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08-09 投稿


adhesive 发音

英:[ədˈhiːsɪv]  美:[ədˈhiːsɪv]

英:  美:

adhesive 中文意思翻译




adhesive 短语词组

1、adhesive capacity ─── [机] 胶粘度

2、adhesive coating ─── [化] 粘合层

3、adhesive bandage ─── [医] 橡胶绷带

4、adhesive attraction ─── [机] 粘吸作用

5、adhesive cement ─── [化] 胶浆; 胶浆子; 胶水

6、adhesive action ─── [机] 胶粘作用

7、adhesive friction ─── [网络] 黏著摩擦

8、adhesive failure ─── [化] 密着破坏; 脱胶

9、adhesive backed ─── [机] 涂满胶粘剂的

10、adhesive culture ─── [机] 胶粘培养

11、acrylic resin adhesive ─── [化] 丙烯酸树脂胶粘剂

12、adhesive binding ─── 胶粘装订

13、adhesive face ─── [计] 粘附面

14、adhesive agent ─── [机] 附着剂

15、adhesive force power ─── [机] 粘着力

16、acrylate adhesive ─── [化] 丙烯酸酯胶粘剂

17、adhesive force ─── [化] 附着力; 粘合力

18、adhesive excipient ─── [医] 粘着性赋形剂

19、adhesive absorbent bandage ─── [医] 吸收性橡胶绷带

adhesive 词性/词形变化,adhesive变形

复数--adhesives;比较级--more adhesive;最高级--most adhesive。

adhesive 反义词


adhesive 同义词

sticky | rubber | Scotch | library paste | sticker | stamp |paste | library | mucilage | gummed | smeary | adhesive material | gummy | stringy | rubber cement | plaster | court plaster | sealing | epoxy resin | tape | fast | solder | viscous | glue | clinging | mortar | coherent | gum | Sellotape | sticking | corn plaster | label | epoxy | Scotch tape | tenacious | adhering | wax | sealing wax | sticking plaster | glutinous | cement | adhesive agent | court | ropy | corn

adhesive 常用词组

adhesive tape ─── 胶布

adhesive strength ─── 粘合强度

resin adhesive ─── 树脂型胶粘剂,树脂胶

adhesive 相似词语短语

1、adessive ─── adj.位置格的;表示位置的;n.位置格;近处格

2、adhesiveness ─── n.粘性;粘合度

3、nonadhesive ─── 无粘着力的

4、cohesive ─── adj.凝聚的;有结合力的;紧密结合的;有粘着力的

5、adhesions ─── n.[病理]粘连;黏合;黏附因子(adhesion的复数)

6、adhesively ─── adv.胶着地;黏附地

7、admissive ─── adj.认可的;容许的

8、adhesion ─── n.粘附;黏附(力);支持;固定;

9、adhesives ─── n.[胶粘]粘合剂(adhesive的复数)

adhesive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Previous core bx was reported as focal ADH. ─── 以前粗针活检报告为局灶性ADH。

2、The adhesive on the back of this suction cup mount is sticky. ─── 吸盘装置后面的粘合剂非常粘。

3、Medical adhesive in the treatment of eyelid injury. ─── 医用胶治疗眼睑裂伤。

4、He bought some adhesive tape from the store. ─── 他从商店买回来了不干胶。

5、SEM Micromorphology Study of UB-I Adhesive. ─── UB-I粘结剂粘结面的微形态观察。

6、Would you pass me the adhesive? I want to stick something. ─── 把胶合剂拿过来,我要粘东西。

7、She has a tube of adhesive in the drawer of her desk. ─── 在她书桌的抽屉中有一管胶水。

8、Kami packed the thick mud onto himself.It was gratifyingly adhesive. ─── 卡米在身上糊满了厚厚的泥巴,它具有令人满意的粘性。

9、An adhesive piece of candy wrap caused a ridiculous farce. ─── 一张糖纸引出一场荒唐的闹剧。

10、Electrically conductive adhesive for static. ─── 导电胶,可以静电消散。

11、You'll need a strong adhesive to mend that chair. ─── 你需要一种粘性很强的东西来修理那把椅子。

12、A flexible adhesive connector bonded by heat to the contact edge of the glass. ─── 一个易弯曲的黏著的连接器被热联结到玻璃的接触边缘。

