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08-09 投稿


attachment 发音

英:[ə'tætʃm(ə)nt]  美:[ə'tætʃmənt]

英:  美:

attachment 中文意思翻译



attachment 短语词组

1、angular attachment ─── [医] 角形接合

2、attachment of property ─── [法] 扣押财产

3、attachment of nozzle ─── [化] 接管附件

4、attachment execution ─── [法] 扣押财产以执行判决的传票

5、ancillary attachment ─── [法] 附属于诉讼上的财产扣押

6、attachment apparatus ─── [医] 附着器(使牙再附着于牙槽骨)

7、attachment of earnings ─── [法] 扣押工资

8、attachment cord ─── [电] 插线绳

9、attachment feature ─── [计] 附加功能部件

10、attachment of debts ─── [经] 债款扣押

11、attachment on one's properties ─── [经] 查封(某人)财产, 假扣押

12、attachment of privilege ─── [法] 向享有特权者所发之逮捕令状

13、administrative attachment ─── [法] 行政拘留, 行政逮捕

14、attachment energy ─── [化] 附着能

15、attachment of nonpressure parts ─── [化] 非承压部件、附件

16、attachment of debt ─── [法] 债款扣押

17、attachment base ─── [计] 附加基板

18、attachment of bricks ─── [机] 耐火砖挂具

19、attachment band ─── [医] 接合圈, 固位带环

attachment 反义词


attachment 词性/词形变化,attachment变形

动词过去式: attached |名词: attachment |动词过去分词: attached |动词第三人称单数: attaches |动词现在分词: attaching |形容词: attachable |

attachment 同义词

unite | tack | rope | stick | connect | relate | attribute | sequester | clip | splice | put together | impound | link | couple | annex | bestow | fasten | increase | award | combine | together | append | accord | assign | affix | join | confer | bind | secure | ascribe | staple | tie |add | cohere | fix | border | associate | adhere | accompany | seize | anchor | confiscate | put | bond

attachment 相似词语短语

1、reattachment ─── n.回贴;重附着

2、attackmen ─── n.攻手

3、appeachment ─── 指责

4、attainment ─── n.达到;成就;学识

5、nonattachment ─── 不依附

6、attainments ─── n.造诣;成就(attainment的复数)

7、reattachments ─── n.回贴;重附着

8、detachment ─── n.分离,拆开;超然;分遣;分遣队

9、attachments ─── n.[机]附件;附着物;附属装置(attachment的复数形式)

attachment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans. ─── 他们讨论把新条件加入到和平计划中去。

2、Attachment booking deposit paid by the Housing flats as" a mirage"? ─── 付了定金楼盘却被查封预订房成“海市蜃楼”?

3、Of these,10 were sent for overseas attachment and training. ─── 其中10名人员被派往海外见习或受训。

4、He' ll attach the label to your luggage. ─── 他会把标签系在你的行李上。

5、Example of attachment of the automatic cylinder upon up and down. ─── 例如连接自动圆筒状汽缸上下运动。

6、We attach hereto two extra copy of invoice covering our shipment. ─── 关于所装运货物,兹附寄发票副本两份。

7、The attachment is combined with the contract. ─── 1本合同附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。

8、He began to feel that she was a disagreeable attachment. ─── 他开始感到她是一个讨厌的包袱。

9、The reason that cats can alleviate negative moods is often attributed to attachment - the emotional bond between cat and owner. ─── 猫能够改善人们负性情绪的原因往往都归于他们对人的依恋——猫与主人间的感情粘合剂。

10、She's on attachment to (ie temporarily working in) the Ministry of Defence. ─── 她暂时隶属於国防部。

11、Example of attachment of an automatic INDEX table. ─── 例如连接自动化引导桌面。

12、Of these, 10 were sent for overseas attachment and training. ─── 另有3370名在职人员接受各类与工作有关的训练及管理训练,其中10名人员被派往海外见习或受训。

