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09-18 投稿


lech 发音

英:[letʃ]  美:[letʃ]

英:  美:

lech 中文意思翻译






lech 网络释义

n. 肉欲;好色的人vi. 好色;纵欲adj. 好色的n. (Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

lech 词性/词形变化,lech变形


lech 短语词组

1、agitation lech ─── 搅拌莱赫

2、lech after ─── [网络] 之后

3、Lech Walesa ─── [网络] 瓦文萨;波兰总统华勒沙;波兰前总统华勒沙

lech 相似词语短语

1、leach ─── v.过滤,滤去;萃取;被过滤,沥滤;n.过滤,过滤过程;过滤器;n.(Leach)利奇(人名)

2、lect ─── comb.选;收

3、loch ─── n.湖;海湾(狭长的);n.(Loch)人名;(法)洛克;(英、德、西、匈、捷)洛赫

4、hech ─── n.(Hech)人名;(英)赫克

5、Lech ─── n.肉欲;好色的人;vi.好色;纵欲;adj.好色的;n.(Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

6、lych ─── n.(Lych)(俄、美)乐丽什(人名)

7、lich ─── n.尸体(等于lych);n.(Lich)人名;(德)利希

8、leech ─── n.水蛭;吸血鬼;榨取他人利益的人;vt.以水蛭吸血;依附并榨取;vi.依附并榨取别人;n.(Leech)人名;(英)利奇

9、letch ─── n.色欲;好色者;n.(Letch)人名;(英)莱奇

lech 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flanked by Mr.Gorbachev and former Polish President Lech Walesa, Ms.Merkel expressed her gratitude at ceremonies in Berlin marking the 20th anniversary of the wall's opening. ─── 默克尔在柏林举行的纪念柏林墙倒塌20周年的仪式上向戈尔巴乔夫表示感谢,默克尔站在戈尔巴乔夫和前波兰总统瓦文萨中间。

2、They had struck against the price rises and food shortages caused by a crumbling economy. Their leader was an electrician named Lech Walesa. ─── 他们组织*,以抗议由于行将崩溃的经济导致的价格上涨和食品短缺,他们的领袖是一名叫莱克。瓦文萨(LechWalesa)的电力工程师。

3、Pope John Paul's engagement with Poland created space not just for the Catholic Church, but for labor leaders like Lech Walesa. ─── 有时还必须辅以艰苦的外交努力。

4、LECH WALESA, President, Poland, 1990-1995: The country was so much in debt, with the West refusing to lend us any more, that the whole system was failing. ─── 波兰总统(1990-1995)莱克.瓦文萨(LechWalesa):当时,国家债务负担非常沉重,西方国家拒绝继续给我们提供贷款,于是整个体制行将崩溃。

5、He was the less prominent of the twins: their all-but-identical appearance (Lech had a mole on his cheek; Jaroslaw did not) belied big differences. ─── 孪生兄弟中他也毫不起眼:两人外表几乎一模一样(莱赫脸颊上有个痣;而雅罗斯瓦夫没有),这掩盖了他们性格上的巨大差异。

6、POSTOWICZ, Lech ─── 莱赫·博斯托维奇

7、This manager is such a lech! ─── 这个经理真是好色之徒!

8、Lech Kaczynski, the Polish president, is taking a similar line. ─── 波兰总统LechKaczynski对此也持相同看法。

9、In mid Qing dynasty,high-level model.The clothes is especially beautiful.The big head green hand above may have to change into big head lech. ─── 清中,高级别的模特.衣服尤其漂亮.楼上的大头菜鸟要改成大头色鸟了.呵呵

10、”Millions in Eastern Europe chafed under the iron yoke of communism,but Lech Walesa had the courage to ask,”How can I raise the standard of living for all working men and women? ─── 在东欧几百万人因生活的困境而烦恼不安时,波兰的瓦文萨却有勇气问道:“我怎么才能提高所有男女工人的生活水平呢?”