13、When applying adhesive care must be taken to see that no adhesive reaches the sliding surface. ─── 涂粘合剂时,必须小心不能让粘合剂碰到滑动表面。

14、Bear oar, to thorn having side, adhesive plaster is fixed. ─── 承浆,向患侧刺,胶布固定。

15、The adhesive pouches can control odour and fecal and protect skin. ─── 使用粘贴性造口袋能控制排气、排便,并保护皮肤。

16、Thus, for any cut that the adhesive can hold closed as well as stitches can, it is more economical to use the adhesive. ─── 因此,对于任何伤口,用起来更实惠的粘合剂可以保持关闭和缝线。

17、Use an adhesive to glue the paper onto the wall. ─── 使用粘合剂把这张纸粘贴到墙壁上。

18、Platelets marked by ~(51)Cr measurated HUVECs adhesive ability. ─── 以51Cr标记血小板测定HUVECs的粘附率。

19、He bought some adhesive stamps. ─── 他买了一些背面有胶水的邮票。

20、A new ethanol capillary biosensor(ECB) for the determination of ethanol in tequila has been proposed based on ADH and NADH oxidation-reduction system. ─── 基于ADH和烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)氧化还原体系,开发了一种乙醇毛细生物传感器(ECB)。

21、The self-limiting nature of adhesive capsulitis complicates the discussion of the efficacy of any treatment method in the long term. ─── 讨论对于自我限制的并发性粘连囊炎使用任何治疗方法的长期疗效。

22、Adhesive culturing of hepatotic microcarriers and function measurement in rat. ─── 大鼠肝细胞的微载体黏附培养及其功能测定。

23、Bicomponent neoprene adhesive for SBR rubber to natural upper. ─── 双组分氯丁橡胶胶粘剂,适用于SBR橡胶和真皮鞋面的粘合.

24、He put on a pad of gauze and a strip of adhesive tape over the wound. ─── 他在伤口上贴了一块纱布再加一条橡皮膏。

25、In the muscle,ADH had medium enzyme activity which was about 51-55% of that in the liver. ─── 另外,在肌肉也具有相当高的乙醇去氢酵素活性,其约为肝中酵素活性之51-55%。

26、Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) play an important role in the in vivo alcohol metabolism together. ─── 人体中的乙醇脱氢酶(alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH)及乙醛脱氢酶(aldehyde dehydrogenase,ALDH)在乙醇代谢过程中发挥着重要的作用。

27、The plasma ADH levels were measured by RJA under the same water intakes at 1:00 am and 3:00 pm (ADHland A1-1D3 stand for them respectively) . ─── 午3点和凌晨1点钟的血浆ADH水平,并测定同时点的血和

28、The POD, MDH,EST and ADH isoenzyme spectrum type of different type Q, variabilis have a large difference. ─── 不同类型栓皮栎的POD、MDH、EST、ADH同工酶谱型差异较大。

29、Apply 2-component adhesive of epoxy evenly on the prepared concrete base. ─── 在铺好的水泥板上均匀地涂上一层双组分环氧树脂胶。

30、Do not pucture.Dichanging all adhesive in the can before abanding. ─── 废罐丢弃前应放尽罐内物,并刺破罐壁。

31、Whereas stitches must generally be removed by medical personnel after the cut has healed, the adhesive simply wears off. ─── 然而,当伤口愈合之后,缝线一般必须要由医务人员来移除;黏胶只会磨损。

32、I use water resistant adhesive to get the best bond possible. ─── 我使用防水粘合剂,以获得最佳连结性。

33、All uses such as plasticizer, ink, paints and adhes ives. ─── 各式用途;如::可塑劑、染料、顏料、塗料、墨水、粘接劑。

34、Cut a large number of strips of adhesive plaster before beginning. ─── 开始之前,先剪好许多胶布条。

35、He sealed the parcel with adhesive tape. ─── 他用胶带封好包裹。

36、Chengdu Kepu Adhesive Composition Chemical Co. ─── 成都科普胶粘剂化工有限公司手机

37、Splice: Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive. ─── 叠接:用黏结剂把卷筒纸斜斜的黏接的情况.