13、Attach threaded end of stem to the brass valve arm. ─── 将杆螺纹端附加到黄铜臂上。

14、Neutral: Attachment, grief, guilt. ─── 中性的:执著,伤心,内疚。

15、A triangular attachment to a plow used in covering trash or refuse. ─── 小前犁,刮茬铲附置在犁上的三角形装置,用来将茬渣或垃圾覆盖在犁沟内

16、Such a shift brought forth a large leap up in frequency for Mila as so many cords of attachment were released simultaneously. ─── 这样一个变迁,因为这么多连接被同时解除,给Mila带来了巨大频率跃迁。

17、Share your funny pics or fwd: e-mail attachment! ─── 分享您滑稽的相片或批转的电子邮件附件!

18、Do not attach any extravagant hopes for it. ─── 对此不要有什么奢望。

19、Her early attachment to herself was very amiable. ─── 她的早年的孤芳自赏是很可爱的。

20、She's on attachment to the local hospital. ─── 她暂时在当地医院工作。

21、You should attach importance to what he said. ─── 你必须重视他所说的话。

22、A commercial loan; a commercial attach? ─── 商业贷款;商务帮办

23、They don't attach any importance to what he says. ─── 他们根本不重视他的话。

24、All attachment must be released as one ascends. ─── 当你提升,所有的连线必须被释放。

25、She formed a strong attachment for him. ─── 她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。

26、Bajie, there is nothing to attach to. Let's go! ─── 悟空:八戒,还看什么呢?走了。

27、Do not read mails and attachment. ─── 不要阅读来历不明的电子邮件及其附件。

28、She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense. ─── 她现在隶属于国防部。

29、If yes, please attach a copy of a Wage Statement. ─── 如果是,请附上工资单复印件。

30、Had just finish my attachment at IMH. ─── 一个礼拜过去了。

31、To your as always attachment! ─── 对你一如既往的眷恋!

32、Are you planning to attach a train to it? ─── 准备加拖地裙摆吗?

33、Again, we attach no meaning to these sequences. ─── 但是,我们并未涉及这些序列的意义。

34、He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace. ─── 他对他的出生地有眷恋之情。

35、In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. ─── 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。

36、He showed no attachment to the lady. ─── 他对那妇人没有显示出一点爱情。

37、You can't attach too much importance to the matter. ─── 你应该十分重视这件事情。

38、The area is covered with the lid, and a small loop for attachment of the strap is able to be hooked on to the hook. ─── 该区域被所述盖覆盖,并且用于安装所述带子的小环能够钩在该钩上。

39、The attachment content is displayed in a pop-up window. ─── 将在弹出的窗口中显示附件的内容。

40、Attach slope indicator below camera position. ─── 在摄像机下面装上水平仪。

41、All blame for the accident must attach to myself. ─── 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。

42、Attachment of debts is a proceeding. ─── 债务扣押是一种程序。

43、The experts wouldn't attach too much weight to. ─── 专家们对这些发现不太看重。

44、Do you attach any importance to what he said? ─── 你认为他说的话重要吗?

45、For simplicity, use only one attachment for our test. ─── 为方便起见,我们的测试仅使用一个附件。

46、Grandmother told me that she was going to rise to higher dimensions and would not return, but she showed no attachment. ─── 祖母告诉我,她即将要到更高的境界去,不会再回来了。

47、Note: Could you please attach your name card? ─── 如可能,请附上您的名片!谢谢!

