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08-09 投稿


translator 发音

英:[trænzˈleɪtə(r)]  美:[træns'letɚ]

英:  美:

translator 中文意思翻译



translator 词性/词形变化,translator变形

形容词: translatorial |

translator 短语词组

1、fully-interpretive translator ─── [计] 全释翻译程序

2、card translator ─── [计] 卡片译码器

3、commercial translator ─── [计] 商用翻译程序

4、language translator ─── [计] 语言翻译

5、conversational translator writing system ─── [计] 会话式翻译程序写系统

6、address translator ─── [计] 地址转换程序; 地址转换器

7、automatic mathematical translator ─── [电] 自动数学翻译机

8、formula translator ─── [计] 公式翻译程序 ─── [经] 公式翻译程序

9、decision logic translator ─── [计] 判定逻辑翻译程序

10、dynamic address translator ─── [计] 动态地址转换器

11、model query translator ─── [计] 模型询问翻译程序

12、cross translator ─── [计] 交叉翻译程序

13、formula assembler translator ─── [计] 公式汇编翻译程序

14、FORTRAN translator ─── [计] FORTRAN翻译程序

15、code translator ─── [计] 译码器

16、assembler translator ─── [计] 汇编翻译程序

17、hybrid computer translator ─── [计] 混合计算机翻译程序

18、Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Translator ─── [计] 劳伦斯射线实验室的翻译程序语言

19、generalized algebraic translator ─── [计] 广义代数翻译程序

translator 相似词语短语

1、transistor ─── n.晶体管(收音机)

2、translated ─── n.译本;v.翻译(translate的过去分词)

3、translation ─── n.翻译;译文;转化;调任

4、transactor ─── n.办理人;做交易的人;处理者

5、translatory ─── adj.平移的

6、translates ─── vt.翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动;vi.翻译

7、translate ─── vt.翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动;vi.翻译

8、translators ─── 翻译

9、travelator ─── n.移动走道;自动人行道(等于travolater)

translator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Translator 2 : I give my blood to illuminate the way. ─── “我以我的鲜血照亮前进的路途。”

2、How To Individually Style Translator Pro Flags? ─── 如何单独作风翻译亲国旗?

3、Since this is a CICS COBOL program, it has to be processed by the CICS translator. ─── 因为这是CICS COBOL程序,它必须由CICS变换器来处理。

4、Luke, tell Owen that if he gets a translator to be sure it speaks Bocce. ─── 好的!我们走<p>路克...路克...路克...

5、Language intuition is a must for a competent translator. ─── 对于一名成熟的翻译而言,语言的直觉必不可少。

6、Yu Guangzhong is not only an outstanding writer,but also an exc ellent translator. ─── 余光中不仅是一位卓越的文学家,也是一名优秀的翻译家。

7、It's been nearly 3 years since I worked as an Japanese translator for a comany which produdces graphoscope. ─── 回国后在一家生产电脑显示器的公司做日语翻译,工作了将近三年。

8、The participant of translating work or the main body of translation, the translator, whether he agrees or not, always acts as a re-creator. ─── 翻译工作的参与者即翻译主体——译者,不管他是否承认,永远扮演着一个“再创作者”的角色。

9、Intersubjective understanding and communication become the focus of the study of translator’s subjectivity. ─── 主体之间的可理解性、可沟通性成为译者主体性研究的中心问题。

10、Writing is in fact the main job of a translator. ─── 一名翻译主要的工作内容其实就是书写。

11、Technical Translator and Interpreter, Bosun Tools Co., Ltd. ─── 2001年3月-2003年10月:博深工具有限公司,技术翻译。

12、Thirdly, retranslation is a process that shows a strong relevance between norms and translator. ─── 三是,重译表明了规范与译者之间有着很紧密的关系;

13、Joined German Kassel Workshop in CAFA, and being translator, arrangement work. ─── 参加德国卡塞儿设计学校课题,担任课题的助理和翻译。

14、I am very happy in this "Little Translator" class. ─── 在“小翻译”班里,我很开心。

15、They need an English translator to work from French or German. ─── 他们需要一个英语翻译来完成从英语到法语或德语的互译。

