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09-19 投稿


incarnated 发音

英:[ˈɪnkɑːneɪtɪd]  美:[ˈɪnkɑːrneɪtɪd]

英:  美:

incarnated 中文意思翻译



incarnated 同义词

embody | come to life | corporate | corporal | substantiate | bodied | in the flesh | body forth | physical | fleshly |alive | in person | embodied

incarnated 反义词


incarnated 词性/词形变化,incarnated变形

动词过去式: incarnated |动词现在分词: incarnating |动词第三人称单数: incarnates |动词过去分词: incarnated |名词: incarnator |

incarnated 相似词语短语

1、reincarnated ─── vt.使转世;使化身(reincarnate的过去式和过去分词)

2、incarnate ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

3、incatenated ─── 锁链

4、excarnated ─── vi.剥除肉质;免去肉体

5、incardinated ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区

6、incarnates ─── adj.人体化的,化身的;拟人化的;极典型的;以极端形式体现的;v.体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)

7、incurvated ─── v.向内弯曲;使内弯;adj.向内弯曲的

8、incoronated ─── 无环

9、incanted ─── vt.念咒语;vi.念咒语

incarnated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We in later years incarnated heavily in Egypt, and are responsible for the ancient Egyptian culture you know of at this time. ─── 随后的日子里,我们大量化身在埃及,这是你们现在所知的古埃及文化的起因。

2、Good characteristics such as high accuracy efficiency, reliability and anti-jamming are incarnated in this as system. ─── 抗干扰能力强,同时具有很高的采样效率。

3、Whether incarnated in accessories or clothing separates, and whether in pastel hues or shocking splashes, pink is the hot color this summer. ─── 无论是使人个性化的饰物,还是单件衣服,无论是柔和的色调,还是令人心动的斑点,无疑粉色是今夏最酷的颜色。

4、’ So, in other words, why are any of us incarnated at this time and what is our purpose? ─── 也就是说,为什么我们会转世在此时,我们的目的到底是什么?

5、the devil incarnated in a black dog ─── 具有黑狗形体的魔鬼((化成黑狗的魔鬼))

6、They discussed forgetting in short-term memory, retroactive inhibition, proactive inhibition, primacy effect and recency effect, which incarnated the research of Gestalt psychology; ─── 对于遗忘,认知心理学家探讨了短时记忆的遗忘、前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应、首因效应等,这些方面在格式塔心理学中也有充分的体现;

7、3 It Incarnated In Simple Mortals, That Humanity Might Be Benefitted And Evil Thoughts Exterminated Thereby. ─── 它化身成普通的凡人,使得人类会得益,邪恶的思想因此而被消除。

8、the devil incarnated as a serpent ─── 具有蛇形体的魔鬼((化成蛇的魔鬼))

9、The liver's another function is incarnated in its regulating emotional activities, promoting digestion and absorption and keeping qi and blood flowing normally. ─── 肝的另外一个功能表现在调节情志活动、促进消化吸收和维持气的正常运行上。

10、Anyhow his spirit has been incarnated with this mission into a semi-material body (weight 18 kg) in the 5th dimension from the high worlds, height 2 meters, green-blue intensively shining eyes. ─── 总之他的精神已经体现这任务进入一个半-物质身体(重量18公斤)来自第五维高级世界,身高2米,绿色-蓝色强烈光亮的眼睛。

11、He accuses them furthermore of separating the Word from the flesh and of refusing to worship the Incarnated Word. ─── 他进一步抨击(亚流派)将道从(基督的)肉身中分离出来以否定敬拜成肉身的道。

12、Cashmere tropical suiting made of cashmere and shrinkproof wool, 5% fine terylene.It incarnated the performance of the 3 meterials.The finished product was predominant. ─── 羊绒防缩薄花呢由山羊绒和防缩毛条为主体原料,伴纺5%的细旦涤纶纤维,充分发挥了各原料的优势,最终成品性能优越。

13、People incarnated in order to be of service and in order to demonstrate love. ─── 化身为人为了服务并且为了示范爱。

