improvement 发音
英:[ɪm'pruːvm(ə)nt] 美:[ɪm'prʊvmənt]
英: 美:
improvement 中文意思翻译
improvement 短语词组
1、improvement trade for export ─── [经] 加工出口贸易
2、improvement methodology ─── [计] 性能改善方法学
3、improvement trade for import ─── [经] 加工进口贸易
4、home improvement vi. ─── 家居装饰; [法]住房改善
5、improvement research ─── [经] 改进研究, 革新研究
6、improvement and extensions ─── [经] 改进及扩充
7、improvement factor ─── [计] 改进因数
8、improvement account ─── [经] 改良(造)费帐户(科目)
9、engineering improvement time ─── [计] 工程改进时间
10、improvement bonds ─── [经] 改良(造)债券
11、improvement trade ─── [经] 改良(造)贸易
12、improvement and betterments ─── [经] 改进工程
13、have no capacity for improvement ─── 朽木不可雕
14、fund for technologial improvement ─── [经] 技术改进基金
15、improvement and repair trade ─── [经] 改进及修理贸易
16、improvement order ─── [经] 改良(造)定单
17、improvement cost ─── [经] 改良(造)成本
18、improvement expenses ─── [经] 改良(造)费用
19、improvement threshold ─── [电] 改善限
improvement 反义词
decline |deterioration
improvement 同义词
expansion | upturn | headway | recovery | step-up | enhancement | recuperation | advancement | culture | melioration | betterment | amendment | promotion | development | enrichment | convalescence | refinement | advance | progress |correction | upgrade
improvement 词性/词形变化,improvement变形
动词现在分词: improving |动词过去分词: improved |动词第三人称单数: improves |动词过去式: improved |
improvement 相似词语短语
1、impingement ─── n.冲击;影响;侵犯
2、depravement ─── 堕落
3、misimprovement ─── 不完善
4、improvident ─── adj.浪费的;无远见的;无先见之明的
5、impalement ─── n.刺穿;围住
6、deprivement ─── 折旧
7、misimprovements ─── 错误改进
8、improvements ─── n.提高,改进(improvement的复数)
9、implement ─── vt.实施,执行;实现,使生效;n.工具,器具;手段
improvement 习惯用语
1、be an improvement upon ─── 比....好; 比....有改进
2、make an improvement ─── 改进
3、be an improvement over ─── 比....好; 比....有改进
4、be an improvement on ─── 比....好; 比....有改进
improvement 特殊用法
1、power-factor improvement ─── 功率因数改善
2、land improvement ─── 土地改良
3、improvement of contaminated soil ─── 污染土壤的改良
4、fire control improvements ─── 防火设施
5、operations improvement ─── 操作改进
6、octane improvement ─── 改善辛烷值; 改善爆炸稳定性
7、technical improvement of agriculture ─── 农业技术改造
8、capital improvement ─── 设备改建
9、improvementof visibility ─── 能见度的改善
10、forest tree improvement ─── 林木改良
11、profit improvement ─── 营利改进
12、local improvement ─── 局部改善
13、boiler improvement ─── 锅炉改造
14、improvement of convergence ─── 收敛性的改善
15、gradient improvement ─── 坡度的改善
16、price improvement ─── 提高价格; 提高有价证券行市
17、improvement of business operations ─── 经营的改善
18、improvement of breed ─── 结构改进, 品种改进
19、administrative improvement ─── 经营管理改善
20、yield improvement ─── 提高耕地产量
21、convergent improvement ─── 辐合改进
22、constitutional improvement ─── 企业组织改善
23、leasehold improvement ─── 租赁物改良
24、improvement of terms ─── 条件改善
improvement 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、There is a distinct improvement in your study. ─── 你的学习有显著进步。
2、To show sudden improvement in health or spirits. ─── 复原,突然恢复健康在健康或精神方面表现出突然的提高
3、Zhongshan Fulsun Improvement Co., Ltd. ─── 中山富深家用制品有限公司
4、They presented concrete proposals for improvement. ─── 他们提出了具体的改进建议。
5、Participate in EMS continuous quality improvement. ─── 与EMS持续的品质改善.
6、The improvement in his health is being maintained. ─── 他的健康状况仍在继续好转.