16、Her translator was found shot to death a few blocks away. ─── 她的翻译后来被发现在几个街区外被打死。

17、Her love of languages inclined her towards a career as a translator. ─── 她对语言的热爱使她倾向于从事翻译工作。

18、B Okay, we can arrange that and book a translator for you. ─── 好。我们可以安排为您预订一名翻译。

19、He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator. ─── 他被安排在新华通讯社当翻译。

20、Oracle9iAS Wireless supports a content adaptation service and a translator service. ─── Oracle9iAS Wireless 支持内容自适应服务和转换服务。

21、Any aspiring translator who aims at recognition and success in his or her work must specialize in one area or two. ─── 但凡有抱负的译者,若想在翻译上取得成功、为人认可,就必须精于一至两个领域。

22、Intersubjective understanding and communication become the focus in the study of translator’s subjectivity. ─── 主体间的可理解性、可沟通性成为译者主体性研究的中心问题。

23、"Henry" Lee wasassigned to serve as translator and aid to Claire Lee Chennault. ─── “亨利”李被安排当陈纳德将军的助手和翻译员。

24、Schmid, Gerhard Spitz, Wolfgang Losch ;[translator, A.H.Armstrong]. ─── 书名/作者 Theoretical physics on the personal computer /Erich W.

25、Which is the frist time i 've been like a real translator. ─── 它让我第一次觉得自己像的真正的译者。

26、Lv-Ying (1915-1969) is a contemporary literary critic, an aesthete as well as a translator. ─── 吕荧(1915 -- 1969),当代文艺理论家、美学家、翻译家。

27、The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book. ─── 作者发现译者偷偷在他的原著中插入了几段。

28、To enable the translator to save these texts in a TM, many CAT tools offer a special tool to produce TMs. ─── 为了使译员能够将译文保存在翻译记忆中,许多计算机辅助翻译工具提供了一个特别的工具来制作翻译记忆。

29、Later, however, the government issued a clarification, insisting that Mr.Wei’s remarks were flubbed by his translator. ─── 但是,后来政府进行了澄清,强调魏先生的讲话被他的翻译误翻了。

30、In addition,you need not to employ a rather expensive translator durning the tour of you really. ─── 另外,和外国人一起工作的时候,通过交流,或许你还可以学到一些你在国内学不到的东西,让你受益很多。

31、Learning from Miss Caifeng Zuo that you are looking for an English translator, I should like to apply for the post. ─── 从卓彩凤小姐获得悉,贵公司正在招聘一名英语翻译,本人愿应聘此职。

32、A good translator should be electric, knowing a bit of almost everything. ─── 好的译员应该成为杂家,什么知识都得有一点儿.

33、With the unique word - processor integration of translator's workbench,this is a thing of the past. ─── 具有独一无二的字处理器集成的Translator'sWorkbench,已是一件过去的事情。

34、Translation is an activity for a translator to decode information in a source text and render it into a target one. ─── 翻译是译者解读源语信息并用目的语进行转换的实践活动。

35、Corrado, a translator for the army during WWII, was killed in action in Europe. ─── 科拉多是二战时期军队里的一名翻译,他在欧洲战场上牺牲了。

36、The whole thing the client(translator) needs is an Iexplorer. ─── 客户一方(译者)只需要安装Ie浏览器即可完成所有的翻译作业。

37、Translator 1 : Hear me, Sisters who control the threads! ─── “倾听我的声音,控制生命线的命运三女神!”

38、The A3977 is a complete microstepping motor driver, with builtin translator. ─── A3977描述: 是一个完整的微电机驱动器,内嵌式翻译。

39、Since he arrived in Beijing, he has been a translator in a publishing house. ─── 他来到北京后,在一个出版社担任通译。

40、"This could also be used for talks involving confidential information, " negating the need for a human translator, said Omino. ─── 小美野说:“这一设备还可用于涉及机密信息的谈话,”就不需要人工翻译了。

41、His love of language inclined him towards a career as a translator. ─── 他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作。

42、In computer programming,a statement in a high level language program to inform the translator that the end of the source program has been attained. ─── 在计算机程序设计中,高级语言程序中的一种语句,用于通知翻译程序已到达源程序末端。

43、I also want to be a tall translator, but foundation english is strangely lag, please, tall man, point fingers for me! ─── 偶也想做一名高翻,但基础英语奇差,请高人指点!