14、It is bored, incarnated by special carriers and modes and strengthens continuously. ─── 它由特定的载体与方式承载、体现并不断增强。

15、Some of them are voluntarily incarnated on the Earth, each has got his own task, which he has chosen. ─── 他们其中的一些是自愿地在地球上赋以形体,各自已经获得他自己的任务,他已经选择的使命。

16、"The user first" were incarnated in satisfying the underlying demands and advanced needs for discipline construction. ─── 满足学科建设的潜在需求和超前需求,是“用户第一”的具体体现。

17、The model of "lag-alteration" in novels of the liberation area was brightly incarnated imperative effect of revolutionary ideology. ─── 摘要解放区小说中的“落后-改造”模式鲜明地体现了革命意识形态的规范作用。

18、The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying of facies controlling and geological conceptional models. ─── 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用,主要体现为相控建模原则、和地质概念模型的应用。

19、Abstract: Base on the diffractive theory and infrared optic design principle, the superiorities of BOE are incarnated by the design of a far-infrared teleobjective system. ─── 摘要:本文基于衍射光学理论和红外光学系统设计理论,结合二元光学技术设计了远红外望远物镜。

20、When the soul first incarnated into flesh, this began the first incarnation of the divine consciousness into an animal. ─── 当灵魂开始投生至肉身中,神圣的意识进入动物的第一次投生就开始了。

21、The social benefit was incarnated by its driving function to regional economy and the radiation function of the industrial structure in EIPs. ─── 社会效益主要体现在对区域经济的带动和园区产业结构的辐射功能。

22、From every description above,the life story of the literati of Tang Dynasty and their values are incarnated. ─── 在形形色色的游侠身上体现了唐代士子的生平际遇和价值取向。

23、Dickens incarnated hypocrisy in his Uriah Heep. ─── 狄更斯把虚伪体现在他塑造的人物赖亚·赫普身上。

24、As a whole, Christianity is not a testimony of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ. ─── 整体看来,基督教不是那成为肉体、钉十字架、复活与升天之基督的见证。

25、Thus we acknowledge his divinity, which is that of the Father, and we worship his incarnated presence, even if the Arian fanatics burst. ─── 故此,我们确认他的神性就是父的神性,我们敬拜他成为肉身的显现,即使亚流派幻想者反对。

26、This mechanism not only has achieved the maximums objective reality from judiciary conjecture, but also incarnated judicial fairness. ─── 最大程度的获得贴近客观现实的司法推测,是司法公正的集中体现。

27、The people of Earth were programmed for this time, and there is no one incarnated upon the planet who can say that they made a mistake and did not know what was going to occur here. ─── 地球上的人类为这个时间计划好了,而在行星之上没有一个化身能够说他们犯了一个错误而不知道这里将出现的一切。

28、2. The construction of county yamen symbolized its regime in Han Dynasty, and incarnated governmental stateliness . ─── 汉代衙署建筑是政权的象征,体现出了官府的威严。县衙又称县寺,外有围墙将之围成一个相对封闭的区域。

29、Ma Steel's tradition should be incarnated and Ma Steel's practice should be reflected with contraposing the developing goal by means of other enterprises' experience. ─── 在马钢精神文化建设的过程中,要体现马钢的传统,反映马钢的实际,针对马钢的发展目标,借鉴其他企业的经验。

30、Green Tara, known for the activity of compassion, the consort of the Dhyani Buddha Amogasiddhi, and is incarnated in all good women. ─── 绿度母,以慈悲闻名,是禅定佛(五在定佛)不空成就如来的配偶,是所有良家妇女的化身。

31、The condition of being incarnated. ─── 具体成形被赋以形体的状况

32、Our presence and that of many souls who have incarnated to help you, has stirred memories of greater knowledge that is held within. ─── 我们以及许多投生来帮助你们的灵魂的存在,唤醒了被保存在内心的关于更伟大的知识的记忆。

33、the three incarnated bodies of a Buddha ─── 三色身

34、He came down to teach the negative powers that had incarnated on the earth that they could not get away with destruction. ─── 他会来到地上教导地面上负面能量的化身,他们也不能侥幸逃脱惩罚。

