was one of the first cities to develop methods to work around the financial sector's aversion to private enterprise. ─── 温州是第一个开发出消除金融系统对私人企业的负面影响的城市。

23、However, if she became difficult he might have to kill her, and he had an aversion to that. ─── 倘若她找他的麻烦,无非再伤一命,但一想到要杀死她,心里总不是滋味。

24、Allora, dopo aver digiunato e pregato, imposero loro le mani, e li accomiatarono. ─── 于是他们禁食祷告,为两人按手,就派他们去了。

25、Thus the authors concluded that taste aversion could be learned in-utero. ─── 因此,作者认为,可以在宫内对味觉进行改变。

26、Washing dishes is his pet aversion. ─── 他最讨厌洗碗。

27、Their aversion to e-mail, groupware and other one-size-fits-none and over-engineered tools. ─── 他们对电子邮件,群件和其他超工程的工具非常厌恶。

28、Housework is his pet aversion. ─── 他最讨厌做家务。

29、Lea, vedendo che avea cessato d’aver figliuoli, prese la sua serva Zilpa e la diede a Giacobbe per moglie. ─── 于是,拉结把自己的婢女辟拉给了雅各为妾,雅各就与她亲近。

30、Behavior or an act based on this aversion. ─── 基于这种厌恶的举止及行为

31、Sherwin's recent experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel foods that are noxious or toxic. ─── Sherwin 最近对家养母鸡的实验并不支持这样一种观点,即鸟类的社会学习必然会促使它们对有害或有毒的新食物产生反感。

32、"There is a risk aversion in NATO that we must continue to address and push nations," Gen. Craddock said. ─── “北约有害怕危险的倾向,我们必须继续解决这个问题,推动一些国家。”

33、A populist aversion to business monopolies. ─── 人民党主义对商业垄断的反对

34、Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure. ─── 可憎的,令人作呕的使产生强烈厌恶的、反感的或强烈的不愉快的

35、In spite of all you say,I still aver that his report is true. ─── 不管你怎么说,我还是断言他的报告是真实的。

36、That aversion certainly doesn't hurt, and it may even help, the Brotherhood as it competes with Mr Gomaa to influence Egyptians. ─── 在同戈玛争夺对埃及人的影响时,那种厌恶情绪当然不会伤害、甚至可能会帮助兄弟会。

37、"Ah.A small aversion to menial labor? ─── “啊,有那么点儿讨厌干仆人的活儿了是吧?”

38、This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, as the aversion power. ─── 如同“厌恶术”异能,这是影响心灵的强迫效果。

39、Aversion therapy uses unpleasant reinforcement to a response which is undesirable. ─── 厌恶疗法是使用令人不快的条件加强一个回应,这是不受欢迎的。

40、He avers he will not attend the meeting. ─── 他断言不会参加那个会议。

41、A lack of inclination; a mild aversion or reluctance. ─── 不愿,厌恶缺少爱好;比较厌恶或勉强

42、A kindly aver will never make a good horse. ─── 天生负重之马成不了良骑。

43、The results showed that the PVDF ultrafiltration membrane can be used to decrease the turbidity of juice with aver... ─── 其对果汁的色度影响较小,平均去除率为20%,其对电导率和糖度基本没有影响。

44、What is the risk aversion of the trader or client? ─── 什么是交易者或客户对风险的厌恶?

45、Have you developed an aversion to babies? ─── 你对婴儿感到厌恶了吗?

46、This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity. ─── 同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。

47、But in general, as every pollster avers, it is the future more than the past that motivates voting. ─── 但总的来说,一如每次民意测验显示的那样,投票的动力源自对未来的希望而不是对过去的纠缠。

48、Next,it should be pointed out that the source of ultra-democracy consists in the petty bourgeoisie's individualistic aversion to discipline. ─── 其次,要指出极端民主化的来源,在于小资产阶级的自由散漫性。

49、Treat your aversion to the people, because there days you will work for such a person. ─── 善待你所厌恶的人,因为说不定哪一天你就会为这样的一个人工作。

50、She has an aversion to pets. ─── 她讨厌宠物。

51、Janey:No way.It's perfect.I don't like the spicy kind and I have an aversion to wearing the powdery kind. ─── 不,简直是完美极了。我不喜欢香料型的,并且对粉末型有强烈的厌恶感,

52、She has an aversion to cats. ─── 她讨厌猫。

53、Disinclination: A lack of inclination; a mild aversion or reluctance. ─── 不愿,缺少爱好;

54、However, if she became difficult he might have to kill her, and he had an aversion to that. ─── 倘若她找他的麻烦,无非再伤一命,但一想到要杀死她,心里总不是滋味。

55、Do you feel any aversion to hard study? ─── 你嫌恶努力学习吗?