7、With the expansion of university scale and improvement of teaching levels, great changes have been taking place in teacher staffing. ─── 学校规模的扩大、教学层次的提高,使师资的配备不断发生变化。
8、He is making a steady improvement. ─── 他在稳定的进步着
9、Suggest dispose at tolerable sacrifice as big improvement unexpected. ─── 因无法得知市场行情有很大改善,建议在尽可能允许之内将其处理掉。
10、There is much hope of further improvement. ─── 大有进一步改进的希望。
11、CANI-Constant And Never ending Improvement! ─── 不断地成长和进步啊!!!
12、They made an immense improvement in English. ─── 在英语方面他们取得了巨大的进步。
13、Your composition shows improvement. ─── 你的作文有进步。
14、The ways for warehouse efficiency improvement? ─── 企业库房效能的改善手段有哪些?
15、There is a slow improvement in sale in the first half of the year. ─── 今年上半年销售情况有所改善(好转)。
16、Your work shows considerable improvement. ─── 你的工作显示出相当大的改进。
17、There is a distinct improvement in your English. ─── 你的英文有显著进步。
18、Continuing improvement in health care is possible. ─── 医疗的可持续改进是可能的。
19、Your work has shown a significant improvement. ─── 你的工作有了显著改进。
20、Higher medical costs legislate against an improvement in health. ─── 医疗费用的上涨妨碍了健康的改善。
21、A lot of evidence showing continuous improvement. ─── 大量证据显示连续改善.
22、A remarkable improvement came upon him as to this. ─── 关于这一点他已经有了显著的改善。
23、He showed some capability for improvement. ─── 他表现出可进一步提高水平的能力。
24、What is meant by "continual improvement"? ─── “持续改进”是指什么意思?
25、Airy theories about socioeconomic improvement. ─── 关于改善社会经济的不切实际的理论
26、There's plenty of room for improvement in his work. ─── 他的作品有许多尚待改进的地方。
27、There is room for further improvement in English. ─── 你的英语尚有进一步提高的余地。
28、The JOA score improvement rate was 51%. ─── JOA评分改善率为51%。
29、His health showed gradual improvement. ─── 他的健康逐渐恢复。
30、Shows off graphs tracking improvement. ─── 又演示了增强的“图形跟踪”技术。
31、This is a great improvement on your previous work. ─── 你的工作比先前有很大进步。
32、This is an improvement on your previous efforts. ─── 你比原先努力了。
33、The improvement in his health is being maintained . ─── 他的健康情况仍然有继续好转。
34、There is improvement in the weather today. ─── 今天天气好转了。
35、'It's not a competition about how much cash you have, ' but about 'product improvement' and 'end-user experience, ' he said. ─── 他说,这里比的不是你有多少钱,而是产品优化和终端用户体验。
36、Yeah, it's just range-bound trading and all that, but you look at the spread market, there's been a big, big improvement. ─── 是的,只是受范围限制的交易,而要是看点差市场,你就会看到很大、很大的改进。
37、One is at a loss to suggest a possible improvement. ─── 人们不知该如何提出可能的改进方法。
38、There is no room for improvement. ─── 你跳得实在太好了。
39、A sharp improvement in health, vigor, or spirits. ─── 复原,恢复在健康、活力或精神方面的猛长
40、There's been a measureable improvement in his work. ─── 他的工作已有很大改进.
41、What are their improvement goals? ─── 他们的改进目标是什么?