11、In 2006, for example, presidents Lech Kaczynski and Viktor Yushchenko (pictured above) jointly unveiled a memorial in Pawlokoma. ─── 例如在2006年,LechKaczynski总统和ViktorYushchenko总统(见上图)共同为Pawlokoma的一座纪念碑揭幕。

12、This manager's such a lech! ─── 这个经理真是好色之徒.

13、In 1990, Lech Walesa took the oath of office as Poland's first popularly elected president. ─── 1990年,瓦文萨当选为波兰第一次全国大选的总统,宣布誓言。

14、A principal adviser to the Solidarity labor movement, he was appointed its newspaper editor (1981) by Lech Walesa. ─── 为团结劳工运动的主要指导人物,1981年被团结工会领袖华勒沙任命他为其报纸编辑。

15、What bored him was that he had "a sort of lech on her" as he called it. ─── 使他烦恼的是,他对跟他睡觉的女人“还有感情”。

16、Book online the cheapest hotels in Landsberg am Lech - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Landsberg am Lech 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

17、"Lech Walesa, you are a great symbol of Poland, Europe and the entire world that believes in freedom and rejects all forms of dictatorship. ─── 瓦文萨在相信自由并反对一切形式的独裁统治的波兰,欧洲甚至整个世界,都是一个伟大的象征。

18、Poles are mourning their president Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria who were among those killed in a plane crash in Western Russia. ─── 波兰总统专机在俄罗斯西部坠毁,总统莱赫·卡钦斯基与夫人玛丽亚·卡钦斯基均遇难。

19、Lech Kru_s,Piotr Bronisz.Cooperative game solution concepts to a cost allocation problem[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2000( 122):258-271. ─── 徐向阳安景文.多人合作费用分摊的有效解法及其应用[J].系统工程理论与实践,:.

20、It has yet to be confirmed whether the embassy was deliberately targeted, Sikorski said, adding that the incident has been reported to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk. ─── 是否使馆为蓄意攻击的目标仍有待证实,西科尔斯基补充说,这一事件已报告给波兰波兰总统卡钦斯基和总理图斯克。

21、“We have a force, perfectly kept together, of nearly 70,000 men, in order to attack and defeat the enemy if they should pass the Lech. ─── 我们具备有充分集中的兵力,约计七万人,如果敌人横渡莱希河,我们一定能够发动进攻,一举歼灭敌人。

22、Both became academic lawyers, Lech specialising in Labour law. ─── 两人后来都成为了法学家,莱赫专攻劳动法。

23、LECH WALESA: The situation was more than dramatic. One can change a political system overnight, but an economic system needs years. ─── 莱克。瓦文萨(LechWalesa):这种情况太戏剧性了,人们可以一夜之间改变政治体制,但要改变经济体制却要花很多年。

24、LECH WALESA: You didn't say no to Mrs.Thatcher.No one refused her, so her noticing us and demanding a meeting with me and the others, that was a crucial event. ─── 莱克.瓦文萨(LechWalesa):人们没有对撒切尔夫人说不,没有人拒绝她,所以,她通知我们,并要求与我和其它人会面,那是一个具有决定意义的事件。

25、He says, "The world will not agree to your choosing someone his friends or guests. I, Lech Walesa, do not agree to your choosing my friends or invitations." ─── 他说:"世界不会让你选择谁当他的朋友或客人。我,瓦文萨,不允许你来选择我的朋友或者决定给谁邀请。"

26、In July, 22 senior figures from the region, including Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa, wrote a public letter bemoaning the decline in transatlantic ties. ─── 7月,包括(捷克前总理)哈维尔(VaclavHavel)和(波兰前总统)瓦文萨(LechWalesa)在内的22名东欧政要发表了公开信,对跨大西洋关系转冷表示不满。

27、Lech Geoffrey, Svartvik.A Communicative Grammar of English [M]. Longman Group Limited. 1974 ─── 章振邦.新编英语语法[M]..上海:上海外语教育出版社,1991.

