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09-19 投稿


jingoism 发音

[ 'dʒɪŋɡoɪzəm]

英:  美:

jingoism 中文意思翻译



jingoism 网络释义

n. 侵略主义;沙文主义;武力外交政策

jingoism 词性/词形变化,jingoism变形

副词: jingoistically |形容词: jingoistic |名词: jingoist |

jingoism 相似词语短语

1、Hindooism ─── 事后诸葛亮

2、jingoistic ─── adj.侵略分子的,强硬外交政策的;极端爱国主义的

3、Gongorism ─── n.(西班牙诗人)贡戈拉-阿尔戈特的写作风格;贡戈拉主义

4、panegoism ─── 泛利己主义

5、mongolism ─── n.蒙古症;[医]先天愚型(一种先天性畸形病症,表现为扁平额、斜眼、小指头短等)

6、jingoist ─── n.沙文主义者;侵略主义者;adj.侵略主义的;沙文主义的

7、jingoish ─── adj.侵略主义的;好战主义的;沙文主义的

8、Shintoism ─── n.日本之神道教

9、jingoes ─── n.沙文主义者;adj.侵略性的

jingoism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Critics of the war in Afghanistan (and perhaps even its supporters) will detect at least a whiff of jingoism in the game. ─── 阿富汗战争的批评者(也许甚至包括支持者)将会在游戏中发现至少一点沙文主义的痕迹。

2、The second turn saw the change to the conservative,traditional moralism and jingoism. ─── 之后在第一次转变的基础上又出现了第二次转变,转向了保守的传统道德主义和对外侵略主义。

3、That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation -- a base line -- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world. ─── 我们首先要放下成见(那是我们所谓的底线),放下那些对同性恋极度的厌恶,摒弃沙文主义,摒弃与他人之间的隔阂,摒弃对大自然疯狂的掠夺。

4、That said, I think we should first lay down a solid foundation-- a base line-- of extreme homophobia, jingoism, fear of the Other, and a psychotic rapaciousness toward the natural world. ─── 我们首先要放下成见(是我们所谓的底线)放下那些对同性恋极度的厌恶,摒弃沙文主义,摒弃与他人之间的隔阂,摒弃对大自然疯狂的掠夺。

5、that mass euphoria or hysterical jingoism are not substance for reporting and that a conscientious writer would think twice before subscribing to servility towards celebrities. ─── 大规模的洋洋得意或是歇斯底里的沙文主义都不是报导的实质,一个有责任心的作者在向名声屈从之前是会三思而行的。

6、The perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. ─── 人们通常认为亚洲男性卑鄙、口蜜腹剑,而这一认识完全是由于日本偷袭珍珠港之后所产生的战时癔病和沙文主义思潮。

7、Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes. ─── 这种沙文主义使得黄衫军与曼谷的中产阶级日渐疏远。

8、The late author had never wanted his book to be televised, for fear it would glorify Japanese jingoism. ─── 作者本来不想把这部小说改编成电视剧,因为他担心这会美化了日本的沙文主义。

9、More thanonce in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism,xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; ─── 在美国的历史中不止一次,我们看到爱国精神不知不觉地陷入侵略主义,仇视外国和扼杀政见不同的势力;

10、For example, the perception that Asian men are sneaky and traitorous is founded entirely on wartime hysteria and jingoism following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. ─── 例如:人们通常认为亚洲男性卑鄙,口蜜腹剑,而这一认识完全是由于日本偷袭珍珠港之后所产生的战时癔病和沙文主义思潮;

11、More than once in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; ─── 在美国的历史中不止一次,我们看到爱国精神不知不觉地陷入侵略主义、仇视外国和扼杀政见不同的势力;

12、More than once in our history we've seen patriotism slide into jingoism, xenophobia, the stifling of dissent; ─── 在美国的历史中不止一次,我们看到爱国精神不知不觉地陷入侵略主义,仇视外国和扼杀政见不同的势力;

13、author had never wanted his book to be televised, for fear it would glorify Japanese jingoism. ─── 作者本来不想把这部小说改编成电视剧,因为他担心这会美化了日本的沙文主义。

14、Nor, apart from a handful of raucous gatherings when the news first broke, has there been much jingoism. ─── 但也并不完全,消息公布后,各种聚会庆贺,还有那些持沙文主义的人,都不在少数。

15、Avoid making criticism based on personal moral grounds, spirituality, or jingoism (excessive patriotism). ─── 避免以个人的道德观点、宗教或极端的爱国主义做出批评。

16、Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes. They got little kudos for boycotting the elections (see article). ─── 他们的沙文主义作风让曼谷的中产阶级疏远了他们,并且他们抵制这次选举的行动也没有受到称赞。

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