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08-09 投稿


phthisis 发音

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英:  美:

phthisis 中文意思翻译



phthisis 词性/词形变化,phthisis变形


phthisis 短语词组

1、flax dressers' phthisis ─── [医] 亚麻沉着病

2、dorsal phthisis ─── [医] 脊椎结核, 波特氏病

3、disseminata phthisis ─── [医] 播散性肺结核

4、corneae phthisis ─── [医] 角膜痨

5、black phthisis ─── [医] 炭末沉着病, 炭肺

6、basic phthisis ─── [医] 肺底痨

7、grinders' phthisis ─── [医] 矽肺结核, 硅肺结核

8、essential phthisis ─── [医] 特发性眼痨, 眼球软化

9、colliers' phthisis ─── [医] 炭末沉着病, 炭肺

10、desperata phthisis ─── [医] 三期肺结核

11、hepatic phthisis ─── [医] 肝结核

12、file-cutters' phthisis ─── [医] 肺铁末沉着病, 铁尘肺

13、bulbi phthisis ─── [医] 眼球痨

14、florida phthisis ─── [医] 急剧进行性肺痨, 奔马痨

15、fibrosa phthisis ─── [医] 纤维性结核

16、diabetic phthisis ─── [医] 糖尿病性肺结核

17、confirmata phthisis ─── [医] 二期肺结核

18、bacillary phthisis ─── [医] 杆菌性痨病, 结核病

19、abdominal phthisis ─── [医] 腹痨(肠及肠系膜淋巴结结核)

20、glandular phthisis ─── [医] 淋巴结结核

phthisis 相似词语短语

1、phthisics ─── adj.结核病的;n.肺结核;肺结核病人

2、lithiasis ─── n.结石病

3、phthisicky ─── adj.患气喘的

4、mythists ─── 神话学家

5、phthisical ─── adj.患肺结核的

6、phthiriases ─── 鞭毛虫

7、chorisis ─── 绒毛膜炎

8、phthiriasis ─── 虱病

9、phthisic ─── adj.结核病的;n.肺结核;肺结核病人

phthisis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、phthisis; pulmonary tuberculosis ─── 肺痨

2、flax dressers' phthisis ─── [医] 亚麻沉着病

3、nodosa phthisis ─── [医] 粟粒性结核节

4、2 Type B: SARS, AIDs, Birds epidemic rheum, HBV, Dysentery, Anthrax, Rubeola, Pertussis, Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Dengue, Clap, Syphilis, Phthisis etc. ─── 乙类传染病:如非典型肺炎、禽流感、艾滋病、病毒性肝炎、痢疾、炭疽病、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、脊髓灰质炎、登革热、淋病、梅毒、肺结核等;

5、Monasticism, such as it existed in Spain, and such as it still exists in Thibet, is a sort of phthisis for civilization. ─── 象存在于西班牙和西藏那样的僧侣制度,对文化来说,那是一种痨病。

6、florida phthisis ─── [医] 急剧进行性肺痨, 奔马痨

7、fibrosa phthisis ─── [医] 纤维性结核

8、Combination of Chinese Medictne and Western Medicine in Remedy for Obstinate Cavernous Phthisis ─── 中西结合治疗久治不愈的空洞型肺结核

9、desperata phthisis ─── [医] 三期肺结核

10、steelgrinder's phthisis ─── 肺铁末沉着病

11、Clinical analysis of 34 samples of phthisis patients amalgamated with epiphyte infection in lung ─── 肺结核合并肺部真菌感染34例临床分析

12、black phthisis ─── 黑色痨

13、Analysis on 6 Cases of AIDS Complicated with Phthisis ─── 艾滋病并肺结核6例分析

14、longer to be feared, but phthisis is there. ─── 再怕脑溢血了,痨病却还存在。

15、Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there. ─── 不用再怕脑溢血了,痨病却还存在。

16、fibrose phthisis ─── 纤维化结核

17、diabetic phthisis ─── [医] 糖尿病性肺结核

18、nonbaeillary phthisis ─── [医] 非杆菌性痨病

19、bulbi phthisis ─── [医] 眼球痨

20、laryngea phthisis ─── [医] 喉结核

21、Has he ever had pulmonary tuberculoses? For example, phthisis or pneumonic disease? ─── 他以前有过肺部的病史吗?比如,肺结核、肺病之类的?

22、Furthermore, 2 cases of phthisis bulbi were noted. ─── 此外发生眼球萎缩者有2例。

23、disseminata phthisis ─── [医] 播散性肺结核

24、The case study on phthisis for locating the focus proves the efficiency and the precision of the algorithm. ─── 将该算法应用于具体实例-肺结核病灶自动定位,取得较好的定位速度和准确度。

25、phthisis miliaris (3/22, 13.6%); ─── (2)粟粒型肺结核(13.6%);

26、ulcerative phthisis ─── [医] 溃疡性肺结核

27、confirmata phthisis ─── [医] 二期肺结核

28、ocular phthisis ─── [医] 眼痨, 眼球软化


30、The clinic characteristics, curative effect and squeal protection of phthisis and diabetes mellitus have been summarized. ─── 总结肺结核合并糖尿病的临床特点、疗效及预后。

31、Character and CT Analysis of Senile Phthisis Combined Lung Cancer ─── 老年肺结核合并肺癌的特点及CT分析

32、Keywords Chinese internal medicine;phthisis;teaching; ─── 中医内科;肺痨;教学;

33、from the microcirculation of phthisis bulbi and MAP indexes, we can observe the microcirculation changes of the brain; ─── 眼结膜微循环及平均动脉压可观察脑微循环改变;

34、potters' phthisis ─── [医] 矽肺结核, 硅肺结核

35、Mediterranean phthisis ─── [医] 波状热, 布鲁氏[杆]菌病

36、he ever had pulmonary tuberculosis? For example, phthisis or. ─── 他以前有过肺部的病史么?比如,肺结核、肺心病之类?