35、It had originally been used for benevolent purposes, for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnated into physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations. ─── 它本来是用于和平的目的,用于为那些进入变异成半人半兽的怪物的身体的(灵魂)寻求改良的身体媒介。

36、As such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as Hermes, the thrice-born. ─── 如此,他轮迴转了三个时代的化身,最后第三次出生是以赫密士斯闻名。

37、Michel Foucault and Henri Lefebvre found the essentiality of space and the power relations incarnated in the process of space production. ─── 福柯和列斐伏尔发现了空间的重要性以及在空间和空间的生产中蕴含的权力关系。

38、the xerophytes and meso-xerophytes are abundant, there are many mutual species with Inner Mongolia, which incarnated the biology corridor function of Yellow River; ─── 旱生、中旱生植物以及与内蒙古共有植物种类多,充分体现了黄河的生物廊道作用;

39、I envy you, those who are incarnated at this very difficult time. ─── 我羡慕你们,在这艰难时刻投生的人们。

40、You may ask, 'How is it possible for God to be incarnated as a man who suffers from hunger, thirst, and the other traits of an embodied being, and perhaps also from disease and grief? ─── 你会问:‘神是怎么可能化身成一个忍受饥饿、口喝,还多半有疾病和痛苦等显著特征的身体呢?’

41、In Olmec art, there are dragonlike images which are unique to the Chinese arts and symbolize the holy and paramount power usually incarnated on the emperors. ─── 在奥尔麦克艺术中有好似龙的形象,而“龙”是唯独在中国的艺术中才有的,它象征着通常体现在历代皇帝身上的那种神圣而至高无上的权力。

42、If the GM and players agree, players can roleplay an incarnated Nephilim: one of those men or women who bear within them the supernatural inheritance of another race. ─── 如果GM和玩家都同意,玩家可以扮演具体化的拿非利人:一个男人或女人,他们具有别的种族的超自然遗传在里面。

43、As to the permeation from moral to law, it is not only incarnated on legislation layer, but also obviously displayed on judicature layer. ─── 至于道德对法律领域的渗透 ,不仅体现在立法层面 ,在司法层面上亦是显而易见的。

44、Western superstitions detail that black cats are able to represent spirits or incarnated humans, thereby linking them to witchcraft. ─── 西方的传说里,有一种说法,黑猫是灵魂的化身。

45、The Shelleyian-Byronian version of aesthetic avant-gardism per se is incarnated as literary elitism, utopian futurism and poetic dramatization of their personal life. ─── 他们的审美先锋主义思想主要体现于三个方面:对诗人和读者的精英身份的定位、未来主义与乌托邦冲动以及诗化生命与审美表演。

46、Then, Vishnu incarnated in the form of a turtle to support the mountain. ─── 然后,毗瑟奴以龟的化身出现,支撑着山脉。

47、His ideals were incarnated in his music. ─── 他的理想体现在他的音乐中。

48、In the whole agriculture society, it belongs to the category of the dominion administration, and its government function is mostly incarnated to obtain social order. ─── 在整个农业社会,人类的行政管理属于统治行政的范畴,政府的职能主要体现在社会秩序的获得上。

49、god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king. ─── 神在地上化身为一位国王。

50、It has incarnated the requirement of the accounatant-work of economic profit of socialism,which has been formed durning the lasting-period of the accountants' practice. ─── 它体现了社会主义经济利益对会计工作的要求,是会计人员在长期实践中形成的。

51、3.Till Ming Dynasty, this art image still incarnated a Utopian bourn of a joint of sensibility, nature and faeries which was pursued by literator estate. ─── 在明代,这一审美意象仍然体现着文人阶层所追求的诗情、自然与天仙连成一片的理想境界。

52、The purpose of Technology Medium PE research is mainly incarnated in the research of Technology Medium Development Evaluation Index. ─── 科技中介绩效评价研究的意义集中体现在对科技中介发展评价指标的研究方面。

