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08-09 投稿


stronghold 发音

英:[ˈstrɔːŋhoʊld]  美:[ˈstrɒŋhəʊld]

英:  美:

stronghold 中文意思翻译



stronghold 网络释义

n. 要塞;大本营;中心地

stronghold 短语词组

1、stronghold crusader extreme hd ─── 堡垒十字军极端高清

2、stronghold kingdoms ─── 据点王国

3、stronghold mode ─── 据点模式

4、stronghold crusader ─── 据点十字军

5、stronghold crusader extreme ─── 山寨十字军极品

stronghold 词性/词形变化,stronghold变形


stronghold 相似词语短语

1、strongholds ─── n.[军]据点;要塞;堡垒(stronghold的复数形式)

2、strongbox ─── n.保险箱,保险柜

3、stringholder ─── 弦托

4、strongyloid ─── 圆线虫

5、strong bond ─── 强健纽带;紧密联系

6、stringhalt ─── n.马跛行症

7、stokehold ─── n.锅炉室,[动力]锅炉舱;生火间

8、strongly ─── adv.坚定地;强有力地;强烈地(说服);(气味)浓重地

9、stranglehold ─── n.束缚;勒颈

stronghold 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. ─── 他是我慈爱的主,我的山寨,我的高台,我的救主,我的盾牌,是我所投靠的。他使我的百姓服在我以下。

2、When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold. ─── 劫掠者俘虏她,把她带到他们破旧的城堡后,诺亚、蒂克和威基特结伴潜入劫掠者的要塞。

3、So David dwelt in the stronghold and called it the city of David. And David built all around from the Millo and inward. ─── 9大卫住在保障里,称保障为大卫城。大卫又从米罗往里,周围筑墙。

4、Just one final stronghold stands in the way of Roman victory and the promise of peace throughout the empire. ─── 只要扫平最后一处据点,罗马大军便可大获全胜,而帝国从此将永享太平。

5、Other Benjamites and some men from Judah also came to David in his stronghold. ─── 又有便雅悯和犹大人到山寨大卫那里。

6、In the 16th century, Normandy, a Protestant stronghold, was the scene of much fighting between Catholics and Huguenots. ─── 到了16世纪,作为清教徒的聚集地,诺曼底是天主教徒和胡格诺派教徒间的战场。

7、Mal used to keep it safely guarded in her stronghold on Cruzan island. ─── Mal曾经把它安全地保存在Cruzan岛上她所拥有的城堡里.

8、The Order of St John of Jerusalem occupied Rhodes from1309 to1523 and set about transforming the city into a stronghold. ─── 从1309年到1523年,耶路撒冷的圣约翰的骑士军队占领了罗得城并开始把它建成一个要塞。

9、The army says it is nearing victory in the 25-year war with the separatist Tiger Tamils, as they close in on the key rebel stronghold of Kilinochchi. ─── 以色列军方说,这是接近胜利的25年战争与泰米尔猛虎分离,因为它们接近的关键叛军据点基利诺奇。

10、They captured an enemy stronghold successfully. ─── 他们顺利地攻克了一个敌军据点。

11、They decided to come upon the enemy stronghold by night. ─── 他们决定夜间进攻敌人的据点。

12、Halloween dress up dozens of ornaments and toys to Toys "R" Us Phnom Penh into a stronghold of mischievous ghosts. ─── 几十种万圣节装扮饰物和玩具,把玩具“反”斗城装点成一个调皮鬼的大本营。

13、He dwells on a cliff and stays there at night; a rocky crag is his stronghold. ─── 他住在山岩,以山峰和坚固之所为家

14、A city of northern France southwest of Le Havre. A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries,it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. Population,114,068. ─── 卡昂法国北部位于列·哈佛莱西南部的一座城市。是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。人口114,068。

15、Iraqi forces raided the cleric's stronghold Sunday in the Baghdad area of Sadr City. ─── 伊拉克部队星期天袭击了萨德尔在巴格达的萨德尔城区的据点。

16、They captured the enemy's stronghold without striking a blow. ─── 他们不发一枪就占领了敌人的要赛。

17、From even this stronghold the unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife. ─── 即使在这样的堡垒里,不幸的瑞普到底还是被他那凶悍的老婆赶出来了。

18、Florida is a stronghold for pro-choice activists. ─── 佛罗里达是一个主张堕胎合法的活跃分子们的大本营。

19、The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. ─── 但义人得救,是由于耶和华;他在患49难时作他们的营寨。