44、All it takes is a translator and I desire to go beneath the surface. ─── 一名翻译和我想一起去看一看一些透过表层的东西。

45、The moment I began the touch of English, I had made up my mind that I would be a translator. ─── 瞬间我开始英语的接触,我已经下决心我将是一个译者。

46、George offered me a job as a translator, but I'm not sure whether I will accept it or not. ─── 乔治给我提供了一份做翻译的工作,但是我还不确定是否接受。

47、Are You a Freelance Translator? ─── 你是自由译员么?

48、Takeshi stars as John, a lonely violin player who falls in love with a translator called Eve, played by Gigi Leung. ─── 在影片中,金城武饰演一个爱上翻译Eve(梁咏琪扮演)的小提琴手,john。

49、Last summer vacation I have been employed as a translator of the International trade by Casasi in PanYu. ─── 在校期间,我曾经担任班里的学生干部,工作认真负责,有较强的策划组织能力和团队合作精神。

50、John Peet, translator [from the German]. ─── 作者声明: Hubert Witt, editor ;

51、Buddhist scholar and translator. ─── 佛学家、翻译家呢。

52、If necessary, I'll ask a translator for help. ─── 如果需要的话,我会请位翻译帮忙。

53、Learning from Miss Li Ying that you are looking for an English translator, I should like to apply for the post. ─── 从李英小姐处获悉,贵公司正在招聘一名英语翻译,本人愿应聘此职。

54、Morse Code Translator - Hear your name in Morse Code! ─── 听过摩斯密码吗?输入英文单字或句子来玩玩。

55、Her work as a simultaneous translator requires strong powers of concentration. ─── 作为同步翻译员,她的工作需要极大的专注力。

56、Tms of the new 32 bit version of translator's workbench is faster than ever before, and they can become even larger. ─── Translator's workbench 的新32位版本TM 比以前更快,而且它们可以扩充得更大。

57、When I was a child I wanted to be a doctor, but now I'm a translator. ─── 小时候我想成为一名医生,现在却成了个翻译。

58、The translator After reception of bearings will receive them will test on all parameters.Yours faithfully Oleg. ─── 在收到轴承后,翻译会收到他们对所有参数的测试。

59、Secondly, the name of the translator overlooked attractions of cultural information behind the result of mistranslation. ─── 其次,译者忽略景点名称背后的文化信息而导致误译。

60、She works as a translator of technical texts. ─── 她的工作是科技翻译。

61、He is both a writer and a translator. ─── 他又是作家又是翻译家。

62、The WML translator delivers existing WML (WAP) applications to non-WML devices. ─── WML 转换器将现有WML(WAP) 应用程序送到非WML 设备。

63、As a great writer and translator, Lin Yutang as well as his works have been broadly studied at home in recent years. ─── 作为一个作家和翻译家,林语堂本人及其作品近年来得到国内的广泛关注。

64、He started out to study French, but end up as an English translator. ─── 他开始学的是法语,但最后却成为一名英语翻译。

65、You'd better hire a translator or find a credible, language fluency assistant. ─── 你最好雇一个翻译或找到一个可信的、语言流利的助手。

66、FitzGerald:British poet and noted translator of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859). ─── "菲茨杰拉德:英国诗人,欧玛尔·海亚姆的《鲁拜集》(1859年)的有名的译者."

67、Fulei is a great translator as well as an outstanding art critic. ─── 傅雷是一位伟大的翻译家,也是一位杰出的艺术批评家。

68、She worked as a project co-ordinator for years before launching into a successful career as a literary translator. ─── 在成为一个成功的文学作品译者之前,她做了很多年的项目协调员。

69、The installation program of Business Translator and Business Translator Itself is interfaced with multiple languages. ─── 安装程序的商务翻译和商务翻译本身就是接口与多种语言。Easy to use!简单易用!