38、The p 16.87 that is the characteristic band in stomach ADH of C57BL/6N corresponds to the y2 band of human ADH. ─── C57BL/6N的胃ADH同工酶谱与众不同,特征酶带p16.87为r2型,属酒精高嗜性品系;

39、The action of ADH was similar to that of oxytocin but took its effect later. ─── 后叶素作用出现虽早,但作用弱,持续时间也短。

40、Cartridge Systems for Two Component Adhesive and Sealants Mr. ─── 双组份胶粘剂和双组份密封胶的软筒输胶包装系统特瑞·霍莫先生

41、A new type two-component nonpoisonous solvent-free polyurethane adhes ive was introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍一种新的无毒无溶剂型双组分鞋用聚氨酯胶粘剂。

42、ADH increases the reabsorption of NaCl in thick segment of ascending limb and so leads to constriction of vasa recta. ─── 促进髓绊升支粗段对NaCl的重吸收,使直小血管收缩。

43、What would be a common brand &spec. of adhesive. ─── 什么会是黏性物的一个通常的商标 &规格。

44、ADH activity was reduced by 83.1% when concentration of cimetidine was 20 mmol/L. ─── 当西米替丁浓度达20mmol/L时,酶活性下降83.1%.

45、In general, there was not tonic inhibitory effect on the release of ADH. ─── 平时缺乏对抗利尿激素释放的紧张性抑制作用;

46、In it's raw state, LS has very little adhesive strength. ─── 在它的原始状态,液体软陶有一定的粘结强度。

47、The genetic polymorphism of ADH was composed of ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2)? ADH2(3),ADH3(1)and ADH3(2). ─── ADH基因多态性由ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2),ADH2(3),ADH3(1)和ADH3(2)组成;

48、Do you require special properties the adhesive should have? ─── 您对胶有无特殊的性能要求?

49、Gelatinize time refers to the adhesive in the thin plastic glued to the surface, the adhesive does not lose his sticky can duration. ─── 涂胶时限是指胶粘剂在涂刷到被粘物体表面后,胶粘剂不丧失其粘性所能持续的时间。

50、Many East Asians can't metabolize alcohol because they carry a mutation that prevents them from making ADH. ─── 很多中东人都有基因突变现象,导致不能产生乙醇脱氢酶。

51、Equipped with adhesive hands, Randolph is also a bear on the boards. ─── 兰道夫就像是为灰熊而造的一样。

52、It is main consist in in adhesive of all sorts of furniture, ambry, floor. ─── 它主要存在于各种家具、橱柜、地板粘合剂中。

53、He also invented the adhesive postage stamp. ─── 他还发明了粘性邮票。

54、Subbing Layer: Adhesive layer that binds film emulsion to the base. ─── 底层:使感光乳剂附着片基的接着层。

55、Eggs and larvae are demersal and adhesive (Ref. 4639). ─── (参考文献4639)卵与仔鱼是底栖与聚集在一起的。

56、I need two strips of adhesive tape. ─── 我要两条粘胶带。

57、Dynea Prefere 6311 is a PVAc-based, water resistant adhesive. ─── 太尔Prefere 6311黏胶剂是一种聚醋酸乙烯基的防水黏胶剂。

58、To inhibit the secretion of ADH . ─── 抑制血管升压素的释放。

59、Relocation of Co-rich Adh Company Limited Manufacturing plant and Sales department. ─── 年搬迁新建厂房及营业部。

60、A common adhesive is starch. ─── 常用的粘合剂是淀粉。

61、Adhesive property of ACQ in alkaline environment was better than in acid. ─── ACQ在碱性环境中固着率高于酸性环境。

62、Buy Raw Materials And Finish Product For The Adhesive Industry. ─── 墨西哥求购粘合剂工业原料和成品。

63、Develop and maintain electronic adhesive market and target customers. ─── 开发和维护电子胶粘剂相关市场及客户群。

64、Single beam,Aluminum alloy ,Colorless anodized,Adhesive sealed. ─── 悬臂梁、铝合金、无色阳极化处理、胶封。

65、And esterase(CE)and alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) activities that thought to be important in the metabolism of EEA and EE werealso determined. ─── 为探讨引起差异的可能原因,测定了参与这组化合物代谢的酯酶(CE)和醇脱氢酶(ADH)活性,以综合分析试验结果。