37、At the early age of forty-three he died of phthisis. ─── 他在四十四岁的壮年因为肺痨病死去。

38、urogenitalis phthisis ─── [医] 泌尿生殖器结核

39、incipiens phthisis ─── [医] 初期结核

40、Her husband is having phthisis. ─── 戚家二少爷体弱多病。

41、mesenterica phthisis ─── [医] 肠系膜结核

42、Analysis of 104 cases of phthisis sufferers with complicating lower respiratory tract infection in hospital ─── 肺结核并发下呼吸道医院内感染104例分析

43、To explore the clinical characteristic of phthisis and diabetes, provide information for diagnosis and treatment. ─── 探讨肺结核合并糖尿病的临床特点,为诊断和治疗该病提供依据。

44、hepatic phthisis ─── [医] 肝结核

45、laryngeal phthisis ─── 喉结核

46、By combining with present situations of diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, this paper points out significance and advantage of treating phthisis by means of Chinese medicine. ─── 结合现今肺结核诊治的实际情况,提出目前中医治疗肺痨的意义和优势;

47、Phthisis bulbi caused by late congenital sy-philis untreated until adulthood ─── 成年才接受治疗的晚期先天性梅毒所致的眼球痨

48、The case study on phthisis for locating the focus proves the efficiency and the precision of the algorithm. ─── 将该算法应用于具体实例-肺结核病灶自动定位,取得较好的定位速度和准确度。

49、corneae phthisis ─── [医] 角膜痨

50、phthisis mesenterica ─── 肠系膜结核

51、Western medicine is very effective in treating phthisis. ─── 新医治疗肺结核很有一套。

52、fibroid phthisis ─── 纤维化结核硅肺

53、abstract: Objective: Using complex system entropy method to analyze composing principle of anti-phthisis prescriptions. ─── 目的:采用复杂系统熵方法,分析抗肺痨方剂的组方规律。

54、traumatic phthisis bulbi ─── 外伤性眼球痨

55、pulmonary phthisis ─── [医] 肺结核

56、ventriculi phthisis ─── [医] 胃[肠道]粘膜萎缩

57、phthisis confirmata ─── 二期肺结核

58、essential phthisis ─── [医] 特发性眼痨, 眼球软化

59、There is no reason to believe that typhoid or scarlet fever or phthisis can be successfully treated by a woman physician in one way and by a man physician in another way. ─── 没有任何理由认为,女医生用一种方法治愈伤寒、猩红热或肺结核,而男医生治疗这些疾病就得用另一种方法。

60、The three diseases, Phthisis, insaneness and impotence, reveal a kind of historical truth of Chinese intellectuals' spiritual ecology in the 20th century. ─── 肺结核、疯癫、阳痿,作为“身体政治”,共同建构了20世纪中国社会思想文化的价值走向,以及20世纪中国知识分子精神生态的某种历史真相。

61、Clinical Application of Branchofiberoscope to Diagnosis Phthisis ─── 纤维支气管镜检查对肺结核诊断的临床应用

62、phthisis urogenitalis ─── 泌尿生殖器结核

63、It is appropriate for lower female sexual function,tough skin,weakness after childbearing,phthisis and cough, sucking blood, continuous sweating, nervous exhaustion and so on. ─── 适用于女性性功能低下、皮肤粗糙、产后虚弱,肺痨咳嗽,吐血,盗汗,神经衰弱等症。

64、Has he ever had pulmonary tuberculosis? For example, phthisis or pneumocardial disease? ─── 他以前有过肺部的病史么?比如,肺结核、肺心病之类?

65、stone-cutters' phthisis ─── [医] 石末肺, 石末沉着病

66、abdominal phthisis ─── [医] 腹痨(肠及肠系膜淋巴结结核)

67、phthisis pulmonum ─── 肺结核

68、dust phthisis ─── 尘肺病

69、file-cutters' phthisis ─── [医] 肺铁末沉着病, 铁尘肺

70、Cases of Branchofiberoscope Diagnosis of Atypical Phthisis ─── 例不典型肺结核病的纤支镜诊断

71、The serious complications include retinal detachment (10), neovascular glaucoma (19) phthisis bulbi (7), recurrent hemorrhage (27), and MPP (2). ─── 在本系列中,较为严重的并发症包括视网膜剥离10眼、新生血管性青光眼19眼、眼球痨7眼、复发性出血27眼,以及重型网膜周边增殖(MPP)2眼。

72、aneurysmal phthisis ─── 动脉瘤痨

73、Complications included traumatic cataract, glaucoma, vitrous fibrosis, retinal detachment and phthisis bulbi, ect. ─── 主要的并发症包括外伤性白内障、青光眼、玻璃体纤维化、视网膜剥离及眼球萎缩等。

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