20、And I will pour out My wrath upon Sin, the stronghold of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude in Thebes. ─── 15我必将我的忿怒倾倒在训,就是埃及的保障上,并要剪除挪的众人。

21、But David took the stronghold of Zion, which is now the city of David. ─── 7然而大卫攻取了锡安的保障,就是如今的大卫城。

22、Stronghold = It's a wrong thinking pattern and keeps us imprisoned in defeat. ─── 坚固的营垒=错误的思考模式,把我们局限在失败、不断的失败中。

23、Under heavy fire they captured Mogadishu's old military hospital, which had been a Shabab stronghold. ─── 在火力猛攻下,他们拿下了摩加迪沙—“小伙们”的一个要塞。

24、David swore to Saul. And Saul went to his home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold. ─── 于是大卫向扫罗起誓、扫罗就回家去.大卫和跟随他的人、上山寨去了。

25、U.S.Marine died in the fighting for the Sunni stronghold of Fallujah -- one of the two U. ─── 一名美海军陆战队员在攻打逊尼派位于费拉杰的据点时阵亡(在安巴省两次战斗伤亡的报道之一)。

26、Light's champion in the stronghold of Darkness. ─── 圣光的勇士挺立于黑暗要塞之中。

27、A city of northern France southwest of Le Havre. A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries, it is the burial place of William the Conqueror. Population, 114, 068. ─── 卡昂法国北部位于列 哈佛莱西南部的一座城市。是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。人口114,068

28、Officially, the reason for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawara's trip through his rural political stronghold is to publicize his anti-poverty programs. ─── T总理视察其乡村政治要塞的官方原因是要推广他的脱贫计划。

29、On Wednesday, nine Israeli soldiers were killed and 25 others were wounded in fighting to take the Hezbollah stronghold of Bint Jbail. ─── 以色列星期三在攻打真主党据点本特朱拜勒的战斗中,有9名以色列士兵阵亡,还有25人受伤。

30、He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. ─── 他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台。

31、Chaudhry Shujat Hussain spoke to reporters after learning he had lost his bid to represent his family's political stronghold in Gujarat. ─── 侯赛因得知在他家族的政治根据地古吉拉特竞选议员席位失利之后对记者说,他接受这个选举结果,因为这是人民的决定。

32、If the mutineers succeeded in crossing the stockade, he argued, they would take possession of any unprotected loophole, and shoot us down like rats in our own stronghold. ─── 他说,如果叛乱分子越过了栅栏,他们会占据任何无人守卫的枪眼,然后像打耗子一样将我们全都射死在我们自己的堡垒里。

33、Stalag Luft III (1944) POWs excavated three tunnels below this Nazi stronghold. ─── 勒夫特3号战俘营(1944年) 战俘们在这个纳粹据点地下挖出了三条隧道。

34、Founded in the11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. ─── 于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站,是立陶宛人对抗日尔曼骑士的据点。

35、A fortified stronghold converted to residential use. ─── 城堡改装的住宅转变为居住用的一个坚固的城堡

36、But as they approach Borf's stronghold, Ace is hit by the Infanto Ray, changing him into a child, and Kimberly is kidnapped by the evil madman. ─── 不过,由于他们的做法Borf的根据地,ACE是受Infanto射线,改变他变成了一个孩子,和Kimberly被绑架的罪恶疯子。

37、Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors. ─── 在据点城里访问了英烈祠的英雄将变成更好的武士。

38、III.Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. ─── 伊拉克军队和美军今天突袭了什叶派穆斯林在巴格达的据点。

39、They have lost their stronghold for ever. ─── 他们永远地失去了自己的根据地。

40、A safe stronghold our God is still. A trusty shield and weapon. ─── 上帝是我们的安全要塞,是庇护我们的剑与盾。

41、You are to take the enemy stronghold before dawn. ─── 你们必须在凌晨前攻下敌人的堡垒。

42、Built on a strategic location halfway between Memphis and New Orleans, Vicksburg became an important stronghold during the Civil War. ─── 内战时,维克斯堡市成为一个重要的要塞。

43、I will pour out my wrath on Pelusium, the stronghold of Egypt, and cut off the hordes of Thebes. ─── 15我必将我的忿怒倒在埃及的保障上,就是训上,并要剪除挪的众人。

44、They forced the enemy's stronghold. ─── 他们攻占了敌人的堡垒。

45、A large, ornate building similar to or resembling a fortified stronghold. ─── 华宅一个像或类似坚固堡垒的装饰华丽的大建筑物

