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08-09 投稿


articulately 发音

英:[ɑːrˈtɪkjələtli]  美:[ɑːˈtɪkjələtli]

英:  美:

articulately 中文意思翻译




articulately 词性/词形变化,articulately变形

动词过去式: articulated |动词现在分词: articulating |副词: articulately |动词过去分词: articulated |名词: articulateness |动词第三人称单数: articulates |

articulately 同义词

joint | enounce | pronounce | word | communicative | formulate | speak | express | fluent | vocalize | phrase | articulated | say | expressive | coherent | sound out | verbalize | convey | eloquent | vocalise | lucid | clear |enunciate | speak about

articulately 短语词组

1、articulately means ─── 清楚地表示

2、articulately meaning ─── 清楚地表达意思

3、articulately explain ─── 清楚地解释

4、articulately written ─── 字迹清晰

5、articulately define ─── 清楚地定义

6、articulately def ─── 清楚地定义

articulately 反义词

inarticulate | unarticulated

articulately 相似词语短语

1、articulated ─── adj.铰接式的;清晰的;组织缜密的;有关节的;v.铰接(articulate的过去分词);明确地表达;使相互连贯

2、reticulately ─── 网状的

3、articulate ─── vt.清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯;vi.发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来;adj.发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的;n.【动物学】有节体的动物

4、articulates ─── 清楚地表达(articulate的第三人称单数)

5、denticulately ─── 齿状的

6、fasciculately ─── 束状地

7、auriculately ─── 耳廓

8、articulatory ─── adj.关节的;分节的;发音清晰的

9、inarticulately ─── adv.口齿不清地;难以表达地

articulately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When I asked a question, he answered it fully and articulately. ─── 当我提一些问题时,他都会尽力完整明白地解释给我听。

2、When I asked a question, he answered it fully and articulately. ─── 当我提一些问题时,他都会尽力完整明白地解释给我听。

3、Things in this local area are improving, but I am not qualified to comment articulately or accurately on the broader situation. ─── 现实是这个地区的局面在改善,但是我没有资格清楚地或者准确地对更大范围内的局势发表看法。

4、in fact, he did make some more strides, he was a brilliant thinker, maybe he put it more articulately than those two younger scientists could have. ─── 事实上,他的确走的更远一些,他是个天才,也许他的表达方式,比那两个年轻的科学家更加清晰。

5、Explain briefly and articulately your ideas behind each project. In addition be prepared to discuss the reasons for your choice of program. ─── 在每个作品后,详细和清楚的解释你的观点。另外要准备去讨论一下你选择这个专业原因。

6、In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a matter of feeling. ─── 和法国形成对照,在德国,友谊更明显是一种感觉。

7、In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a matter of feeling. ─── 和法国形成对照,在德国,友谊更明显是一种感觉。

8、Cultivating an appreciation for other art forms will enhance your ability to write articulately about film. ─── 培养对于其它种类艺术的鉴赏能力,得以让你明白了当地评论一部电影。

9、he argued articulately for his plan. ─── 他激烈地为自己的计划辩护。

10、She actually was very reasoned and her opinion and its consequence was very articulately stated and thought out. ─── 她的看法其实是很合乎逻辑,而且结论是清楚雄辩的肯定,以及深思熟虑。

11、In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a mater of feeling. ─── 与法国截然不同的是,在德国,友谊更清楚地表达为一种感情的根由。

12、During the surgery the longus collies muscle ,longus capitis muscle,anterior longitudinal ligament and atlantoax-ial articul ar capsules were cut. ─── 后方固定方法包括:经寰枢侧块关节螺钉固定、寰枢侧块钉板固定和借助于枢椎椎弓根螺钉的枕颈固定。

13、In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a mater of feeling. ─── 与法国截然不同的是,在德国,友谊更清楚地表达为一种感情的根由。

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