53、"YING WU XIANG XING " has been incarnated from the stone carving of "HUOQUBING" tomb and the fresco of "LICHONGRUN" tomb of the T"ang . ─── “应物象形”是中国造型艺术的基本观念,在“霍去病墓”的石雕作品和唐代“李重润”墓室壁画中得到完整体现。

54、His primary law thoughts are incarnated by judicatory cases he tried and composed. ─── 其主要的法学思想体现在他所经历并撰写的司法审判案例中。

55、In that romantic era, the poems and verses of Tang and Song dynasty incarnated the people's sooth, melting and romantic sense on Chang E.Chang E has a significant effect on people. ─── 唐宋的诗词充分地体现了那个浪漫的时代里文人们以怎样浪漫温柔的心境来接纳嫦娥,嫦娥也同时对他们起着不可忽视的影响。

56、In China, only those whose art and moral quality being unified, his works might be appreciated.Tao Yuanming's personnal morality are being incarnated wonderfully in his art. ─── 在中国,人格和艺术相统一,才有可能被人欣赏和推崇,而陶渊明是人格美和艺术美高度统一的。

57、The features of the simple hardware, stable operation and distinct programme flow are incarnated in the proposed system and the results can also be pronounced in real-time. ─── 结果表明,该系统具有硬件结构简单、工作可靠、流程清晰等优点,并能实现语音实时播报。

58、For almost four thousand years, each deva has been incarnated again and again in the world of Toril. ─── 至少四千年来,每个半神人一次又一次的在托瑞尔世界实体化。

59、The comparison of abstinency and indulgence was fully incarnated in the Belief in Devil of early capitalism. ─── 存在于早期资本主义的禁欲和放纵之间的张力在魔鬼信仰中得到了很好的体现。

60、Jesus was a Jewish rabbi who had purposely incarnated into a Jewish family that was involved with the Essenes. ─── 耶稣是犹太人导师,他故意地进入一个与艾赛尼派教派有关联的犹太人的家庭之内。

61、They also include many energies of Love and Light that have never incarnated on Earth. ─── 他们也包括许多在地球上不曾有化身的爱和光能量。

62、The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying facies controlling and geological conceptional models. ─── 地质研究对储层建模的核心作用主要体现为相控建模原则的确立和地质概念模型的应用上。

63、The real significance of teacher education reform is incarnated in teacher's daily teaching life.Self-reflection is the practical character that is emphasized by teachers' professional development. ─── 教师教育变革的真正意义存在于日常教育生活之中,而提倡反思,是教师专业发展所强调的实践品格。

64、Before he was incarnated as Gautama Siddartha, the Buddha resided in heaven, and told his followers that he had been Indra thirty-six times, and many hundred times ruler of the world. ─── 投胎为乔达摩-悉达多之前,佛陀住在天界。他告诉他的追随者,他曾为大神因陀罗三十六次,为世上之王数百次。

65、Cayce said that the head of the Essenes, called Judy, was incarnated in the twentieth century and came to him for a reading.Among her many functions was recordkeeper of the Essene material. ─── 凯西说艾赛尼派教派领袖,叫茱蒂,是在二十的世纪显现和走近他让他阅读她.在她的许多作用下记录了艾赛尼派教派的素材.

66、Therefore existence of the average force incarnated that detailed balance was broken in two-state transition. ─── 有效势倾斜等效于一个平均力的作用,而这一平均力的存在体现了两态跃迁细致平衡的破坏。

67、The aesthetic value of literary language is incarnated by the formalization of emotion,semantic constructiveness,latent interest o... ─── 文学语言的审美价值具体体现在情感形式化,语义建构性,符号意味性等方面。

68、Vamana Rishi incarnated for this task and learned the whole Ashtanga Yoga system from lord Vishnu while in the womb of his mother. ─── VamanaRishi为了其学习源自于毗湿奴神的八支瑜伽系统任务,投胎在其母亲的子宫内化身为人。

69、The purpose is to restate the public spirit and personal free rights incarnated by the studies on the public fields. ─── 对公共领域的研究,目的在于重申其所体现的公共精神及个人自由权利。