46、Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable. . . able to withstand blockade for years. ─── 我要是死了,你进到那个海湾,却发觉那是个无坚不摧的军事要塞,够你轰个十年八年的。

47、They captured the last stronghold. ─── 他们攻占了最后一个堡垒。

48、But the prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the stronghold. ─── 先知迦得对大卫说,你不要住在山寨,要往犹大地去。

49、So David lived in the stronghold and called it the city of David And David built all around from the Millo and inward. ─── 大卫住在保障里、给保障起名叫大卫城.大卫又从米罗以里、周围筑墙。

50、Off the shores of Costa Rica, scientists study a stronghold of whales that once hovered near extinction. ─── 哥斯达黎加附近海域是科学家研究鲸鱼栖息的场所,这里的鲸鱼曾经几近灭绝。

51、Perhaps, once more Saint Mark lent a hand in protecting the stronghold, leaving the greatest treasure of the Rhine intact to this day. ─── 也许圣马克再度保护这座城堡,使莱茵河畔的珍宝至今仍保完整。

52、Hidden within their impregnable stronghold of Ironforge Mountain, they rarely ventured beyond the wintry peaks of Dun Morogh. ─── 他们躲在铸铁山下面难以攻克的城堡之中,很少到丹莫拉夫雪山以外的地方去冒险。

53、The Indonesian army says it will lift its month-long siege of a suspected rebel stronghold and the first contingent of foreign monitors has arrived. ─── 印尼军方说将解除一个被怀疑为反叛分子据点的村庄长达一个月的封锁。

54、They would take possession of any unprotected loophole, and shoot us down like rats in our own stronghold. ─── 他们将占用任何一个没有防卫的枪孔,把我们象耗子一样地射死在我们自己的据点内。

55、They captured the enemy stronghold. ─── 他们攻占了敌人的要塞。

56、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold,it was chartered c.1200. Population,39,700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700。

57、Israel considered Tyre to be a Hezbollah stronghold. ─── 以色列认为提尔是真主党的一个据点。

58、Then some of the sons of Benjamin and Judah came to the stronghold to David. ─── 代上12:16又有便雅悯和犹大人到山寨大卫那里。

59、The Parliamentary seat of Bakri has always been a BN stronghold until 2008 election. ─── 峇吉里国席向来是国阵的堡垒选区之一,然而却在2008年大选中沦陷。

60、Shortly after being born, Geralt was taken by his mother to the Witchers' Place - the Kaer Morhen stronghold. ─── 出生后不久,杰洛特就被母亲带到狩魔猎人据点——凯尔莫罕要塞。

61、Pao An was once a frontier stronghold, during the Chin and Tang dynasties, against the nomadic invaders to the north. ─── 在秦朝和唐朝的时候,保安曾是抵御北游牧民入侵的边防要塞。

62、He is my Shield and the home of my salvation. My stronghold. ─── 他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台。

63、My lovingkindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer, My shield and He in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me. ─── 他是我慈爱的主、我的山寨、我的高台、我的救主、我的盾牌、是我所投靠的.他使我的百姓服在我以下。

64、David was then in the stronghold, while the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. ─── 代上11:16那时大卫在山寨、利士人的防营在伯利恒。

65、With the invention of explosive harpoons and fast, steam-powered catcher boats, the stronghold was breached. ─── 但随着鱼枪发射炮和高速蒸汽渔船的发明,蓝鲸的家园遭到了人类的入侵。

66、In Helmand Province, part of the Taleban's traditional stronghold, the cultivation of opium poppies has risen more than 160 percent since 2005. ─── 在赫尔曼德省,部分塔利班的传统据点,从2005年开始,鸦片罂粟的种植增长了超过160%。

67、The Republican National Committee remained an Old Guard stronghold even after Mr Eisenhower's election. ─── 共和党的全国委员会甚至在艾森豪威尔先生当选总统之后仍然是保守派的堡垒。

68、During the Clone Wars, they were sent to aid in the capture of Cato Neimoidia, a key Trade Federation stronghold. ─── 在克隆战争期间,他们被派遣协助夺取卡托.内莫迪亚--贸易联盟的一个据点。

69、Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. ─── 史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期间是穆斯林的大本营。)

70、As night fell, the army had pushed most of the demonstrators back to their stronghold at Government House. ─── 夜幕降临时分,军队已经把大部分示威者赶回了他们在政府办公楼的要塞。