28、One thing I will tell you is that he is very lech. ─── 我们班很多女生都喜欢他,呵呵。

29、Mr Macierewicz is undaunted, as are his sponsors, Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the twins who are respectively Poland's president and prime minister ─── 马切列维奇先生具有勇者无惧的精神,而他身后的发起人,分别担任波兰总统和总理的孪生兄弟莱赫(Lech)和雅罗斯瓦夫?卡钦斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)也是如此。

30、President Lech Kaczynski's testament must be fulfilled through rapprochement and reconciliation ( with Russia ). ─── 唯有透过(与俄罗斯的)恢复友好与和解,才能实现卡钦斯基总统的遗志。

31、When Lech Walesa had visited the pope, his host had been a man from the Italian Labour Confederation. ─── 当莱克·瓦文萨拜会教皇时,东道主是个来自意大利工党的人。

32、Lech Walesa ─── 莱赫·瓦文萨

33、Clochette: (freaked out) Eeeek!! Get out of here, you lech! ─── (怪叫)呃呃!!滚出去,你这色鬼!

34、Lech Geoffrey, Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English [M]. Longman Group Limited. 1974 ─── 章振邦.新编英语语法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1991.

35、Approximately 1000 2.3m-high dominoes stretching for 1.5 km will be toppled Monday, with former Polish leader Lech Walesa set to tip the first domino. ─── 这些墙体模型约1000快,高2.3米,绵延1.5公里,上面由德国学生绘制了色彩鲜艳的图案。

36、This manager is such a lech ! ─── 这个经理真是好色之徒。

37、Too early,' said former Polish President Lech Walesa, who won the peace prize in 1983.'He has no contribution so far.He is only beginning to act. ─── 他说,目前为止他还没有做出什么贡献,他才刚刚开始行动而已。

38、The election was called after the death of the president, Mr Kaczynski's twin brother Lech, in a plane crash in Russia earlier this month. ─── 本月初他的孪生哥哥莱赫·卡钦斯基(LechKaczynski)在俄罗斯飞机坠毁事件中遇难之后,政府要求举行这场选举。

39、Pity the office lech who looks thoroughly burned out but still cannot keep his hands to himself. ─── 可怜的好色职员看上去已完全精疲力尽,但他仍不能控制自己的双手。

40、As Lech Walesa, Poland's first freely elected post-war president, noted, it is easy to turn an aquarium into fish soup.Reversing the process is much harder. ─── 就象波兰战后首位自由选举的总统瓦文萨(LechWalesa)所说的,把海产品做成鱼汤很容易,反过来就难得多了。

41、Lech Walesa took the oath of office as Poland's first popularly elected president. ─── 年,瓦文萨当选为波兰第一次全国大选的总统,宣布誓言。

42、Lech Walesa and Nelson Mandela are numbered among my personal heroes. ─── 莱奇·维尔萨和纳尔逊·曼德拉被列入了我心目中的英雄。

43、Ten years ago: Poland held its first popular presidential election. (Solidarity founder Lech Walesa, who received a plurality of votes, won a runoff the following month. ─── 十年前,波兰举行了首次全民总统选举.(次月,团结工会创始人列赫-瓦文萨得到大多数选票,赢得了竞选胜利.

44、The next stop was Warsaw, to meet with President Lech Walesa and emphasize my commitment to bringing Poland into NATO. ─── 我的下一站是华沙,与莱赫.瓦文萨总统举行会谈,强调我支持波兰加入北约。

45、Calderon's predecessor, Vicente Fox, was the Lech Walesa of Mexico, a democratic hero who turned out to be a mediocre President. ─── 卡尔德隆的前任文森特-福克斯是一位民主英雄,但事实证明他并不是一位出色的总统。

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