56、The yen, a barometer of rising risk aversion, also rallied 3 per cent against the euro and the dollar. ─── 作为避险意识不断上升的晴雨表,日元兑欧元及美元汇率也上涨了3%。

57、A good leader must look beyond personal interest or aversion. ─── 一个优秀的领导人必须眼光放远,超越个人利益或嫌恶。

58、Hate is aversion for any object of the senses. ─── 嗔恨依感官作用而对事物产生厌恶。

59、But it caused an aversion from the academic circle. ─── 却引起知识界的反感。

60、He took an immediate aversion to his new teacher. ─── 他对新老师立即产生了厌恶感。

61、Profound aversion or repugnance excited by something offensive. ─── 厌恶,憎恶由令人憎恶的事引起极深的厌恶或反感

62、A utility maximization game model is formulated assuming both the supplier and the distributor are risk aversion. ─── 在假定供应商和零售商都是风险规避类型的条件下,建立博弈模型并分别求解出供应商和零售商的最优策略。

63、Bond prices have rallied, following a rise in risk aversion and a flight to safer assets. ─── 在风险厌恶情绪加深以及追求更安全资产的情况下,债券价格回升。

64、The VIX volatility index spiked sharply in this period, and risk aversion led to a rally in global government bonds, particularly Treasuries. ─── VIX波动指数在此期间内急剧窜升。风险厌恶情绪使得全球国债走强,尤其是美国国债。

65、In many cases, they have a general aversion to the idea of elaborate theology. ─── 在许多情况下,他们对阐述精微的神学思想有一种普遍的厌恶。

66、He has an aversion to cockfights. ─── 他讨厌斗鸡。

67、A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance. ─── 反感,厌恶一种强烈的反感或厌恶感

68、Senior members of his team merrily aver that theirs will be the most Eurosceptic administration since that term had any currency. ─── 党内一些资深人物高兴地断言,托利党一旦执政将会是有史以来对对欧洲的怀疑最为强烈的政府。

69、Either way, drain-strain's signature combination of exhaustion, aversion, and resentment means you're throwing resources into an insatiable gullet. ─── 不论一种,具有包括疲劳、厌恶和愤恨的这一系列组合特征的”耗竭疲劳“会让你将资源投入到一个贪得无厌的口中。

70、To regard with distaste or aversion. ─── 不喜欢,厌恶不喜欢或厌恶地看待

71、As he already knew French, he gained an advantage aver the rest of the class. ─── 因为他已经接法语,所以他比班上其他人占优势。

72、Trembling is usually referred to aversion to cold with shivering. ─── 发抖称恶寒战栗。

73、An attitude or a feeling of distaste or aversion. ─── 厌憎,讨厌不喜欢或厌恶的态度或感觉

74、Now I searched my heart, trying to determine whether my aversion to going was rooted in conviction or cowardice. ─── 此刻,我在内心问自己,试图弄清楚,我厌恶上战场是出于某种信念还是因为怯懦。

75、Aversion. Subject has aversion you specify. ─── 厌恶术:受术者厌恶你指定的事物。

76、She felt an aversion to him. ─── 她讨厌他。

77、Germany responds to this contrast with its usual concern about whether people's aversion to work is damaging its competitiveness. ─── 德国对这一反差的反应是,它一贯担心人们对工作的厌恶是否正在损害其竞争力。

78、He has a strong aversion to dogs. ─── 他非常讨厌狗。

79、Chi risponde prima d’aver ascoltato, mostra la sua follia, e rimane confuso. ─── 不先聆听就回答的,这就是他的愚妄和羞辱。

80、He has an aversion to (seeing) cockfights. ─── 他讨厌 (看) 斗鸡。

81、In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true. ─── 不管你怎么说,我还是断言他的报告是真实的。

82、A woman's cowardice can be so absolute as to cast her into the jaws of her aversion. ─── 女人的懦弱会不会如此强烈,以致把她投入她厌恶的人的血盆大口。

83、The West, Mr Crooke avers, organises society around the largely amoral appetites and choices of the individual. ─── 克鲁克断言,西方在很大程度上是根据非道德欲望和个人选择来组织社会。

84、Skewness Preference, Risk Aversion, and the Precedence Relations on Stochastic Changes By: Chiu, W. Henry. ─── 偏态偏好、风险规避与随机变化优先关系。

85、Lui ha sacrificato la vita per il popolo oltre ad aver donato tutta la ricchezza della famiglia alle persone bisognose. ─── 他不仅他家庭的全部财产分给了有需要的人,而且奉献了他的生命。

86、He has a strong aversion to getting up early. ─── 他非常讨厌早起床。

87、He had an aversion to anything that savored of the supernatural. ─── 他讨厌任何带有超自然意味的东西。

88、Risk aversion in the mood before dissipating, the U.S. dollar and the yen still higher potential. ─── 在风险厌恶情绪消退之前,美元及日元仍有上涨潜力。


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