71、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold, it was chartered c.1200. Population,39, 700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700

72、The puppet troops' stronghold was completely destroyed by the guerrillas. ─── 伪军据点被游击队连锅端了。

73、The Sararogha area where the military outpost was captured is also the stronghold of Mehsud and his followers. ─── 军事据点萨拉罗加堡所处的地区也是迈赫苏德和他的追随者的重要据点。

74、Stone will crumble the desert will run red. Our enemy$ s stronghold will fall before nightfall. ─── =>石头将会粉碎,沙子将会被染红,敌人的城堡会在夜幕降临之前陷落。

75、In Asia, a stronghold, HSBC ranks 15th. ─── 在其重要据点亚洲,汇丰排名第15。

76、Christ is represented as a stronghold, a fortress standing firmly against the powers of chaos, evil. ─── 基督被视为坚固的堡垒,对抗混乱和邪恶的势力。

77、Margulis is not alone in challenging the stronghold of Darwinian theory, but few have been so blunt. ─── Margulis不是唯一一个对达尔文理论的强势地位提出挑战的人,不过,少有人会像她这样无遮无拦。

78、mid-February 1917 a women's movement independent of political affiliation erupted in New York City, the stronghold of the Socialist party in the United states. ─── 中旬,一场独立于政治派别的妇女运动在纽约市爆发,纽约市是美国社会党的大本营。

79、The experience of Malcolm (not his real name), a rural teacher from Mashonaland East, a stronghold of Mr Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF, was fairly typical. ─── 东马绍纳兰是穆加贝先生领导的”津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”(ZANU-PF)的根据地,马尔科姆(化名)是这里的一名乡村教师,他的经历具有代表性。

80、But apparent rivalries within the Alliance have delayed the final takeover of the city, the last Taleban stronghold in the north. ─── 但是北联延缓了接管昆都士,这是塔利班在北方最后一块阵地。

81、A city of southern France southeast of Toulouse. Its medieval stronghold is a major tourist attraction. Population,41, 153. ─── 卡尔卡松尼法国南部一城市,位于土鲁兹东南部。其中世纪的城堡是一个主要的旅游胜地。人口41,153

82、And Arkansas Republicans have reason to be jubilant; the state has long been a Democratic stronghold. ─── 阿肯色的共和党人是有理由欢呼雀跃。这个州一直以来都是民主党的根据地。

83、Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. ─── 伊美两军今天突袭了巴格达什叶派民兵据点。

84、Two Paths of Advancement - Battle pirates or dive deep neneath the sea to Katta Castrum, the lost stronghold of the Combine Empire. ─── 两条进阶之途-与海盗战斗或深潜入海洋底下的卡塔要塞,失落的联合帝国壁垒。

85、The border area is a known stronghold of Baituallah Mehsud, leader of the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. ─── 人们都知道这个边界地区是巴基斯坦塔利班分支组织领导人拜图拉.马苏德的堡垒。

86、In this slow-growth stronghold, anything other than a glacial pace of development is anathema. ─── 在这个缓慢发展的要塞,所有超出冰河时期发展速度的想法都被看作是异端。

87、In marked contrast to the Arch of Titus, this one symbolizes the transition of Rome from pagan stronghold to center of Christianity. ─── 作为和泰特斯建筑成对比的标志,这一建筑象征着罗马从无宗教信仰进入基督教的过度。

88、In Campania, stronghold of the Camorra syndicate, a firefighting helicopter was shot at on August 6th. ─── 在克莫拉式秘密垄断组织的据点坎帕尼亚,一架救火直升机于8月6日被击落。

89、Sri Lankan troops captured Elephant Pass, another stronghold of Tamil Tiger rebels in the Jaffna peninsula last Friday. ─── 上周五,斯里兰卡政府军从泰米尔猛虎组织手中收复了贾夫纳半岛的战略要塞"大象通道"。


Like Some Snow-white Marble Eyes


How countless they congregate


Or our tumultuous snow


Which flows in shapes as tall as trees


When wintry winds do blow


As if with keenness for our fate


Our faltering few steps on


To white rest, and a place of rest


Invisible at dawn


And yet with neither love nor hate


Those stars like some snow-white


Morgoth snow-white marble eyes


Without the gift of sight


Upon this star I fixed my eye


All over the wide land


My horse moved on, hoof after hoof


He raised and never stopped


When down behind the cottage roof


At once the planet dropped


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