70、He was swearing his translator to secrecy on pain of death. ─── 他要求翻译誓守机密,违者处以死刑。

71、He is a translator of this company. ─── 他是这家公司的一名翻译。

72、First, you could attempt to negotiate your way into a local hospital, though authorities will be loath to admit you without a translator. ─── 一种是与当地医院进行商量,在没有翻译的情况下他们也许会勉勉强强接受你。

73、The Palestinian leader spoke through a translator as he accepted the honor in Oslo, Norway. ─── 在挪威奥斯陆接受颁奖时,阿拉法特发表了讲话。

74、Lt. Hammy CHOU preached in the service and Mrs Rev. LI as translator. ─── 在聚会中,周淑敏传道分享信息,由李方月娥师母翻译。

75、Professional Legal Document Translator and Interpreter (For legal contents related fields only). ─── 专业法律英文翻译及语言顾问(商务英语及法律英语方向)。

76、The ancient Greek word for interpreter/ translator is Hermeneus directly related to the name of the god Hermes. ─── 古希腊词语的解释者/译者是赫尔墨斯,与神赫密士有直接关系。

77、A writer and translator living in Manhattan, she was suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia, an especially deadly form of blood cancer. ─── 她是一位作家和翻译家,住在曼哈顿,当时正患慢性髓细胞样白血病,一种特殊的致死性血癌。

78、After six years of studying English, Jenny started to work as a freelance translator. ─── 学了六年英语后,胡婧开始从事自由译者的工作。

79、J, just like the way i doubt to be qualified for a good translator? ─── 就像我怀疑自己会不会做个称职的翻译一样?

80、Therefore, before CAT tools were invented, dictionaries and glossaries used to be the main tool of every translator. ─── 因此,在计算机辅助翻译工具诞生之前,辞典和词汇表通常是每一个译员的主要工具。

81、She started of working as translator in a shipping company and moved on to Human Resource and Sales in Tomson. ─── 她的职业生涯开始于上海船厂的高级翻译工作。

82、She works as a translator of technical texts. ─── 她的工作是科技翻译。

83、Moreover, mutual comments will be made by the offeror and the translator themselves. ─── 完成交易后双方将进行互评。

84、A translator must have qualifications, training and experience. ─── 人员必须接受过、参加过实践,要能够胜任这项工作。

85、Use the Feedback link in the Bilingual Viewer or the Windows Live Translator Beta home page. ─── 在双语浏览器或翻译试用版主页中使用反馈链接。

86、He accepts that it can be cumbersome to have to deal with close colleagues through a translator. ─── 他承认,他与同僚的交流必须借助翻译,这的确有点麻烦。

87、Angsuman’s Translator Plu How To Remove Attribution Link / Link Back From Anaconda Theme for WordPress? ─── 如何消除归属连接/连接回康达主题的WordPress ?

88、To my mind, Rewi Alley was a poet and a translator of Chinese poetry as much as a writer. ─── 在我的心目中,艾黎既是作家,又是诗人,又是翻译家。

89、One could say that a sentence is both the smallest and the biggest unit a translator can handle. ─── 可以说,句子既是一个译员的处理的最小的语言单位,也是一个译员的处理的最大的语言单位。


1、表示人 actor 行动者,男演员 translator 翻译者,译员 oppressor 压迫者 educator 教育者 supervisor 监督人 sailor 水手,海员 debtor 负债人 constructor 建造者 elector 选举者 protector 保护者 corrector 矫正者,校对员 inventor 发明者 governor 总督,省长 bettor 打赌者 2、表示物 tractor 拖拉机 conductor 导体 receptor 接受器 detector 探测器 mirror 镜子 incisor 门牙 televisor 电视机 compressor 压缩器 separator 分离器 resistor 电阻器 rotator 旋转器 flexor 曲肌


translator 翻译者,译员

oppressor 压迫者

educator 教育者

supervisor 监督人

detector 探测器

mirror 镜子

incisor 门牙

televisor 电视机

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