48、Deletes the selected attachment filtration mask. ─── 删除所选附件过滤关键字。

49、An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object. ─── 嗜好一种强烈的感情依赖,比如对一个宠物或珍贵的东西

50、The part of an animal or plant organ nearest its point of attachment. ─── 基部动物或植物的器官最近结合点的部分

51、He wields the sword on the left hand to attach. ─── 左手剑诀一引。

52、With the attachment of the winter snow would not melt, then thoroughly cold, people were always the cold of winter and did not leave. ─── 雪怀着对冬天的眷恋不肯融化,那透彻的寒冷,让人总着得寒冬并没有离去。

53、There was no particular romantic attachment between them. ─── 他们之间谈不到甜蜜的爱情。

54、Don't forget to attach the label to your luggage. ─── 别忘了把标签系在你的行李上。

55、He has a strong sentimental attachment to the place. ─── 他对那个地方怀有深深的眷恋。

56、Attach the share application form. ─── 将支票付在股份申请表上。

57、Do you attach much importance to what he say? ─── 你认为他说的很重要吗?

58、So he had a special attachment to Shenzhen. ─── 他对深圳一直有着深厚的感情。

59、Can you share it as an attachment in your post? ─── 怎么发给你啊?

60、A: How do you attach a document with your email? ─── 怎样在电子邮件中加附件啊?

61、This attachment must be saved to disk. ─── 必须将此附件保存到磁盘。

62、How should I attach the labels to my packaging? ─── 如何将标签贴到我的包装上?

63、His attachment to them all increased. ─── 他对他们的喜爱有增无已。

64、All blame must attach to myself. ─── 一切责任应由我本人承担。

65、When you send an e-mail you can also send a file as an attachment and that file can be a graphic, a program, a sound or whatever. ─── 当发送电子邮件时,你还可以把一份文件作为附件发送,该文件可以是图片、程序、或声音文件等。

66、What can you do to change your attachment style if you are not secure? ─── 如果你不是安全型的,要怎样做才能改变自己的依附类型呢?

67、He hopefully waited for the advantages which would attach to wealth. ─── 他满怀希望地期待伴随财富而来的好处。

68、To attach a schedule to the job. ─── 将计划附加到作业。

69、His attachment to his old home is very great. ─── 他对他老家怀有深厚的感情。

70、The abrasive nature of these materials can easily wear away the core just under the attachment point for the segment to the core. ─── 这些材料的性质,磨料磨损变得容易附着点下刚刚核心部分为核心。

71、Elinor could not be surprised at their attachment. ─── 埃莉诺对他们的爱恋是不会感到惊奇的。

72、The tip; the point farthest from the point of attachment. ─── 尖端;距叶着生点最远的位点。

73、How do I add an attachment after the initial posting? ─── 如何增加一个附件?

74、Of course he theorized a little about his attachment. ─── 不言而喻,他为他的爱情找出了一些理论根据。

75、They attach great importance to education. ─── 他们十分重视教育。

76、A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object. ─── 凸缘车轮或管道上突出的边、缘、肋条或环圈,用来增加物体强度、固定物体或使某一物体附着在另一物体上

77、Click the process name and then click Attach. ─── 单击该进程的名称,然后单击“附加”。

78、China will not attach itself to any big power. ─── 中国不依附任何大国。

79、Metadata attachment is a bit easier with electronic formats. ─── 对于电子格式,附加元数据稍微容易点。

80、Don't sell the old house; I feel an attachment for it. ─── 别把老房子卖掉,我对它很有感情。

81、They attach great importance to the project. ─── 他们对这项工程给予高度重视。

82、Always willing to talk. Did not receive any attachment. ─── 他的回信,说什么都可以谈,我没有给他附件。

83、Amorous or romantic attachment; love. ─── 多情的或浪漫的爱慕;爱

84、They are condensed near the intercellular attachment sites. ─── 它们在细胞间附着处密集。

85、A Team Foundation link between a work item and a file attachment. ─── 工作项与文件附件之间的Team Foundation链接。

86、Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated. ─── 如图所示牢固地连接并固定分接头。

87、She has a great attachment to her sister. ─── 她十分依恋她的姐姐。

88、To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment. ─── 使迷恋使不自觉的爱慕或迷恋

89、They don't attach any importance to his statement. ─── 他们毫不重视他的声明。

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