66、The correlation coefficient between plama ADH and urine-palsma osmotic pressure ratio was 0.86(P

67、A small disk of adhesive material used as a seal for papers. ─── 封缄纸用于信件封口的小片粘着物

68、ADH was denatured terribly in Fe3+ solution. ─── ADH在Fe3+溶液中极不稳定,产生沉淀。

69、Flexible adhesive with low viscosity for bonding delicate parts. ─── 低粘性柔性胶:用于粘合精脆部件。

70、And compared with adhesive of modified starch,KGM was better in property. ─── 与改性淀粉胶粘剂相比则性能更佳。

71、Some dental floss will help to loosed the grip of the old adhesive. ─── 一些牙线将帮助减小旧胶粘剂的粘合力。

72、SJK1500 is a one-part, thixotropic, polyurethane based adhesive and sealant. ─── SJK1500是一种单组份聚氨酯胶粘接密封胶,触变型。

73、Function and regulation of ADH. ─── 抗利尿激素的作用和调节。

74、Of good adhesive force and washing resistance. ─── 具有优异的附着力与耐磨性良好。

75、So it is a good heat-resistant wood adhesive . ─── 因此可以作为耐高温的木材胶粘剂。

76、The assembly comprises an electronic device having a body and an adhesive coating on at least the body of the electronic device. ─── 该组合件在轮胎中或上使用。该组合件包括具有主体和在至少电子装置主体上的粘合剂涂层的电子装置。

77、During the drawing an adhesive is applied by rollers. ─── 在牵伸过程中,通过罗拉施加粘合剂。

78、Provide SMT grease,wipe paper,adhesive tape , glue ,other IDM . ─── SMT润滑油,钢网纸,胶带,红胶水,等其他辅料

79、ADH increases the urea permeability of collecting tubule in inner zone and decreases the blood flow in medulla. ─── 增加内髓部集合管对尿素的通透性并减少肾髓质的血流量。

80、Apply soap solution liberally to adhesive backing of stripe. ─── 将丰富的肥皂溶液涂到饰条胶合剂背面。

81、The official examines adhesive on Bats. ─── 官员检查球拍的粘贴面。

82、Adhesive layer must also be in a dedicated extruder melting, as a separate layer is being fed into a mould. ─── 粘合层也必须在一个专用挤出机中熔化,作为单独增加的一层送入模具。

83、II:good adhesive power to metal,plastics,glass wood,etc. ─── 对金属、塑料、玻璃、木材等有较好粘结力。

84、Always carry in your harness one spare line and repair adhesive material. ─── 套袋内总是有一条备份绳子及一段专用贴布。

85、Adhesive skin traction is used for a fractured femur in the child less than two years of age. ─── 胶布皮肤牵引法用于两岁以下的小儿,以治疗股骨骨折。

86、Assn Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc. ─── 北美胶粘和密封剂理事会。

87、Develop and maintain industrial adhesive market and target customers. ─── 开发工业胶粘剂相关市场及客户群。

88、She gingerly secured the loose paint flakes around the rip with a liquid adhesive. ─── 她小心翼翼地用液体粘合剂把松散的油漆片固定在裂缝周围。

89、A soft material, often with an adhesive backing, used especially on the feet to protect against chafing. ─── 包足绷带布一种柔软材料,通常带有粘连衬背,尤指用于脚部防止摩擦


你好!点胶翻译成英文是adhesive and dispense





第二,TPR(全身反应)亲子互动。父母说英语,孩子做动作,将英语和肢体动作结合起来,形成条件反射。例如:Brush your teeth. Give me five. Jump twice. Touch your nose. 在训练的之前,父母先给孩子做示范,然后在开始。通过游戏的方式学英语,孩子容易接受。

2.英文图解词典。最好是能够点读的,或是带有音频的图解词典。如《Times 4000 Words》。音形义相结合,是最理想的培养英语思维的方法。例如,单词apple,一看图片,就知道意思,不需要翻译成中文。


4. 口语训练。平时积累常用口语表达方式和常见英语句型,例如:I'm hungry. It's too hot. Thank you very much. It's interesting to play games. 和孩子每天进行“一分钟英语会话”,使用地道英语表达句式,日积月累,就会形成英语思维方式,口语输出是英语思维的运用。

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