70、Buddhism in Tibet was confining, but a good choice for my first incarnation here, as I incarnated into a quiet and settled region. ─── 西藏的佛教徒是受限制的,但是作为我的第一次地球化身,进入一个安静稳定的地区是个不错的选择。

71、Secondly, the students' innovation is mainly incarnated in preparation experiments and exploration experiments. ─── 其次,学生的创新思想主要体现在做预备实验和探究性实验中;

72、As a whole, Christianity is not a testimony of the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ. ─── 整体看来,基督教不是那成为肉体、钉十字架、复活与升天之基督的见证。

73、The purpose of the human form was only to support the evolution of the whole of any planet or star incarnated upon therein. ─── 人类形体的目的是只去支持化身所在的任何行星或恒星的整体进化。

74、Finding the Incarnated One among such rubble would be difficult, indeed. ─── 在这群不完美的人中要找到一位圣人真的很不容易。

75、to be incarnated in human form ─── 被赋予人的形体

76、It is said that the value of a vocation should be incarnated by the practitioners. ─── 有一句话说的好:行业价值须靠从业者体现。

77、There was a deep consciousness of nature in the ethical psychological structure in the Chinese ancient culture, which was incarnated in their religious and philosophical consciousness. ─── 摘要中国古代民族文化心理结构中,有着深沉而厚重的山水意识。这种山水意识,首先在宗教意识中体现出来,再进而提升体现为哲学思想意识。

78、The identification function of underwriters and auditors can hardly be incarnated. ─── 承销商、审计事务所的鉴证功能得不到体现;

79、The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man. ─── 该体制的种种劣迹集中体现于一人。

80、So this is a very important subject as we have billions of people who are incarnated upon this planet, but are operating at a diminished spiritual capacity. (water) ... ─── 所以这是一个非常重要的主题,因为我们有数十亿的人转世到这颗行星上,但运行在缩小了的灵性能力上。

81、Purna said to Sri Ramakrishna during their second meeting, "You are God Himself incarnated in flesh and blood. ─── 普那在第二次与室利罗摩克里希纳见面时说:“你是神本人血和肉的化身。”

82、He incarnated into the earth with these most recent experiences ingrained in his soul. ─── 他带着这些深植于他灵魂中的经历投生至地球。

83、"Beyond the Horizon" manifests the self-value incarnated by the protagonist after his aspiration vanishes using this intension of tragedy. ─── 天边外正用这种悲剧的内涵阐述了主任公在理想破灭中实现的自我价值。

84、He incarnated onto the Earth plane when the Asorahs, who had been banished to the earth caused so much destruction the humans prayed to Vishnu for help. ─── 当阿修罗被流放到地上,引发很多破坏的时候,他就在地上形成化身,人们就向毗瑟奴祷告和求助。

85、His ideals were incarnated in his music. ─── 他的理想具体地体现在他的音乐中。

86、Abstract: The value of Olympic events market resource was incarnated within athlete sports level and audience quantity, these resources possess their essence characteristic. ─── 摘要:奥运项目市场资源价值主要以运动员的竞技水平和观众人数来体现,它具有自己的本质特点;

87、All along brave souls have incarnated to bring Light into your lives, and at times it has been a dangerous situation to be in. ─── 勇敢的灵魂们一直都在化身为了给你们的生活带来光明,有时他们会进入到一个危险的情形中。

88、The studies show that the mutual competition and influence of the investors in transmission planning investment market can be incarnated through this method. ─── 研究表明,这种决策分析方法,能充分体现输电网规划投资市场中投资者之间的相互竞争和相互影响,更贴近电力市场的实际运行原理。

89、Gu-Zhai-Baos incarnated dense local culture besides the fortification, their architecture models, imageries, brushworks, inscriptions, even names all were the embodiment of the dense local culture. ─── 古寨堡在防御工事之外,体现着比较浓厚的地方文化,它的建筑形制、雕刻、绘画、碑记、甚至寨名都体现了浓厚的地方文化色彩,具有文物保护价值。

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