42、Not bad, but there's room for improvement. ─── 不是太糟糕,但是还可以做得更好。
43、He was zealous for improvement. ─── 他热心于改良。
44、The utility model belongs to an improvement for a safety valve of a pressure cooker, comprising a valve body, connecting nuts and a plug. ─── 本实用新型属于压力锅安全阀的改进,由阀体、连接螺母和丝堵组成。
45、Improvement of PSU in SN 388 seismograph. ─── SN388地震仪PSU的改进
46、There is need for improvement in your handwriting. ─── 你的书法需要改进。
47、The design and decoration also showed a marked improvement. ─── 图案和花饰也有显著改进。
48、This is a marginal improvement on October. ─── 这是对10月份的一个小小的改进。
49、There's a marked improvement in your condition. ─── 你的病情已有明显的好转。
50、His health is showing signs of improvement. ─── 他的健康状况显出好转的迹象。
51、There is no room for improvement of your dance. ─── 你的舞跳得再好不过了。
52、Urge to quality improvement for incoming goods. ─── 促进进货产品质量提高。
53、The quality of the ground water made some improvement. ─── 地表水水质有所改善。
54、Damian praised Idy for improvement in the play. ─── Caption: 刘松仁大赞陈玉莲愈来愈入戏。
55、An improvement in our meal is hoped for. ─── 大家希望改善一下伙食。
56、They were pleased at his manifest improvement. ─── 他们对他明显的进步感到高兴。
57、There is much room for improvement in your work. ─── 你的工作大又改进的余地。
58、The improvement of women's figures. ─── 健美女性身材。
59、The belief that society has an innate tendency toward improvement and that this tendency may be furthered through conscious human effort. ─── 社会向善论认为社会具有变得更好的内在倾向和人类有力量促使其改善的信仰或学说
60、The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare. ─── 人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰
61、There is a marked improvement on his translation. ─── 他的翻译水准明显地提高了。
62、We are astonished at his improvement. ─── 他进步之快,令我们惊讶。
63、Involve the activities of continuous improvement. ─── 参与持续改进活动,并负责指定区域及内容。
64、There has already been a definite improvement. ─── 已经有了显著的改善。
65、The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country's economy. ─── 在最近的五年里,这个国家的经济状况一直在好转。
66、People's living standard has had a perceptible improvement. ─── 人民的生活水平明显地改善了。
67、If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention. ─── 假使语言是为了隐藏思想而被发明的,那么报纸就是对这不良发明的一大改进。
68、They applied for a home improvement loan. ─── 他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。
69、Theres marked improvement in your condition. ─── 你的病情已有明显好转。
70、Improvement After Arthroscopy: The Placebo Effect? ─── 关节镜检查后的改善:安慰效应?
71、Today's weather is an improvement on yesterday's. ─── 今天天气比昨天好了些。
72、They are negotiating for an improvement in working conditions. ─── 他们正在为改善劳动条件举行谈判。
73、There is room for improvement in your work. ─── 在你的工作中有改进的余地。
74、Investors are hungry to see data showing improvement in the global economy, not just a slowing contraction. ─── 投资者们渴望看到的是全球经济改善的数据,而不只是放缓的经济萎缩。
75、The situation seems hopeless of improvement. ─── 事态似没有改善的希。
76、There's room for improvement in your work. ─── 你的工作还有改进的余地。
77、There is plenty of room for improvement. ─── 大有改进的馀地。
78、They have to find out how to bring about improvement. ─── 他们得弄清楚应怎样改进。
79、Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment. ─── 启迪智力、伦理或精神上的提高; 启蒙
80、Revise and rewrite. Improvement is always possible. ─── 修改、重写。提高永远无止境。
81、A lot of evidence showing improvement. ─── 大量证据显示有效改善.
82、There is still room for improvement in your work. ─── 你的工作尚有改进的余地。
83、Do you see any possibility of further improvement? ─── 你看还有进一步改进的可能吗?
84、Build-up business improvement community within XRA. ─── 在XRA内建立并增进业务/流程改进的团队/体系工作。
85、There has been a marginal improvement in the firm's sales. ─── 公司的销售额略有增长。
86、Join in process control and improvement. ─── 参与生产现场的过程控制和持续改进工作。
87、You may hope for an improvement in the weather. ─── 你可以期天气会好转。
88、Are we ready to begin the process improvement? ─── 大家已准备好要进行流程改善吗?
1、A of B, 一般表示归属或者上下层次的界定关系,或者是动作的对象。翻译为:B的A,或者直接B,对B的A。
the improvement of quality.
2、“ 名词+of+名词性物主代词”就是所说的“双重所有格”,表示“某人众多......种的一个或多个”。
I like this picture of mine best .
1.双重所有格是由非生物的所有格(即of+名词)与生物的所有格(如mother's, Tom's等)共同构成的。
Tom, Mike, and Mary were classmates of Stephen's.
在生物的所有格之后,省略了名词classmates, 生物的所有格所代表的同学的数量超过此文提到过的三人。
Mr. Green and Mr. Brown are neighbors of mine.
3.双重所有格多由a, an, this, that, these, those, any, some, each, every, many, more, most, either, neither, no, much, another, several, enough, such, one, two等冠词、指示形容词、不定形容词、数量词或疑问形容词which+名词+of+名词的所有格或所有代名词构成。
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